path: root/ATRI/plugins/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ATRI/plugins/')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
index e69de29..cf03b6f 100644
--- a/ATRI/plugins/
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+from random import choice, randint
+from nonebot.plugin import on_command
+from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp import Bot, Event
+from ATRI.exceptions import InvalidLoad
+from ATRI.rule import is_in_ban_list, is_in_dormant, is_in_service, to_bot
+from ATRI.utils import del_list_aim, count_list
+from ATRI.request import Request
+from ATRI.config import HITOKOTO_CONFIG
+from ATRI.service.plugin import Plugin
+# ===========================[Begin Command Processing]===========================
+__plugin_name__ = 'hitokoto'
+__doc__ = """一言"""
+Plugin.register(__plugin_name__, "func", __doc__,
+ HITOKOTO_CONFIG['hitokoto']['command'])
+hitokoto = on_command(HITOKOTO_CONFIG['hitokoto']['command'][0],
+ aliases=set(HITOKOTO_CONFIG['hitokoto']['command']),
+ rule=is_in_ban_list() & is_in_dormant()
+ & is_in_service(__plugin_name__)
+ & to_bot())
+async def _(bot: Bot, event: Event) -> None:
+ await bot.send(event, await Function().hitokoto(str(event.get_user_id())))
+# ===========================[End Command Processing]=============================
+hitokoto_list = []
+local_path = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'database' / 'hitokoto'
+class Function:
+ async def hitokoto(self, user: str):
+ def local() -> str:
+ rd = choice(HITOKOTO_CONFIG['hitokoto']['local']['file'])
+ path = local_path / f"{rd}"
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(path.read_bytes())
+ except InvalidLoad:
+ raise InvalidLoad('Failed to read file!')
+ return data[randint(1, len(data)) - 1]['hitokoto']
+ async def link() -> str:
+ url = HITOKOTO_CONFIG['hitokoto']['link']['url']
+ return str(
+ await Request.get_text(
+ url=url
+ )
+ )
+ global hitokoto_list
+ if count_list(hitokoto_list, user) == 3:
+ hitokoto_list.append(user)
+ return choice(HITOKOTO_CONFIG['hitokoto']['times'][3]['repo'])
+ elif count_list(hitokoto_list, user) == 6:
+ hitokoto_list = del_list_aim(hitokoto_list, user)
+ return choice(HITOKOTO_CONFIG['hitokoto']['times'][6]['repo'])
+ else:
+ hitokoto_list.append(user)
+ if HITOKOTO_CONFIG['hitokoto']['link']['use']:
+ rd = randint(1,2)
+ if rd == 1:
+ return await link()
+ else:
+ return local()
+ else:
+ return local()