path: root/ATRI/plugins/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ATRI/plugins/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93c7824..0000000
--- a/ATRI/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-import time
-import nonebot
-import psutil
-import asyncio
-from datetime import datetime
-from random import randint, choice
-from nonebot.helpers import send_to_superusers
-bot = nonebot.get_bot()
- 'cron',
- hour = 7,
- misfire_grace_time= 60
-async def _():
- """早安"""
- try:
- await send_to_superusers(bot, f'ATRI将在三秒后开始执行定时任务:早安')
- asyncio.sleep(3)
- start = time.perf_counter()
- group_list = await bot.get_group_list() #type: ignore
- groups = [group['group_id'] for group in group_list]
- g_list = len(group_list)
- msg = choice(
- [
- '啊......早上好...(哈欠)',
- '唔......吧唧...早上...哈啊啊~~~\n早上好......',
- '早上好......',
- '早上好呜......呼啊啊~~~~',
- '啊......早上好。\n昨晚也很激情呢!',
- '吧唧吧唧......怎么了...已经早上了么...',
- '早上好!',
- '......看起来像是傍晚,其实已经早上了吗?',
- '早上好......欸~~~脸好近呢'
- '......(打瞌睡)',
- ]
- )
- try:
- for group in groups:
- asyncio.sleep(randint(1,5))
- await (group_id = group, message = msg) #type: ignore
- except:
- await send_to_superusers(bot, f'在推送[早安]到某些群的时候貌似失败了呢')
- end = time.perf_counter()
- await send_to_superusers(bot, f'已推送到[{g_list}]个群\n耗时:{round(end - start, 3)}')
- except:
- pass
- 'cron',
- hour = 22,
- misfire_grace_time = 60
-async def _():
- """晚安"""
- try:
- await send_to_superusers(bot, f'ATRI将在三秒后开始执行定时任务:晚安')
- asyncio.sleep(3)
- start = time.perf_counter()
- group_list = await bot.get_group_list() #type: ignore
- groups = [group['group_id'] for group in group_list]
- g_list = len(group_list)
- msg = choice(
- [
- '忙累了一天,快休息吧',
- '辛苦了一天,准备睡觉吧',
- '一起睡觉吧~~~~~',
- '......该睡觉了',
- '还不睡等着猝死?嗯!?'
- ]
- )
- try:
- for group in groups:
- asyncio.sleep(randint(1,5))
- await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = msg) #type: ignore
- except:
- await send_to_superusers(bot, f'在推送[晚安]到某些群的时候貌似失败了呢')
- end = time.perf_counter()
- await send_to_superusers(bot, f'已推送到[{g_list}]个群\n耗时:{round(end - start, 3)}')
- except:
- pass
- 'cron',
- hour = 0,
- misfire_grace_time = 60
-async def _():
- """到 点 了"""
- try:
- await send_to_superusers(bot, f'ATRI将在三秒后开始执行定时任务:网抑云')
- asyncio.sleep(3)
- start = time.perf_counter()
- group_list = await bot.get_group_list() # type: ignore
- groups = [group['group_id'] for group in group_list]
- g_list = len(group_list)
- msg = f'到点了叻~!'
- try:
- for group in groups:
- asyncio.sleep(randint(1,5))
- await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = msg) #type: ignore
- except:
- await send_to_superusers(bot, f'在推送[网抑云]到某些群的时候貌似失败了呢')
- end = time.perf_counter()
- await send_to_superusers(bot, f'已推送到[{g_list}]个群\n耗时:{round(end - start, 3)}')
- except:
- pass
- 'interval',
- minutes = 5,
- misfire_grace_time= 10
-async def _():
- print('ATRI开始自检...')
- cpu = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)
- memory = psutil.virtual_memory().percent
- disk = psutil.disk_usage('/').percent
- today =
- if cpu > 80:
- await send_to_superusers(
- bot,
- f'ATRI感觉头有点晕...\n(cpu:{cpu}% mem:{memory}% disk:{disk}%)\n{today}'
- )
- elif memory > 80:
- await send_to_superusers(
- bot,
- f'ATRI感觉身体有点累...\n(cpu:{cpu}% mem:{memory}% disk:{disk}%)\n{today}'
- )
- elif disk > 80:
- await send_to_superusers(
- bot,
- f'ATRI感觉身体要被塞满了...\n(cpu:{cpu}% mem:{memory}% disk:{disk}%)\n{today}'
- )
- else:
- print('ATRI运作正常!') \ No newline at end of file