path: root/ATRI/plugins
diff options
authorKyomotoi <[email protected]>2020-08-24 18:12:04 +0800
committerKyomotoi <[email protected]>2020-08-24 18:12:04 +0800
commit9b0c786324ecae41b0454fe42677256ed7e66685 (patch)
treee01c672c97c81cd6187c07f43450216e1c3ab0e8 /ATRI/plugins
parentddf198256cd53ea2f67fd5a05e8ec97d842f982c (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'ATRI/plugins')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aa5c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import json
+import sqlite3
+import requests
+from urllib.parse import urlencode
+from random import choice, randint
+from pathlib import Path
+from datetime import datetime
+from random import choice
+import nonebot
+from nonebot import on_command, CommandSession
+import config # type: ignore
+from ATRI.modules.b64 import b64_str_img_url # type: ignore
+from ATRI.modules.response import request_api_params # type: ignore
+from ATRI.modules.funcControl import checkSwitch, checkNoob # type: ignore
+bot = nonebot.get_bot()
+master = config.MASTER()
+apikey_LOLI = config.LOLICONAPI()
+APP_ID = config.BAIDU_APP_ID()
+__plugin_name__ = "setu"
+__plugin_name1__ = "setu_img"
+URL = ''
+SETU_REPLY = """Title: {title}
+Pid: {pid}
+Complete time:{time}s"""
+def now_time():
+ now_ =
+ hour = now_.hour
+ minute = now_.minute
+ now = hour + minute / 60
+ return now
+setu_type = 1
+@on_command('setu', patterns = (r"来[点丶张份副个幅][涩色瑟][图圖]|[涩色瑟][图圖]来|[涩色瑟][图圖][gkd|GKD|搞快点]|[gkd|GKD|搞快点][涩色瑟][图圖]|[图圖]来|[我你她他它]想要[点丶张份副][涩色瑟][图圖]|我想要[1一][张份幅副个只][涩色瑟][图圖]|[我你她他它]想[看|look][涩涩|色色]的东西"), only_to_me = False)
+async def setu(session: CommandSession):
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ if checkNoob(user, group):
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ 'zzzz......',
+ 'zzzzzzzz......',
+ 'zzz...好涩哦..zzz....',
+ '别...不要..zzz..那..zzz..',
+ '嘻嘻..zzz..呐~..zzzz..'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ if checkSwitch(__plugin_name__):
+ res = randint(1,10)
+ if 1 <= res < 9:
+ res = randint(1,4)
+ if 1 <= res < 3:
+ if setu_type == 1:
+ res = randint(1,4)
+ await session.send('别急!正在找图!')
+ con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'nearR18.db')
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ msg = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM nearR18 ORDER BY RANDOM() limit 1;')
+ if 1 <= res < 3:
+ for i in msg:
+ pid = i[0]
+ title = i[1]
+ img = i[7]
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ await session.send(
+ SETU_REPLY.format(
+ title = title,
+ pid = pid,
+ setu = img,
+ time = round(end - start, 3)
+ )
+ )
+ elif res == 4:
+ for i in msg:
+ pid = i[0]
+ title = i[1]
+ img = i[7]
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ await session.send('我找到涩图了!但我发给主人了\nο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆')
+ await bot.send_private_msg( # type: ignore
+ user_id = master,
+ message = f"主人,从群{group}来的涩图!热乎着!\nTitle: {title}\nPid: {pid}\n{img}\nComplete time: {round(end - start, 3)}"
+ )
+ elif setu_type == 2:
+ res = randint(1,4)
+ await session.send('别急!正在找图!')
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ values = {
+ "apikey": apikey_LOLI,
+ "r18": "0",
+ "num": "1"
+ }
+ try:
+ dc = json.loads(request_api_params(URL, values))
+ title = dc["data"][0]["title"]
+ pid = dc["data"][0]["pid"]
+ setu = dc["data"][0]["url"] #b64.b64_str_img_url(dc["data"][0]["url"])
+ except:
+ await session.send('失败了失败了失败了失...')
+ return
+ if 1 <= res < 3:
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ await session.send(
+ SETU_REPLY.format(
+ title = title,
+ pid = pid,
+ setu = dc["data"][0]["url"],
+ time = round(end - start, 3)
+ )
+ )
+ elif res == 4:
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ await session.send('我找到涩图了!但我发给主人了\nο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆')
+ await bot.send_private_msg( # type: ignore
+ user_id = master,
+ message = f"主人,从群{group}来的涩图!热乎着!\nTitle: {title}\nPid: {pid}\n{setu}\nComplete time: {round(end - start, 3)}"
+ )
+ elif res == 4:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'SP.jpg', 'SP1.jpg', 'SP2.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+ elif res == 10:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'GDZ.png', 'SHZY1.jpg', 'SHZY2.jpg', 'SHZY3.jpg', 'SHZY4.jpg', 'SHZY5.jpg', 'SHZY6.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'img' / 'niceIMG' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+ else:
+ await session.send('该功能已关闭...')
+@on_command('change_setu_type', aliases = ['涩图导向'], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ global setu_type
+ if session.event.user_id == master:
+ msg = session.event.raw_message.split(' ', 1)
+ s_type = msg[1]
+ if s_type == '数据库':
+ setu_type = 1
+ elif s_type == '接口':
+ setu_type = 2
+ else:
+ pass
+ await session.send('okay~~~~')
[email protected]_message("group")
+async def _(context):
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ user = context["user_id"]
+ group = context["group_id"]
+ if checkNoob(user, group):
+ if checkSwitch(__plugin_name1__):
+ try:
+ img = str(context["message"])
+ pattern = re.compile(r"url=(.*)]")
+ img = re.findall(pattern, img)
+ img = img[0].replace('url=', '')
+ img = img.replace(']', '')
+ print(img)
+ except:
+ return
+ img = b64_str_img_url(img)
+ if img:
+ try:
+ host = f'{API_KEY}&client_secret={SECRECT_KEY}'
+ headers = {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
+ }
+ res = json.loads(request_api_params(host, headers))
+ access_token=res['access_token']
+ url = f'{access_token}'
+ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
+ data = urlencode({'image': img})
+ res =, headers=headers, data=data)
+ except:
+ return
+ try:
+ words = json.loads(res.content)['words_result'][0]['words']
+ print(words)
+ except:
+ return
+ if re.findall(r"[涩色]图|炼铜", words):
+ if checkSwitch(__plugin_name__):
+ res = randint(1,10)
+ if 1 <= res < 9:
+ res = randint(1,4)
+ if 1 <= res < 3:
+ if setu_type == 1:
+ res = randint(1,4)
+ con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'nearR18.db')
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ msg = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM nearR18 ORDER BY RANDOM() limit 1;')
+ if 1 <= res < 3:
+ for i in msg:
+ pid = i[0]
+ title = i[1]
+ img = i[7]
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ msg = SETU_REPLY.format(
+ title = title,
+ pid = pid,
+ setu = img,
+ time = round(end - start, 3)
+ )
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = msg) # type: ignore
+ elif res == 4:
+ for i in msg:
+ pid = i[0]
+ title = i[1]
+ img = i[7]
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = '我找到涩图了!但我发给主人了\nο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆') # type: ignore
+ await bot.send_private_msg( # type: ignore
+ user_id = master,
+ message = f"主人,从群{group}来的涩图!热乎着!\nTitle: {title}\nPid: {pid}\n{img}\nComplete time: {round(end - start, 3)}"
+ )
+ elif setu_type == 2:
+ res = randint(1,4)
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = '别急!正在找图!') # type: ignore
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ values = {
+ "apikey": apikey_LOLI,
+ "r18": "0",
+ "num": "1"
+ }
+ try:
+ dc = json.loads(request_api_params(URL, values))
+ title = dc["data"][0]["title"]
+ pid = dc["data"][0]["pid"]
+ setu = dc["data"][0]["url"] #b64.b64_str_img_url(dc["data"][0]["url"])
+ except:
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = '失败了失败了失...') # type: ignore
+ return
+ if 1 <= res < 3:
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ msg = SETU_REPLY.format(
+ title = title,
+ pid = pid,
+ setu = img,
+ time = round(end - start, 3)
+ )
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = msg) # type: ignore
+ elif res == 4:
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = '我找到涩图了!但我发给主人了\nο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆') # type: ignore
+ await bot.send_private_msg( # type: ignore
+ user_id = master,
+ message = f"主人,从群{group}来的涩图!热乎着!\nTitle: {title}\nPid: {pid}\n{setu}\nComplete time: {round(end - start, 3)}"
+ )
+ elif res == 4:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'SP.jpg', 'SP1.jpg', 'SP2.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]') # type: ignore
+ elif res == 10:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'GDZ.png', 'SHZY1.jpg', 'SHZY2.jpg', 'SHZY3.jpg', 'SHZY4.jpg', 'SHZY5.jpg', 'SHZY6.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'img' / 'niceIMG' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]') # type: ignore
+ else:
+ pass
+ else:
+ pass \ No newline at end of file