diff options
6 files changed, 147 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
index 2d18156..9ca5251 100644
--- a/ATRI/plugins/
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ async def _():
groups = [group['group_id'] for group in group_list]
res = randint(1,2)
if res == 1:
- msg = random.choice(
+ msg = choice(
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ async def _():
groups = [group['group_id'] for group in group_list]
res = randint(1,2)
if res == 1:
- msg = random.choice(
+ msg = choice(
@@ -513,6 +513,7 @@ async def _(session: CommandSession):
await session.send('是主人的话...那算了...呜呜\n即使到达了ATRI的最低忍耐限度......')
noobList = list(set(noobList))
await session.send(f'[CQ:at,qq={user}]哼!接下来10分钟别想让我理你!')
bL[f"{user}"] = f"{user}"
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fd7217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import json
+import sqlite3
+from pathlib import Path
+from nonebot import on_command, CommandSession
+@on_command('data_list', aliases = ['数据总量'], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ with open('ATRI/plugins/noobList/noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ if str(user) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'normal.db') # setu-normal
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ cur.execute("select * from normal")
+ data_normal = len(cur.fetchall())
+ con.close()
+ con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'nearR18.db') # setu-nearR18
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ cur.execute("select * from nearR18")
+ data_nearR18 = len(cur.fetchall())
+ con.close()
+ con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'r18.db') # setu-r18
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ cur.execute("select * from r18")
+ data_r18 = len(cur.fetchall())
+ con.close()
+ con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'cloudmusic' / 'cloudmusic.db') # cloudmusic
+ cur = con.cursor()
+ cur.execute("select * from cloudmusic")
+ data_cloudmusic = len(cur.fetchall())
+ con.close()
+ with open('ATRI/plugins/wordcloud/wordcloud.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ data_repo = len(data)
+ await session.send(
+ f"""目前螃蟹™数据库收录了:
+ normal: {data_normal}
+ nearR18: {data_nearR18}
+ r18:{data_r18}
+ ) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
index 2d40cf3..6a1e52a 100644
--- a/ATRI/plugins/
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -134,47 +134,4 @@ async def _(session: CommandSession):
end = time.perf_counter()
- await session.send(f'数据上传完成!\n耗时: {round(end - start, 3)}s')
-@on_command('data_list', aliases = ['查看上传数据', '数据总量'], only_to_me = False)
-async def _(session: CommandSession):
- user = session.event.user_id
- with open('ATRI/plugins/noobList/noobList.json', 'r') as f:
- data = json.load(f)
- if str(user) in data.keys():
- pass
- else:
- con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'normal.db') # setu-normal
- cur = con.cursor()
- cur.execute("select * from normal")
- data_normal = len(cur.fetchall())
- con.close()
- con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'nearR18.db') # setu-nearR18
- cur = con.cursor()
- cur.execute("select * from nearR18")
- data_nearR18 = len(cur.fetchall())
- con.close()
- con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'r18.db') # setu-r18
- cur = con.cursor()
- cur.execute("select * from r18")
- data_r18 = len(cur.fetchall())
- con.close()
- con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'cloudmusic' / 'cloudmusic.db') # cloudmusic
- cur = con.cursor()
- cur.execute("select * from cloudmusic")
- data_cloudmusic = len(cur.fetchall())
- con.close()
- await session.send(
- f"""目前螃蟹™数据库收录了:
- 涩图:
- normal: {data_normal}
- nearR18: {data_nearR18}
- r18:{data_r18}
- 网抑云语录:{data_cloudmusic}"""
- ) \ No newline at end of file
+ await session.send(f'数据上传完成!\n耗时: {round(end - start, 3)}s') \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
index 8f44300..6e2a9d0 100644
--- a/ATRI/plugins/
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from aiocqhttp.exceptions import ActionFailed
import config # type: ignore
bot = nonebot.get_bot()
master = config.MASTER()
@@ -23,8 +24,19 @@ async def _(session: NoticeSession):
await session.send(f'[CQ:at,qq={user}]\nねえ❤...是新人欸!\nここでは遠慮はいらないのだからね❤')
async def _(session: NoticeSession):
+ user = str(session.event.user_id)
+ now = str(session.event.operator_id)
+ if now == user:
+ inf = await bot.get_stranger_info(user_id = user) # type: ignore
+ name = inf['nickname']
+ await session.send(f'{name}({user}) 跑了')
+async def _(session: RequestSession):
user = session.event.user_id
await bot.send_private_msg(
user_id = master, # type: ignore
@@ -35,6 +47,10 @@ async def _(session: NoticeSession):
data = json.load(f)
if data["approve_friend_add"] == 0:
+ try:
+ await session.approve()
+ except ActionFailed as e:
+ print(e.retcode)
await bot.send_private_msg(
user_id = master, # type: ignore
message = '由于主人已同意ATRI接近陌生人,故请求已同意!'
@@ -54,15 +70,6 @@ async def _(session: NoticeSession):
message = f'主人似乎不想让ATRI接触陌生人呢...'
-async def _(session: RequestSession):
- with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'switch' / 'switch.json', 'r') as f:
- data = json.load(f)
- if data["approve_friend_add"] == 0:
- await session.approve()
async def _(session: RequestSession):
group = session.event.group_id
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4913727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+from random import randint
+import nonebot
+from nonebot import on_command
+from nonebot import CommandSession
+from nonebot import MessageSegment
+import config # type: ignore
+bot = nonebot.get_bot()
+master = config.MASTER()
+@on_command('add_word', aliases = ['增加词汇'], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ if session.event.user_id == master:
+ msg = session.event.raw_message.split(' ', 3)
+ w_tpye = msg[0]
+ word = msg[1]
+ repo = msg[2]
+ prob = int(msg[3])
+ with open('ATRI/plugins/wordcloud/wordcloud.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ if w_tpye == '添加词云' or '上传词云':
+ if word in data.keys():
+ await session.send('该词已存在~!')
+ else:
+ data[f"{word}"] = [f"{repo}",prob]
+ f = open('ATRI/plugins/wordcloud/wordcloud.json', 'w')
+ f.write(json.dumps(data))
+ f.close()
+ session.finish(f"学習しました!\nWord:[{word}]\nRepo:[{repo}]\nProbability:[{'%.2f%%' % (round(1 / prob , 1) * 100)}]")
+ elif w_tpye == '删除词云':
+ if word in data.keys():
+ data.pop(word)
+ await session.send(f'已成功从ATRI记忆模块中抹除[{word}]')
+ else:
+ session.finish(f'ATRI貌似没法从记忆中找到关键词[{word}]呢...')
[email protected]_message("group")
+async def repo(context):
+ user = context["user_id"]
+ group = context["group_id"]
+ word = context["message"]
+ print(word)
+ with open('ATRI/plugins/noobList/noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ nL = json.load(f)
+ if str(user) in nL.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ with open('ATRI/plugins/wordcloud/wordcloud.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ if str(word) in data.keys():
+ lt = data[f"{word}"]
+ print(lt)
+ msg = lt[0]
+ prob = int(lt[1])
+ res = randint(1,prob)
+ if res == 1:
+ await bot.send_msg(
+ group_id = group,
+ message = msg
+ ) # type: ignore \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/wordcloud/wordcloud.json b/ATRI/plugins/wordcloud/wordcloud.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb478b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/wordcloud/wordcloud.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"test": ["TesT is SuccEss!", 1]} \ No newline at end of file