path: root/ATRI/data/database/hitokoto/c.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ATRI/data/database/hitokoto/c.json')
1 files changed, 3824 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/data/database/hitokoto/c.json b/ATRI/data/database/hitokoto/c.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..293a250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/data/database/hitokoto/c.json
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+ {
+ "id": 285,
+ "uuid": "cea3afdc-880d-4e99-b222-ad6cfefc8384",
+ "hitokoto": "Nothing is true, everything is permitted.",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "刺客信条",
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+ "creator": "suigintou",
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+ "id": 286,
+ "uuid": "6b2e6be6-c5cd-4955-b872-f6d592df7d8e",
+ "hitokoto": "越是锐利的小刀切完东西后就越容易变钝。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "东方永夜抄",
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+ "creator": "[email protected]",
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+ "id": 287,
+ "uuid": "aed578ce-38ee-4279-9576-9ff61b31a392",
+ "hitokoto": "就算一次也好,我想在这颗星球上尽情奔跑。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "Eden",
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+ "creator": "vinkey",
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+ "id": 288,
+ "uuid": "0ae68f88-4b68-4642-a790-8696c8705116",
+ "hitokoto": "承君此诺,必守一生。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "仙剑奇侠传四",
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+ "creator": "锦重",
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+ "id": 289,
+ "uuid": "096fb8e6-1dba-4697-8c53-85087a1c2431",
+ "hitokoto": "少女祈祷中……",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "东方project",
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 290,
+ "uuid": "71a50cf7-b07e-4b0e-8ffb-196b92406e4e",
+ "hitokoto": "只要你还记得我,我就会一直在你的身边。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "符文工房",
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+ "creator": "摇篮の月",
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+ "id": 291,
+ "uuid": "81d955dd-30dc-47cb-a1a4-df354414a879",
+ "hitokoto": "这一路上有你的陪伴,我不再孤单。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "幻想水浒传",
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+ "creator": "隐之鱼",
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+ "id": 292,
+ "uuid": "50da675b-8ee8-4078-bc45-34d5815fdd03",
+ "hitokoto": "这是眼泪吗?原来眼泪是这么的温暖,我一直以为,哀伤的东西都是冰冷的。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "风色幻想",
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+ "creator": "魅影陌客",
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+ "uuid": "bfd21772-b0eb-4bbc-b2d8-12a0429925d6",
+ "hitokoto": "如果我会变成恶魔,那就随他吧。我会接受放逐,一切只为了保护她。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "鬼泣",
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+ "id": 294,
+ "uuid": "838219db-13f7-49c0-93c4-e52f87fa0b05",
+ "hitokoto": "无论发生什么,都请不要后悔与我的相遇……",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "CLANNAD",
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+ "creator": "dah",
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+ "id": 295,
+ "uuid": "bf4a2487-bee4-43fb-bd1d-da92205976a5",
+ "hitokoto": "生尽欢,死无憾。",
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+ "from": "仙剑4",
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+ "creator": "_SCarLet",
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+ "id": 296,
+ "uuid": "db11648d-0baa-4222-8f29-2323c19e39a6",
+ "hitokoto": "我决定以人类的一个方法来感激你,我打算以身相许!",
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+ "from": "仙剑奇侠传",
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+ "id": 297,
+ "uuid": "8e4cb05d-2fb7-40f4-ad83-307b580d7f00",
+ "hitokoto": "从一开始,我就不那么喜欢你。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "秋之回忆",
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+ "creator": "隐之鱼",
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+ "id": 298,
+ "uuid": "b844bbc8-f866-45c3-9a6f-8a48026cf6e5",
+ "hitokoto": "谎言不一定是谎言,被发现的谎言,才算是谎言。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "秋之回忆",
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+ "creator": "坏坏的微笑",
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+ "id": 299,
+ "uuid": "4cc2156b-f402-4c95-a9a4-d19aa24c641b",
+ "hitokoto": "要超越过去与悲伤,用坚强和笑容去开拓明天。",
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+ "from": "伊苏",
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+ "creator": "SD影",
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+ "id": 300,
+ "uuid": "ad663796-f067-4b17-809b-18b2a6cb9855",
+ "hitokoto": "人总是会变的,不要害怕改变哦。",
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+ "from": "秋之回忆",
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+ "creator": "幻、天使",
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+ "id": 301,
+ "uuid": "28236d99-4639-48b3-8001-e4f0c2d7db46",
+ "hitokoto": "既不回头,何必不忘;既然无缘,何必誓言;今日种种,似水无痕。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "仙剑奇侠传",
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+ "id": 302,
+ "uuid": "e635a397-4933-46c5-9360-f85ae41131a3",
+ "hitokoto": "刁蛮少女贵千金,比武招亲动芳心。盼能与君长相依,结伴江湖侠侣行。",
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+ "from": "仙剑奇侠传",
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+ "hitokoto": "工程穷三代,考古毁一生。",
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+ "from": "魔兽世界",
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+ "creator": "红叶乘风我愿",
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+ "id": 304,
+ "uuid": "99a353a2-33d4-4ae2-b319-1a3d631b833f",
+ "hitokoto": "愿风指引着你的道路,愿你的刀刃永远锋利。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "魔兽世界",
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+ "hitokoto": "虽有遗憾,并无后悔。",
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+ "uuid": "ce4c040d-c11e-49fe-a432-e8935d8ed9d3",
+ "hitokoto": "魔非魔,道非道,善恶在人心。欲非欲,情非情,姻缘由天定。",
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+ "from": "仙剑奇侠传",
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+ "id": 307,
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+ "hitokoto": "人与人在偶然之中创造相遇与别离。",
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+ "from": "银河和声",
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+ "creator": "草莓的味道",
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+ "hitokoto": "一年、两年、三年……十年、百年、千年……即使用永恒的时间来等待,我也想再见你一面。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "幻想三国志",
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+ "hitokoto": "少年心意,一如明月松间的青石流水,那些年里看到了,却不懂。",
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+ "from": "诛仙二",
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+ "hitokoto": "人是只要活在世上,就是必须背负某种罪孽的存在,正是这样,人只要活著就总会面对[墙壁]。重要的是要有跨越墙壁的意志。",
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+ "hitokoto": "绚烂如繁樱,瞬息绽放后凋落。 花以香为证,曾美至惊心动魄。",
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+ "hitokoto": "「あたいってば最強ね!」(本小姐最強)",
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+ "hitokoto": "我不承认需要有人牺牲的魔法,而且人与人的思念,可以超越魔法。",
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+ "hitokoto": "能够实现愿望的樱花树啊,为什么不能满足这些孩子们如此真诚的要求呢?",
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+ "hitokoto": "我就是小偷,专门来偷走哥哥的心",
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+ "hitokoto": "怎么样,士道君,四糸乃很酷吧,四糸乃很酷吧",
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+ "hitokoto": "那随风飘荡的蒲公英种子,会在什么时候决定自己的命运呢?",
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+ "hitokoto": "有了她灿烂的笑脸,有了活下去面对每一天的勇气。",
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+ "hitokoto": "最后呢,在这片沙漠之中,至少我能知道还会有一个,珍爱这朵花儿的人。有一个人就足够了。",
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+ "hitokoto": "纯氧对生物有害,毫无保留的真相,只会把人的精神击溃。一比五的氧与氮,才是可供呼吸的空气。同样,呼吸著以戏言稀释的少量真实,人才能维持健全的心。",
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+ "hitokoto": "关门,放狗!",
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+ "hitokoto": "我战斗到了最后一刻!",
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+ "hitokoto": "你的死亡让我的掉败更加沉重!",
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+ "hitokoto": "生命本身毫无意义,只有死亡才能让你邃晓人性的真谛!",
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+ "hitokoto": "这就是好奇的代价!",
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+ "hitokoto": "退后,你们这些无知的家伙!你不会就这样死的,我的国王!",
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+ "hitokoto": "白天四处回响的学生们的喧嚣声全无踪迹。连虫鸣声,都像是从别的世界传来的。",
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+ "hitokoto": "就连你所保护的人都背叛了你,你还在坚持什么?因为无人愿意挺身而出!",
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+ "hitokoto": "开始的敌人和最后一个敌人,都是你自己。",
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+ "hitokoto": "You know,that day…in Seattle…The day Dad was shot.I think about it every day…and I would give anything to change what happened…but I can’t.",
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+ "hitokoto": "宇宙说:你所斗争的黑暗就在你心中,你所寻找的光明就在你心中。",
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+ "hitokoto": "我多希望恶魔的力量不要施展,希望这一切都不过是我的幻想……不,不对。我祈祷的是这恶魔之力……一定要彻底断绝凶手的性命!",
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+ "hitokoto": "我的名字,是奥里。",
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+ "hitokoto": "一件善举:一只莫基因为你与家人团聚了。",
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+ "hitokoto": "纵使长夜漫漫永劫无期,我也要化身星辰点燃希望,你的誓言由我来实现。",
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+ "hitokoto": "醒时空为梦一场,事事俱忘,何处是吾乡。",
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+ "hitokoto": "怡然独向九霄中, 坐看浮生作梦。",
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+ "hitokoto": "纵使黑云蔽日,我也要燃烧天空,带你找到回家的路。",
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+ "hitokoto": "无论是云中落下的一滴水,还是湖面中微风吹起的一道涟漪,都有她的身影。",
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+ "hitokoto": "清晨的花朵,开在黄昏中的残骸之上,一切都会过去,不是吗?",
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+ "from": "«最后一分钟»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "时间的意义取决于人类:千年如一日,一日复千年。",
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+ "from": "«时光飞逝»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "遗忘,也是种解脱:当人们为之逝去,活下来的为之蒙恨的时候。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "«最后的老兵»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "时代变了,但有些事情可还没变呢,大人。",
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+ "from": "«无耻之徒»,TNO启示录事件",
+ "from_who": "The New Order:Last Days of Europe",
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+ "hitokoto": "仆从和主人,多么美妙的爱情故事,愿他们生活在一个能自由相爱的世界吧。",
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+ "from": "核爆前半小时",
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+ "hitokoto": "切尔诺贝利——人间禁地,动物的乐园。",
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+ "from": "«维齐米尔的诅咒»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "追求理想的利他主义,与追求道德制高点的自我满足,不仔细观察是没有区别的。",
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+ "from": "«辩护»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "伊甸园的存在,是为证明世界的罪恶。",
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+ "from": "«动物博览园»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "没错,都被我,你们的希姆莱爷爷偷走啦!",
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+ "from": "«宝库»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "当然是教你们养鸡啦,将优等种的德意志鸡推广到全世界!",
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+ "hitokoto": "是我,慈祥的希姆莱爷爷哒!快进来让我摸摸。",
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+ "from": "«奥斯特帕的鬼屋»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "那么究竟是末日的记忆让人心冰冷,还是冰冷带来了那一天的毁灭呢?",
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+ "from": "«遗迹的诅咒»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "现代技术的遗产,跑车与石油,人类永恒的追求,速度与激情。燃烧与腐朽,宁愿燃烧,不愿腐朽!",
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+ "from": "«最后的比赛»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "诸行无常、诸法无我、涅槃喧嚣。",
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+ "from": "«老和尚的寓言»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "它们随风飘落,恰好落在一处光滑的斜坡上动弹不得,而后雪崩来了。",
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+ "from": "«大衰退»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "对于德国的奴隶,没有什么比死亡更可怕,感谢这场核战!",
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+ "from": "«最后的自由»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "予以民众精神上的启蒙和引导,才是真正值得歌颂的正途,愚昧的仪式只会引来更深层的愚昧。",
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+ "from": "«诅咒之书»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "天下大势,顺人心者兴,成功者不一定是最有能力的人,但自然是抓住机会的人。",
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+ "from": "«万世为王»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "有朝一日,是否会有人纪念他们。",
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+ "from": "«纪念之日»,TNO启示录事件",
+ "from_who": "The New Order:Last Days of Europe",
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+ "hitokoto": "记忆,总会传承下去,无论是用何种方式。",
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+ "from": "«友谊的远征»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "革命家与充满血泪的时代,一起走向终结,但那不是结束,后来者还需为己而战。",
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+ "from": "«红小鬼»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "个人一小步,人类一大步;无论大步还是小步,总是左右世界的步伐。",
+ "type": "c",
+ "from": "«人类的第二步»,TNO启示录事件",
+ "from_who": "The New Order:Last Days of Europe",
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+ "hitokoto": "当代价不再重要,人们也会对恐惧有所遗忘。",
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+ "hitokoto": "知识是人类进步的阶梯,万代积累的结果,如果它们失传了,人类的时代也就真正落幕了。",
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+ "from": "«塔罗之书»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "Heaven's net is wide, but there's nothing through.",
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+ "from": "心灵终结",
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+ "hitokoto": "人世几回伤往事,山形依旧枕寒流。今逢四海为家日,故垒萧萧芦荻秋。",
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+ "from": "《火时代传奇》",
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+ "hitokoto": "红,是浸满怒火的热血,是行将破晓的天空;黑,是被抛弃的蒙昧世界,是长夜将尽的洪钟。",
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+ "hitokoto": "人民是健忘的,但他们总有其他方式去记住。",
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+ "hitokoto": "将科学展示给原始人,他们觉得那是魔法;将魔法展示给现代人,他们总想找出些科学。",
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+ "from": "«万灵药的传说»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "失去记忆的遗迹只是尊空壳。",
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+ "hitokoto": "年月把拥有变做失去,疲倦的双眼带着期望;今天只有残留的躯壳,迎接光辉岁月。",
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+ "hitokoto": "物质之外亦有精神的世界。",
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+ "from": "«红王公的故事»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "血缘、亲情与对乡土的依恋,民族的源头,也本是最朴素无华而浪漫的东西。",
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+ "from": "«不再错过»,TNO启示录事件",
+ "from_who": "The New Order:Last Days of Europe",
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+ "hitokoto": "乱世邯郸生祖龙,书文四方车轨同,青山秋草树丛从。",
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+ "from": "«春秋»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "最后死去的人,是最不幸的。",
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+ "from_who": "The New Order:Last Days of Europe",
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+ "hitokoto": "有安全的土地可供耕耘,有家人陪伴身旁,不必为生活担惊受怕,乱世中,平凡大众的奢望不过如此。",
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+ "hitokoto": "汹涌的海涛中,传来一缕希望。",
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+ "hitokoto": "同类间的矛盾总会生长在安逸与傲慢里。一旦这温床被打破,可笑的歧视与偏见又算得了什么呢?",
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+ "from": "«可被触碰者»,TNO启示录事件",
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+ "hitokoto": "离别长,欢聚短,若共把酒为歌,且斟余生一酌。",
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+ "from": "烟雨江湖",
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+ "hitokoto": "在黑暗中,我们看到光明。",
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