path: root/ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/
diff options
authorKyomotoi <[email protected]>2020-12-20 17:14:41 +0800
committerKyomotoi <[email protected]>2020-12-20 17:14:41 +0800
commit9bf222471d34cb756a4878b103ec82c6c4bfb191 (patch)
tree1420d498c41f71858e74b4926b8d7206b5235fe6 /ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/
parent9ac2c2eb7ef2eb267e926d599dc077f5afae98f9 (diff)
- 创建项目结构
Diffstat (limited to 'ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 532 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/ b/ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a323c3..0000000
--- a/ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-@File :
-@Time : 2020/11/07 14:24:57
-@Author : Kyomotoi
-@Contact : [email protected]
-@Github :
-@License : Copyright © 2018-2020 Kyomotoi, All Rights Reserved.
-__author__ = 'kyomotoi'
-import os
-import re
-import json
-import time
-from pathlib import Path
-from random import choice
-from random import randint
-from requests import exceptions
-from datetime import timedelta, datetime
-from import DateTrigger
-from nonebot.log import logger
-from nonebot.rule import to_me
-from nonebot.typing import Bot, Event
-from nonebot.permission import SUPERUSER
-from nonebot_plugin_apscheduler import scheduler
-from nonebot.plugin import on_command, on_message, on_notice, on_request, on_regex
-from ATRI.utils.utils_times import countX
-from ATRI.utils.utils_yml import load_yaml
-from ATRI.utils.utils_ban import ban, unban
-from ATRI.utils.utils_error import errorRepo
-from ATRI.utils.utils_textcheck import Textcheck
-from ATRI.utils.utils_history import saveMessage
-from ATRI.utils.utils_request import request_api_text
-from ATRI.utils.utils_rule import check_banlist, check_switch
-CONFIG_PATH = Path('.') / 'config.yml'
-config = load_yaml(CONFIG_PATH)['bot']
-master = config['superusers']
-# 收集 bot 所在群的聊天记录
-MessageSave = on_message()
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- user = str(event.user_id)
- group = str(event.group_id)
- message = str(event.message)
- message_id = str(
- if group == "None":
- saveMessage(message_id, message, user)
- else:
- saveMessage(message_id, message, user, group)
- logger.opt(colors=True).info(
- f"GROUP[<yellow>{group}</yellow>]: USER(<blue>{user}</blue>) > Message: (<green>{message}</green>) Saved successfully"
- )
-# ======================================================================
-# · 关键词回复,使用 json 存储,包含人设固定回复,以及咱添加的亿小部分
-# · 添加关键词位于此处,审核位于 plugin_admin 文件下。
-# Usage:
-# - /learnrepo [key] [repo] [proba]
-# - 关键词审核
-# - /learnrepo del [key]
-# Tips:
-# - 普通用户添加需等维护者审核
-# - 参数类型:
-# * key: 关键词(for匹配)
-# * repo: 回复
-# * proba: 机率(x>=1)(int)
-# ======================================================================
-KEY_PATH = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'plugin_chat' / 'key_repo.json'
- '.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'plugin_admin' / 'key_repo_waiting.json'
-with open(KEY_PATH, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- data = json.load(f)
-with open(KEY_WAITING_PATH, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- data_rev = json.load(f)
-keyRepo = on_message(rule=check_banlist())
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- for key in data.keys():
- proba = randint(1, data[key][1])
- if proba == 1:
- await keyRepo.finish(data.get(key, None))
-keyRepoADD = on_command('/learnrepo', rule=check_banlist())
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- user = event.user_id
- group = event.group_id
- msg = str(event.message).strip(' ')
- if not msg:
- await keyRepoADD.finish("请查看文档获取帮助(")
- if not msg[0] or not msg[1] or not msg[2]:
- await keyRepoADD.finish("ごんめなさい...请检查格式嗷...")
- if not re.findall(r"/^\d{1,}$/", msg[2]):
- await keyRepoADD.finish("非法字符!咱不接受除int以外的类型!!")
- if msg[0] in data or msg[0] in data_rev:
- await keyRepoADD.finish("相关关键词咱已经学习过了呢...")
- msg0 = f"Key: {msg[0]}\n"
- msg0 += f"Repo: {msg[1]}\n"
- msg0 += f"Proba: {msg[2]}\n"
- if user in master:
- data[msg[0]] = [
- msg[1], msg[2], user, group,
- time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
- ]
- with open(KEY_PATH, 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(data))
- msg0 = "学習しました~!"
- else:
- data_rev[msg[0]] = [
- msg[1], msg[2], user, group,
- time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
- ]
- with open(KEY_WAITING_PATH, 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(data_rev))
- msg0 += "请等待咱主人审核嗷~"
- await keyRepoADD.finish(msg0)
-# ========================[结束关键词回复部分]==========================
-# Call bot
-callMe = on_message(rule=check_banlist())
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- msg = str(event.raw_event['raw_message']).strip()
- if "萝卜子" in msg:
- rep = choice(["萝卜子是对咱的蔑称!!", "差不多得了😅", "这好吗?这不好!", "吃咱一发火箭拳——!"])
- await callMe.finish("萝卜子是对咱的蔑称!!")
- elif msg in config['nickname']:
- if event.user_id in master:
- rep = choice(["w", "~~", ""])
- await callMe.finish("叫咱有啥事吗w")
-# 戳 一 戳
-pokehah = on_command("戳一戳", rule=to_me() & check_banlist())
-async def _poke(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- msg = choice([
- "你再戳!", "?再戳试试?", "别戳了别戳了再戳就坏了555", "我爪巴爪巴,球球别再戳了", "你戳你🐎呢?!",
- "那...那里...那里不能戳...绝对...", "(。´・ω・)ん?", "有事恁叫我,别天天一个劲戳戳戳!", "欸很烦欸!你戳🔨呢",
- "?", "差不多得了😅", "欺负咱这好吗?这不好", "我希望你耗子尾汁"
- ])
- await pokehah.finish(msg)
-async def poke_(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> bool:
- try:
- return (event.raw_event['sub_type'] == 'poke'
- and event.raw_event['target_id'] == int(event.self_id)
- and event.raw_event['notice_type'] == 'notify')
- except:
- return False
-poke = on_notice(rule=check_banlist() & poke_, block=True)
-# 处理 进 / 退 群事件
-groupEvent = on_notice()
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- if event.raw_event['notice_type'] == 'group_increase':
- if event.user_id != int(event.self_id):
- await groupEvent.finish(
- f'好欸!事新人[CQ:at,qq={event.raw_event["user_id"]}]')
- elif event.user_id == int(event.self_id):
- await groupEvent.finish("在下 ATRI,你可以叫我 亚托莉 或 アトリ !~w")
- if event.raw_event['notice_type'] == 'group_decrease':
- if event.user_id != int(event.self_id):
- await groupEvent.finish(f'[{event.user_id}] 离开了我们...')
- elif event.user_id == int(event.self_id):
- for sup in master:
- await bot.send_private_msg(
- user_id=sup,
- message=f'呜呜呜,主人,咱被群[{event.group_id}]扔出来了...')
-# 处理 加好友 / 拉群 事件
-selfEvent = on_request(rule=check_banlist())
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- print(event.raw_event)
- flag = event.raw_event['flag']
- req_type = event.raw_event['request_type']
- if req_type == 'friend':
- for sup in master:
- msg0 = '主人,收到一条好友请求:\n'
- msg0 += f"请求人:{event.raw_event['user_id']}\n"
- msg0 += f"申请信息:{event.raw_event['comment']}\n"
- if FRIEND_ADD == 0:
- msg0 += '由于主人未允许咱添加好友,已回拒'
- await bot.set_friend_add_request(flag=flag, approve=False)
- else:
- msg0 += '由于主人已同意咱添加好友,已通过'
- await bot.set_friend_add_request(flag=flag, approve=True)
- await bot.send_private_msg(user_id=sup, message=msg0)
- elif req_type == 'group' and event.raw_event['sub_type'] == 'invite':
- for sup in master:
- msg0 = '主人,收到一条群邀请:\n'
- msg0 += f"邀请人:{event.raw_event['user_id']}\n"
- msg0 += f"目标群:{event.raw_event['group_id']}\n"
- if GROUP_INVITE == 0:
- msg0 += '由于主人未允许咱添加群聊,已回拒'
- await bot.set_group_add_request(
- flag=flag,
- sub_type=event.raw_event['sub_type'],
- approve=False,
- reason=f'ねね..ごんめね...\n主人不允许咱添加其他群聊...\n如需寻求帮助,请联系维护者:{sup}'
- )
- else:
- msg0 += '由于主人已允许咱添加群聊,已同意'
- await bot.set_group_add_request(
- flag=flag,
- sub_type=event.raw_event['sub_type'],
- approve=True)
- await bot.send_private_msg(user_id=sup, message=msg0)
-# 控制 加好友 / 拉群 认证,默认关闭
-# Tips:
-# - Normal all false
-# Usage:
-# - selfevent group-true/false
-# - selfevent friend-true/false
-controlSelfEvent = on_command('/selfevent', permission=SUPERUSER)
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- args = str(event.message).strip()
- if not args:
- await controlSelfEvent.finish("请查看文档获取帮助(")
- if 'group-' in args:
- if 'true' in args:
- elif 'friend-' in args:
- if 'true' in args:
- else:
- await controlSelfEvent.finish("请查看文档获取帮助(")
- await controlSelfEvent.finish('DONE!')
-# 口臭一下
-fxxkMe = on_command('口臭一下',
- aliases={'口臭', '骂我'},
- rule=to_me() & check_banlist())
-list_M = []
[email protected]() # type: ignore
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- user = str(event.user_id)
- global list_M
- if countX(list_M, user) == 3:
- await bot.send(event,
- "不是??你这么想被咱骂的嘛??被咱骂就这么舒服的吗?!该......你该不会是.....M吧!")
- elif countX(list_M, user) == 6:
- await bot.send(event, "给我适可而止阿!?")
- list_M = list(set(list_M))
- else:
- list_M.append(user)
- URL = ""
- msg = ""
- try:
- msg = request_api_text(URL)
- except exceptions:
- await fxxkMe.finish(errorRepo("请求错误"))
- await fxxkMe.finish(msg)
-# Hitokoto
-hitokoto = on_command('一言',
- aliases={'抑郁一下', '网抑云'},
- rule=to_me() & check_banlist())
-list_Y = []
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- user = str(event.user_id)
- global list_Y
- if countX(list_Y, user) == 3:
- await bot.send(event, "额......需要咱安慰一下嘛~?")
- elif countX(list_Y, user) == 6:
- await bot.send(event, "如果心里感到难受就赶快去睡觉奥!别再憋自己了!")
- list_Y = list(set(list_Y))
- else:
- list_Y.append(user)
- URL = ""
- info = {}
- try:
- info = json.loads(request_api_text(URL))
- except:
- await hitokoto.finish(errorRepo("请求错误"))
- await hitokoto.finish(info["hitokoto"])
-laughFunny = on_command('来句笑话', rule=check_banlist())
[email protected]() #type: ignore
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- name = event.sender['nickname']
- result = []
- LAUGH_FILE = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'plugin_chat' / 'laugh.txt'
- with open(LAUGH_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for line in f:
- result.append(line.strip('\n'))
- resu = choice(result)
- await laughFunny.finish(resu.replace("%name", name))
-# 扔漂流瓶
-plugin_name = 'drifting-bottle'
- '.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'plugin_chat' / 'drifting_bottle.json'
-driftingBottle = on_command('扔漂流瓶',
- rule=to_me() & check_banlist()
- & check_switch(plugin_name, True))
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- args = str(event.message).strip()
- if args:
- state['args'] = args
[email protected]('args', prompt='请告诉咱瓶中内容~!')
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- args = state['args']
- user = event.user_id
- group = event.group_id
- if not DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH.is_file():
- with open(DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH, 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps({}))
- with open(DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH, 'r') as f:
- data = json.load(f)
- num = len(data)
- data[num + 1] = [user, group, args]
- with open(DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH, 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(data))
- await driftingBottle.finish('漂流瓶已飘向远方...')
-# 捡漂流瓶
-getDriftingBottle = on_command('捞漂流瓶',
- rule=to_me() & check_banlist()
- & check_switch(plugin_name, True))
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- if not DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH.is_file():
- with open(DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH, 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps({}))
- with open(DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH, 'r') as f:
- data = json.load(f)
- num = len(data)
- if not num:
- await getDriftingBottle.finish('暂无漂流瓶可供打捞呢~(')
- num = randint(1, num)
- bottle = data[str(num)]
- msg = bottle[2]
- msg0 = f'[CQ:at,qq={event.user_id}]\n'
- msg0 += f'漂流瓶[{num}]内容如下:\n'
- msg0 += msg
- await getDriftingBottle.finish(msg0)
-# 清除漂流瓶
-# - delall
-# - del [num]
-# eg: 清除漂流瓶 del 123
-delDriftingBottle = on_command('清除漂流瓶',
- rule=check_banlist(),
- permission=SUPERUSER)
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- args = str(event.message).strip()
- if not args:
- await delDriftingBottle.finish("请查看文档获取帮助(")
- if not DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH.is_file():
- with open(DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH, 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps({}))
- await delDriftingBottle.finish('清除了个寂寞...')
- with open(DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH, 'r') as f:
- data = json.load(f)
- if args[0] == 'delall':
- os.remove(os.path.abspath(DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH))
- elif args[0] == 'del':
- try:
- del data[args[1]]
- except:
- await delDriftingBottle.finish(errorRepo('清除失败了...'))
- with open(DRIFTING_BOTTLE_PATH, 'w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(data))
- f.close()
- result = args[1] if args[0] == 'del' else "ALL"
- await delDriftingBottle.finish(
- f'完成啦!成功清除漂流瓶[{result}],目前还剩余[{len(data)}]个~')
-# 舆情监听
-publicOpinion = on_message(rule=check_banlist())
-ban_temp_list = []
-async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- global ban_temp_list
- msg = str(event.message)
- user = str(event.user_id)
- # 检查是否满足条件
- if countX(ban_temp_list,
- user) == Textcheck().get_times(str(Textcheck().check(msg))):
- ban_temp_list = list(set(ban_temp_list))
- ban(user)
- delta = timedelta(minutes=Textcheck().get_ban_time(msg))
- trigger = DateTrigger( + delta)
- scheduler.add_job(func=unban,
- trigger=trigger,
- args=(user, ),
- misfire_grace_time=60)
- await publicOpinion.finish(Textcheck().check(msg))
- if Textcheck().check(msg) == "False":
- return
- if Textcheck().check(msg):
- if user in master:
- await publicOpinion.finish("主人你给我注意点阿?!你这可是在死亡边缘试探呢!!")
- ban_temp_list.append(int(user))
- await publicOpinion.finish(Textcheck().check(msg))