path: root/ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/
diff options
authorKyomotoi <[email protected]>2020-11-09 14:29:09 +0800
committerKyomotoi <[email protected]>2020-11-09 14:29:09 +0800
commite1db381d2a331ebcbf308490ee2d53fb8a8fc0a1 (patch)
tree5d3a85489fa5d32b9d05fcb67b40859adbe1b625 /ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/
parentb2ea4e6e378f4aa96dc2c4ffde8b3543ed478a41 (diff)
调整文件结构; 修复文件读取、创建问题; 重构部分代码; 修复: - 涩图插件名读取错误 - 私聊消息无法发送 新增: - 好友请求处理 - 邀请请求处理
Diffstat (limited to 'ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/ b/ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/
index b8f3c2a..ec6738f 100644
--- a/ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/plugin_chat/
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
__author__ = 'kyomotoi'
-import re
import json
from pathlib import Path
from random import choice
+from nonebot.permission import SUPERUSER
from requests import exceptions
from nonebot.log import logger
from nonebot.rule import to_me
from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp import Bot, Event
-from nonebot.plugin import on_command, on_message, on_notice
+from nonebot.plugin import on_command, on_message, on_notice, on_request
from utils.utils_times import countX
from utils.utils_yml import load_yaml
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ from utils.utils_request import request_api_text
CONFIG_PATH = Path('.') / 'config.yml'
config = load_yaml(CONFIG_PATH)['bot']
+master = config['superusers']
# 收集 bot 所在群的聊天记录
MessageSave = on_message()
@@ -58,14 +60,14 @@ callMe = on_message(rule=check_banlist())
@callMe.handle() # type: ignore
async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- msg = str(event.message)
- if msg in config['nickname']:
- await callMe.finish("叫咱有啥事吗w")
+ msg = str(event.raw_event['raw_message']).strip()
- elif "萝卜子" in msg:
+ if "萝卜子" in msg:
await bot.send(event, "萝卜子是对咱的蔑称!!")
+ elif msg in config['nickname']:
+ await callMe.finish("叫咱有啥事吗w")
# 戳 一 戳
pokehah = on_command("戳一戳", rule=to_me() & check_banlist())
@@ -83,11 +85,12 @@ async def _poke(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
async def poke_(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> bool:
- return (event.detail_type == "notify"
- and event.raw_event["sub_type"] == "poke"
- and event.sub_type == "notice" and int(
- event.self_id) == event.raw_event["target_id"]
- )
+ try:
+ return (event.raw_event['sub_type'] == 'poke'
+ and event.raw_event['target_id'] == int(event.self_id)
+ and event.raw_event['notice_type'] == 'notify')
+ except:
+ return False
poke = on_notice(rule=check_banlist() & poke_, block=True)
@@ -99,17 +102,106 @@ groupEvent = on_notice()
@groupEvent.handle() # type: ignore
async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
- if event.raw_event["notice_type"] == "group_increase":
- await groupEvent.finish(
- f'好欸!事新人[CQ:at,qq={event.raw_event["user_id"]}]'
- )
- await groupEvent.finish("在下 ATRI,你可以叫我 亚托莉 或 アトリ !~w")
+ if event.raw_event['notice_type'] == 'group_increase':
+ if event.user_id != int(event.self_id):
+ await groupEvent.finish(
+ f'好欸!事新人[CQ:at,qq={event.raw_event["user_id"]}]')
+ elif event.user_id == int(event.self_id):
+ await groupEvent.finish("在下 ATRI,你可以叫我 亚托莉 或 アトリ !~w")
+ if event.raw_event['notice_type'] == 'group_decrease':
+ if event.user_id != int(event.self_id):
+ await groupEvent.finish(f'[{event.user_id}] 离开了我们...')
+ elif event.user_id == int(event.self_id):
+ for sup in master:
+ await bot.send_private_msg(
+ user_id=sup,
+ message=f'呜呜呜,主人,咱被群[{event.group_id}]扔出来了...')
+# 处理 加好友 / 拉群 事件
+selfEvent = on_request(rule=check_banlist())
[email protected]() # type: ignore
+async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
+ print(event.raw_event)
+ flag = event.raw_event['flag']
+ req_type = event.raw_event['request_type']
+ if req_type == 'friend':
+ for sup in master:
+ msg0 = '主人,收到一条好友请求:\n'
+ msg0 += f"请求人:{event.raw_event['user_id']}\n"
+ msg0 += f"申请信息:{event.raw_event['comment']}\n"
+ if FRIEND_ADD == 0:
+ msg0 += '由于主人未允许咱添加好友,已回拒'
+ await bot.set_friend_add_request(flag=flag, approve=False)
+ else:
+ msg0 += '由于主人已同意咱添加好友,已通过'
+ await bot.set_friend_add_request(flag=flag, approve=True)
+ await bot.send_private_msg(user_id=sup, message=msg0)
+ elif req_type == 'group' and event.raw_event['sub_type'] == 'invite':
+ for sup in master:
+ msg0 = '主人,收到一条群邀请:\n'
+ msg0 += f"邀请人:{event.raw_event['user_id']}\n"
+ msg0 += f"目标群:{event.raw_event['group_id']}\n"
+ if GROUP_INVITE == 0:
+ msg0 += '由于主人未允许咱添加群聊,已回拒'
+ await bot.set_group_add_request(
+ flag=flag,
+ sub_type=event.raw_event['sub_type'],
+ approve=False,
+ reason=f'ねね..ごんめね...\n主人不允许咱添加其他群聊...\n如需寻求帮助,请联系维护者:{sup}'
+ )
+ else:
+ msg0 += '由于主人已允许咱添加群聊,已同意'
+ await bot.set_group_add_request(
+ flag=flag,
+ sub_type=event.raw_event['sub_type'],
+ approve=True)
+ await bot.send_private_msg(user_id=sup, message=msg0)
+# 控制 加好友 / 拉群 认证,默认关闭
+controlSelfEvent = on_command('selfevent', permission=SUPERUSER)
[email protected]() # type: ignore
+async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
+ args = str(event.message).strip()
+ msg0 = ''
+ if not args:
+ msg0 = '-==ATRI INVITE Control System==-\n'
+ msg0 += 'Tips:\n'
+ msg0 += ' - For SUPERUSERS\n'
+ msg0 += ' - Normal all false\n'
+ msg0 += 'Usage:\n'
+ msg0 += ' - selfevent group-true/false\n'
+ msg0 += ' - selfevent friend-true/false\n'
+ await controlSelfEvent.finish(msg0)
+ if 'group-' in args:
+ if 'true' in args:
+ elif 'friend-' in args:
+ if 'true' in args:
+ else:
+ await controlSelfEvent.finish(msg0)
- elif event.raw_event[
- "notice_type"] == "group_decrease":
- await groupEvent.finish(
- f'[{event.raw_event["operator_id"]}] 离开了我们...'
- )
+ await controlSelfEvent.finish('DONE!')
# # 舆情监听系统
@@ -184,3 +276,20 @@ async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
await hitokoto.finish(errorRepo("请求错误"))
await hitokoto.finish(info["hitokoto"])
+# laughFunny = on_command('来句笑话', rule=check_banlist())
+# @laughFunny.handle() #type: ignore
+# async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict) -> None:
+# name = event.sender['nickname']
+# result = []
+# LAUGH_FILE = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'plugin_chat' / 'laugh.txt'
+# with open(LAUGH_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+# for line in f:
+# result.append(line.strip('\n'))
+# resu = choice(result)
+# print(resu%name) \ No newline at end of file