diff options
6 files changed, 463 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/status/ b/ATRI/plugins/status/
index 05ece79..9aa5364 100644
--- a/ATRI/plugins/status/
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/status/
@@ -1,21 +1,34 @@
+import json
+from nonebot.params import ArgPlainText
+from nonebot.permission import SUPERUSER
+from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11 import GroupMessageEvent, PrivateMessageEvent
+from ATRI.log import logger as log
+from ATRI.config import BotSelfConfig
+from ATRI.exceptions import ReadFileError, WriteError
from ATRI.utils.apscheduler import scheduler
-from .data_source import IsSurvive
+from .data_source import Status, STATUS_DIR
+from .models import ForAuthData
+from .driver import init
-ping = IsSurvive().on_command("/ping", "检测bot简单信息处理速度")
+ping = Status().on_command("/ping", "检测bot简单信息处理速度")
async def _ping():
- await ping.finish(
+ await ping.finish(
-status = IsSurvive().on_command("/status", "查看运行资源占用")
+status = Status().on_command("/status", "查看运行资源占用")
async def _status():
- msg, _ = IsSurvive.get_status()
+ msg, _ = Status.get_status()
await status.finish(msg)
@@ -24,6 +37,197 @@ info_msg = "アトリは高性能ですから!"
@scheduler.scheduled_job("interval", name="状态检查", minutes=10, misfire_grace_time=15) # type: ignore
async def _check_runtime():
- msg, stat = IsSurvive().get_status()
+ msg, stat = Status().get_status()
if not stat:
await status.finish(msg)
+get_console_key = Status().on_command("/auth", "获取进入网页后台的凭证", permission=SUPERUSER)
+"is_pub_n", "咱的运行环境是否有公网(y/n)")
+async def _(event: PrivateMessageEvent, is_pub_n: str = ArgPlainText("is_pub_n")):
+ if is_pub_n != "y":
+ ip = str(await Status().get_host_ip(False))
+ await get_console_key.send("没有公网吗...嗯知道了")
+ else:
+ ip = str(await Status().get_host_ip(True))
+ p = BotSelfConfig.port
+ rs = Status().get_random_str(20)
+ df = STATUS_DIR / "data.json"
+ try:
+ if not df.is_file():
+ with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w:
+ w.write(json.dumps({}))
+ d = json.loads(df.read_bytes())
+ ca = d.get("data", None)
+ if ca:
+ # 此处原本想用 matcher.finish 但这是在 try 里啊!
+ await get_console_key.send("咱已经告诉你了嗷!啊!忘了.../gauth 获取吧")
+ return
+ d["data"] = ForAuthData(ip=ip, port=str(p), token=rs).dict()
+ with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w:
+ w.write(json.dumps(d))
+ except WriteError:
+ msg = f"""
+ 哦吼!写入文件失败了...还请自行记下哦...
+ IP: {ip}
+ PORT: {p}
+ TOKEN: {rs}
+ 一定要保管好哦!切勿告诉他人哦!
+ """.strip()
+ await get_console_key.send(msg)
+ raise WriteError("Writing file: " + str(df) + " failed!")
+ msg = f"""
+ 该信息已保存!可通过 /gauth 获取~
+ IP: {ip}
+ PORT: {p}
+ TOKEN: {rs}
+ 一定要保管好哦!切勿告诉他人哦!
+ """.strip()
+ await get_console_key.finish(msg)
+async def _(event: GroupMessageEvent):
+ await get_console_key.finish("请私戳咱获取(")
+load_console_key = Status().on_command("/gauth", "获取已生成的后台凭证", permission=SUPERUSER)
+async def _(event: PrivateMessageEvent):
+ df = STATUS_DIR / "data.json"
+ if not df.is_file():
+ await load_console_key.finish("你还没有问咱索要奥!/auth 以获取")
+ try:
+ d = json.loads(df.read_bytes())
+ except ReadFileError:
+ await load_console_key.send("获取数据失败了...请自行打开文件查看吧:\n" + str(df))
+ raise ReadFileError("Reading file: " + str(df) + " failed!")
+ data = d["data"]
+ msg = f"""
+ 诶嘿嘿嘿——凭证信息来咯!
+ IP: {data['ip']}
+ PORT: {data['port']}
+ TOKEN: {data['token']}
+ 切记!不要告诉他人!!
+ """.strip()
+ await load_console_key.finish(msg)
+async def _(event: GroupMessageEvent):
+ await load_console_key.finish("请私戳咱获取(")
+del_console_key = Status().on_command("/deauth", "销毁进入网页后台的凭证", permission=SUPERUSER)
+"is_sure_d", "...你确定吗(y/n)")
+async def _(is_sure: str = ArgPlainText("is_sure_d")):
+ if is_sure != "y":
+ await del_console_key.finish("反悔了呢...")
+ df = STATUS_DIR / "data.json"
+ if not df.is_file():
+ await del_console_key.finish("你还没向咱索取凭证呢.../auth 以获取")
+ try:
+ data: dict = json.loads(df.read_bytes())
+ del data["data"]
+ with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w:
+ w.write(json.dumps(data))
+ except WriteError:
+ await del_console_key.send("销毁失败了...请至此处自行删除文件:\n" + str(df))
+ raise WriteError("Writing / Reading file: " + str(df) + " failed!")
+ await del_console_key.finish("销毁成功!如需再次获取: /auth")
+res_console_key = Status().on_command("/reauth", "重置进入网页后台的凭证", permission=SUPERUSER)
+"is_sure_r", "...你确定吗(y/n)")
+async def _(is_sure: str = ArgPlainText("is_sure_r")):
+ if is_sure != "y":
+ await res_console_key.finish("反悔了呢...")
+ df = STATUS_DIR / "data.json"
+ if not df.is_file():
+ await del_console_key.finish("你还没向咱索取凭证呢.../auth 以获取")
+ try:
+ data: dict = json.loads(df.read_bytes())
+ del data["data"]
+ with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w:
+ w.write(json.dumps(data))
+ except WriteError:
+ await del_console_key.send("销毁失败了...请至此处自行删除文件:\n" + str(df))
+ raise WriteError("Writing / Reading file: " + str(df) + " failed!")
+"is_pub_r_n", "咱的运行环境是否有公网(y/n)")
+async def _(event: PrivateMessageEvent, is_pub_n: str = ArgPlainText("is_pub_n")):
+ if is_pub_n != "y":
+ ip = str(await Status().get_host_ip(False))
+ await res_console_key.send("没有公网吗...嗯知道了")
+ else:
+ ip = str(await Status().get_host_ip(True))
+ p = BotSelfConfig.port
+ rs = Status().get_random_str(20)
+ df = STATUS_DIR / "data.json"
+ try:
+ if not df.is_file():
+ with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w:
+ w.write(json.dumps({}))
+ d = json.loads(df.read_bytes())
+ ca = d.get("data", None)
+ if ca:
+ await res_console_key.send("咱已经告诉你了嗷!啊!忘了.../gauth 获取吧")
+ return
+ d["data"] = ForAuthData(ip=ip, port=str(p), token=rs).dict()
+ with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w:
+ w.write(json.dumps(d))
+ except WriteError:
+ msg = f"""
+ 哦吼!写入文件失败了...还请自行记下哦...
+ IP: {ip}
+ PORT: {p}
+ TOKEN: {rs}
+ 一定要保管好哦!切勿告诉他人哦!
+ """.strip()
+ await res_console_key.send(msg)
+ raise WriteError("Writing file: " + str(df) + " failed!")
+ msg = f"""
+ 该信息已保存!可通过 /gauth 获取~
+ IP: {ip}
+ PORT: {p}
+ TOKEN: {rs}
+ 一定要保管好哦!切勿告诉他人哦!
+ """.strip()
+ await res_console_key.finish(msg)
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/status/ b/ATRI/plugins/status/
index 3595c0c..1658468 100644
--- a/ATRI/plugins/status/
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/status/
@@ -1,29 +1,41 @@
+import os
import time
+import json
import psutil
+import socket
+import string
+from pathlib import Path
+from random import sample
from datetime import datetime
from ATRI.service import Service
from ATRI.log import logger as log
from ATRI.rule import is_in_service
-from ATRI.exceptions import GetStatusError
+from ATRI.utils import request
+from ATRI.exceptions import GetStatusError, WriteError
+from .models import PlatfromRuntimeInfo, BotRuntimeInfo
+STATUS_DIR = Path(".") / "data" / "database" / "status"
_status_msg = """
> Status Overview
-[CPU: {cpu}%]
-[Memory: {mem}%]
-[Disk usage: {disk}%]
+[CPU: {p_cpu}% of {b_cpu}]
+[Memory: {p_mem}% of {b_mem}]
+[Disk usage: {p_disk}%]
[Net sent: {inteSENT}MB]
[Net recv: {inteRECV}MB]
-[Runtime: {up_time}]
+[Bot runtime: {bot_time}]
+[Platform runtime: {boot_time}]
-class IsSurvive(Service):
+class Status(Service):
def __init__(self):
Service.__init__(self, "状态", "检查自身状态", rule=is_in_service("状态"))
@@ -32,8 +44,9 @@ class IsSurvive(Service):
return "I'm fine."
- def get_status():
+ def get_status(is_for_fn: bool = False) -> tuple:
+ data_p = Path(".") / "data"
cpu = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)
mem = psutil.virtual_memory().percent
@@ -41,12 +54,21 @@ class IsSurvive(Service):
inteSENT = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_sent / 1000000 # type: ignore
inteRECV = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_recv / 1000000 # type: ignore
+ process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
+ b_cpu = process.cpu_percent(interval=1)
+ b_mem = process.memory_percent(memtype="rss")
now = time.time()
boot = psutil.boot_time()
- up_time = str(
+ b = process.create_time()
+ boot_time = str(
- datetime.utcfromtimestamp(boot).replace(microsecond=0)
+ bot_time = str(
+ datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now).replace(microsecond=0)
+ - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(b).replace(microsecond=0)
+ )
except GetStatusError:
raise GetStatusError("Failed to get status.")
@@ -64,17 +86,73 @@ class IsSurvive(Service):
msg = "咱感觉身体要被塞满了..."
is_ok = False
is_ok = True
+ if is_for_fn:
+ return (
+ PlatfromRuntimeInfo(
+ stat_msg=msg,
+ cpu_percent=str(cpu),
+ mem_percent=mem,
+ disk_percent=str(disk),
+ inte_send=str(inteSENT),
+ inte_recv=str(inteRECV),
+ boot_time=boot_time,
+ ).dict(),
+ BotRuntimeInfo(
+ cpu_percent=str(b_cpu),
+ mem_percent=str(b_mem),
+ bot_run_time=bot_time,
+ ).dict(),
+ )
msg0 = _status_msg.format(
- cpu=cpu,
- mem=mem,
- disk=disk,
+ p_cpu=cpu,
+ p_mem=mem,
+ p_disk=disk,
+ b_cpu=f"{b_cpu}%",
+ b_mem="%.1f%%" % b_mem,
- up_time=up_time,
+ bot_time=bot_time,
+ boot_time=boot_time,
return msg0, is_ok
+ @staticmethod
+ async def get_host_ip(is_pub: bool):
+ if is_pub:
+ data = await request.get("")
+ return data.text
+ s = None
+ try:
+ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ s.connect(('', 80))
+ ip = s.getsockname()[0]
+ return ip
+ finally:
+ if s:
+ s.close()
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_random_str(k: int) -> str:
+ return "".join(sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k))
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_auth_info() -> dict:
+ df = STATUS_DIR / "data.json"
+ if not df.is_file():
+ try:
+ with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w:
+ w.write(json.dumps({}))
+ except WriteError:
+ raise WriteError("Writing file: " + str(df) + " failed!")
+ base_data: dict = json.loads(df.read_bytes())
+ data = base_data.get("data", None)
+ if not data:
+ return {"data": None}
+ return data
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/status/driver/ b/ATRI/plugins/status/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..199fb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/status/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from nonebot import get_driver
+from nonebot.drivers.fastapi import Driver
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from .view import (
+ handle_auther,
+ handle_base_uri,
+ handle_runtime_info,
+ handle_message_deal_info,
+CONSOLE_API_URI = "/capi" # base point
+CONSOLE_API_AUTH_URI = "/capi/auth" # 验证后台许可
+CONSOLE_API_RUNTIME_URI = "/capi/runtime" # 获取运行占用信息
+CONSOLE_API_MESSAGE_URI = "/capi/message"
+# CONSOLE_API_AUTH_COOKIES_URI = "/capi/auth/cookies" # 验证cookies
+def register_routes(driver: Driver):
+ app = driver.server_app
+ origins = ["*"]
+ app.add_middleware(
+ CORSMiddleware,
+ allow_origins=origins,
+ allow_credentials=True,
+ allow_methods=["*"],
+ allow_headers=["*"],
+ )
+ app.get(CONSOLE_API_URI)(handle_base_uri)
+ app.get(CONSOLE_API_RUNTIME_URI)(handle_runtime_info)
+ app.get(CONSOLE_API_MESSAGE_URI)(handle_message_deal_info)
+ app.get(CONSOLE_API_AUTH_URI)(handle_auther)
+def init():
+ driver = get_driver()
+ register_routes(driver) # type: ignore
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/status/driver/ b/ATRI/plugins/status/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d8c56f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/status/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from ..data_source import Status
+from ..listener import get_message_deal_info
+def handle_base_uri():
+ return {"status": 204, "msg": "This path just for console load."}
+def handle_runtime_info(token: str):
+ auth, data = auth_token(token)
+ plat, bot = Status().get_status(True)
+ if auth:
+ return {"status": 200, "data": {"platform": plat, "bot": bot}}
+ else:
+ return data
+def handle_message_deal_info(token: str):
+ auth, data = auth_token(token)
+ if auth:
+ return {"status": 200, "data": get_message_deal_info()}
+ else:
+ return data
+def handle_auther(token: str):
+ auth, data = auth_token(token)
+ return data if auth else data
+def auth_token(token: str) -> tuple:
+ auth_data: dict = Status().get_auth_info()
+ if not auth_data.get("token", None):
+ return False, {"status": 500, "msg": "This bot is not create auth data yet."}
+ _token = auth_data["token"]
+ if token != _token:
+ return False, {"status": 403, "msg": "Token error, please check again."}
+ else:
+ return True, {"status": 200, "msg": "OK"}
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/status/ b/ATRI/plugins/status/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ae5c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/status/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from typing import Optional
+from nonebot.message import run_postprocessor
+from ATRI.utils.apscheduler import scheduler
+from .models import MessageDealerInfo
+recv_msg = int()
+deal_msg = int()
+failed_deal_msg = int()
+total_r_m = int()
+total_d_m = int()
+total_f_m = int()
+async def _(exception: Optional[Exception]):
+ global recv_msg, deal_msg, failed_deal_msg, total_r_m, total_d_m, total_f_m
+ if exception:
+ failed_deal_msg += 1
+ total_f_m += 1
+ else:
+ deal_msg += 1
+ total_d_m += 1
+ recv_msg += 1
+ total_r_m += 1
+def get_message_deal_info() -> dict:
+ return MessageDealerInfo(
+ recv_msg=str(recv_msg),
+ deal_msg=str(deal_msg),
+ failed_deal_msg=str(failed_deal_msg),
+ total_r_m=str(total_r_m),
+ total_d_m=str(total_d_m),
+ total_f_m=str(total_f_m),
+ ).dict()
[email protected]_job("interval", name="信息数据重置", seconds=15, misfire_grace_time=1) # type: ignore
+async def _():
+ global recv_msg, deal_msg, failed_deal_msg
+ recv_msg = int()
+ deal_msg = int()
+ failed_deal_msg = int()
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/status/ b/ATRI/plugins/status/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9026b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/status/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+class ForAuthData(BaseModel):
+ ip: str
+ port: str
+ token: str
+class PlatfromRuntimeInfo(BaseModel):
+ stat_msg: str
+ cpu_percent: str
+ mem_percent: str
+ disk_percent: str
+ inte_send: str
+ inte_recv: str
+ boot_time: str
+class BotRuntimeInfo(BaseModel):
+ cpu_percent: str
+ mem_percent: str
+ bot_run_time: str
+class MessageDealerInfo(BaseModel):
+ recv_msg: str
+ deal_msg: str
+ failed_deal_msg: str
+ total_r_m: str
+ total_d_m: str
+ total_f_m: str