path: root/ATRI/plugins/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ATRI/plugins/')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8f1106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Idea from:
+import json
+from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp import Bot, MessageEvent
+from ATRI.rule import is_in_service
+from ATRI.service import Service as sv
+from ATRI.utils.request import post_bytes
+from ATRI.exceptions import RequestTimeOut
+RUN_API_URL_FORMAT = '{}?version=latest'
+ 'assembly': {'ext': 'asm'},
+ 'bash': {'ext': 'sh'},
+ 'c': {'ext': 'c'},
+ 'clojure': {'ext': 'clj'},
+ 'coffeescript': {'ext': 'coffe'},
+ 'cpp': {'ext': 'cpp'},
+ 'csharp': {'ext': 'cs'},
+ 'erlang': {'ext': 'erl'},
+ 'fsharp': {'ext': 'fs'},
+ 'go': {'ext': 'go'},
+ 'groovy': {'ext': 'groovy'},
+ 'haskell': {'ext': 'hs'},
+ 'java': {'ext': 'java', 'name': 'Main'},
+ 'javascript': {'ext': 'js'},
+ 'julia': {'ext': 'jl'},
+ 'kotlin': {'ext': 'kt'},
+ 'lua': {'ext': 'lua'},
+ 'perl': {'ext': 'pl'},
+ 'php': {'ext': 'php'},
+ 'python': {'ext': 'py'},
+ 'ruby': {'ext': 'rb'},
+ 'rust': {'ext': 'rs'},
+ 'scala': {'ext': 'scala'},
+ 'swift': {'ext': 'swift'},
+ 'typescript': {'ext': 'ts'},
+__doc__ = """
+ /code (lang) (code)
+ /code python
+ print('Hello world!')
+code_runner = sv.on_command(
+ cmd="/code",
+ docs=__doc__,
+ rule=is_in_service('code')
+async def _code_runner(bot: Bot, event: MessageEvent) -> None:
+ msg = str(event.message).split("\n")
+ if msg[0] == "list":
+ msg0 = "咱现在支持的语言如下:\n"
+ msg0 += ", ".join(map(str, SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.keys()))
+ await code_runner.finish(msg0)
+ elif not msg[0]:
+ await code_runner.finish("请键入/help以获取更多支持...")
+ laug = msg[0].replace("\r", "")
+ if laug not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
+ await code_runner.finish("该语言暂不支持...")
+ del msg[0]
+ code = "\n".join(map(str, msg))
+ try:
+ req = await post_bytes(
+ RUN_API_URL_FORMAT.format(laug),
+ json={
+ "files": [{
+ "name": (SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[laug].get("name", "main") +
+ f".{SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[laug]['ext']}"),
+ "content": code
+ }],
+ "stdin": "",
+ "command": ""
+ }
+ )
+ except RequestTimeOut:
+ raise RequestTimeOut("Failed to request!")
+ payload = json.loads(req)
+ sent = False
+ for k in ['stdout', 'stderr', 'error']:
+ v = payload.get(k)
+ lines = v.splitlines()
+ lines, remained_lines = lines[:10], lines[10:]
+ out = '\n'.join(lines)
+ out, remained_out = out[:60 * 10], out[60 * 10:]
+ if remained_lines or remained_out:
+ out += f"\n(太多了太多了...)"
+ if out:
+ await bot.send(event, f"{k}:\n\n{out}")
+ sent = True
+ if not sent:
+ await code_runner.finish("Running success! Nothing print.")