path: root/ATRI/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ATRI/plugins')
1 files changed, 1007 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf491e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,1007 @@
+import os
+import re
+import json
+import time
+import nonebot
+import warnings
+from pathlib import Path
+from random import randint, choice
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from nonebot import on_command, scheduler
+from nonebot import CommandSession
+from import DateTrigger
+from nonebot import session
+from ATRI.modules import response # type: ignore
+import config # type: ignore
+# 手搓仿生人回复,争取破1MB!
+bot = nonebot.get_bot()
+master = config.MASTER()
+KC_URL = ''
+ 'cron',
+ day_of_week = "mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun",
+ hour = 7,
+ misfire_grace_time=60
+async def _():
+ """早安"""
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ group_list = await bot.get_group_list() #type: ignore
+ groups = [group['group_id'] for group in group_list]
+ g_list = len(group_list)
+ res = randint(1,2)
+ if res == 1:
+ msg = choice(
+ [
+ '啊......早上好...(哈欠)',
+ '唔......吧唧...早上...哈啊啊~~~\n早上好......',
+ '早上好......',
+ '早上好呜......呼啊啊~~~~',
+ '啊......早上好。\n昨晚也很激情呢!',
+ '吧唧吧唧......怎么了...已经早上了么...',
+ '早上好!',
+ '......看起来像是傍晚,其实已经早上了吗?',
+ '早上好......欸~~~脸好近呢'
+ '......(打瞌睡)',
+ ]
+ )
+ elif res == 2:
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / 'SY.jpg'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ msg = f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{os.path.abspath(img)}]'
+ for group in groups:
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = msg) #type: ignore
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ await bot.send_private_msg(user_id = master, message = f'已推送到[{g_list}]个群\n耗时:{round(end - start, 3)}') # type: ignore
+ 'cron',
+ day_of_week = "mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun",
+ hour = 22,
+ misfire_grace_time=60
+async def _():
+ """晚安"""
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ group_list = await bot.get_group_list() #type: ignore
+ groups = [group['group_id'] for group in group_list]
+ g_list = len(group_list)
+ res = randint(1,2)
+ if res == 1:
+ msg = choice(
+ [
+ '忙累了一天,快休息吧',
+ '辛苦了一天,准备睡觉吧',
+ '一起睡觉吧~~~~~',
+ '......该睡觉了',
+ '还不睡等着猝死?嗯!?'
+ ]
+ )
+ elif res == 2:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'SJ.jpg', 'SJ1.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ msg = f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{os.path.abspath(img)}]'
+ for group in groups:
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = msg) #type: ignore
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ await bot.send_private_msg(user_id = master, message = f'已推送到[{g_list}]个群\n耗时:{round(end - start, 3)}') # type: ignore
+ 'cron',
+ day_of_week = "mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun",
+ hour = 0,
+ misfire_grace_time=60
+async def _():
+ """到 点 了"""
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ group_list = await bot.get_group_list() # type: ignore
+ groups = [group['group_id'] for group in group_list]
+ g_list = len(group_list)
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'WYY.gif', 'WYY.jpg', 'WYY1.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ msg = f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{os.path.abspath(img)}]'
+ for group in groups:
+ await bot.send_group_msg(group_id = group, message = msg) #type: ignore
+ end = time.perf_counter()
+ await bot.send_private_msg(user_id = master, message = f'已推送到[{g_list}]个群\n耗时:{round(end - start, 3)}') # type: ignore
+def now_time():
+ now_ =
+ hour = now_.hour
+ minute = now_.minute
+ now = hour + minute / 60
+ return now
+def countX(lst, x):
+ warnings.simplefilter('ignore', ResourceWarning)
+ count = 0
+ for ele in lst:
+ if (ele == x):
+ count = count + 1
+ return count
+def rmQQfromNoobLIST(user):
+ file = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json'
+ with open(file, 'r') as f:
+ bL = json.load(f)
+ bL.pop(f"{user}")
+ f = open(file, 'w')
+ f.write(json.dumps(bL))
+ f.close()
+@on_command('morning', patterns = [r"早[安哇]|早上好|ohayo|哦哈哟|お早う"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 5.5 <= now_time() < 9:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '啊......早上好...(哈欠)',
+ '唔......吧唧...早上...哈啊啊~~~\n早上好......',
+ '早上好......',
+ '早上好呜......呼啊啊~~~~',
+ '啊......早上好。\n昨晚也很激情呢!',
+ '吧唧吧唧......怎么了...已经早上了么...',
+ '早上好!',
+ '......看起来像是傍晚,其实已经早上了吗?',
+ '早上好......欸~~~脸好近呢'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ elif 9 <= now_time() < 18:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '哼!这个点还早啥,昨晚干啥去了!?',
+ '熬夜了对吧熬夜了对吧熬夜了对吧???!',
+ '是不是熬夜是不是熬夜是不是熬夜?!'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ elif 18 <= now_time() < 24:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '早个啥?哼唧!我都准备洗洗睡了!',
+ '不是...你看看几点了,哼!',
+ '晚上好哇'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ elif 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ 'zzzz......',
+ 'zzzzzzzz......',
+ 'zzz...好涩哦..zzz....',
+ '别...不要..zzz..那..zzz..',
+ '嘻嘻..zzz..呐~..zzzz..',
+ '...zzz....哧溜哧溜....'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+@on_command('noon', patterns = [r"中午好|午安"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 11 <= now_time() <= 15:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '午安w','午觉要好好睡哦,ATRI会陪伴在你身旁的w',
+ '嗯哼哼~睡吧,就像平常一样安眠吧~o(≧▽≦)o',
+ '睡你午觉去!哼唧!!'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+@on_command('night', patterns = [r"晚安|oyasuminasai|おやすみなさい"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 5.5 <= now_time() < 11:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '你可猝死算了吧!',
+ '?啊这',
+ '亲,这边建议赶快去睡觉呢~~~',
+ '不可忍不可忍不可忍!!为何这还不猝死!!'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ elif 11 <= now_time() < 15:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '午安w','午觉要好好睡哦,ATRI会陪伴在你身旁的w',
+ '嗯哼哼~睡吧,就像平常一样安眠吧~o(≧▽≦)o',
+ '睡你午觉去!哼唧!!'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ elif 15 <= now_time() < 19:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '难不成??晚上不想睡觉??现在休息',
+ '就......挺离谱的...现在睡觉',
+ '现在还是白天哦,睡觉还太早了'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ elif 19 <= now_time() < 24:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '嗯哼哼~睡吧,就像平常一样安眠吧~o(≧▽≦)o',
+ '......(打瞌睡)',
+ '呼...呼...已经睡着了哦~...呼......',
+ '......我、我会在这守着你的,请务必好好睡着'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ elif 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ 'zzzz......',
+ 'zzzzzzzz......',
+ 'zzz...好涩哦..zzz....',
+ '别...不要..zzz..那..zzz..',
+ '嘻嘻..zzz..呐~..zzzz..'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+@on_command('az', patterns = [r"[aA][zZ]|[阿啊]这"], only_to_me = False)
+async def az(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ res = randint(1,3)
+ if res == 1:
+ # res = random.randint(1,10)
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'AZ.jpg', 'AZ1.jpg', 'AZ2.jpg', 'AZ3.png', 'ZN.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+@on_command('suki', patterns = [r"喜欢|爱你|爱|suki|daisuki|すき|好き|贴贴|老婆|[Mm][Uu][Aa]|亲一个"], only_to_me = True)
+async def az(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ res = randint(1,3)
+ if res == 1:
+ # res = random.randint(1,10)
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'SUKI.jpg', 'SUKI1.jpg', 'SUKI2.png', 'HE1.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+ elif 2 <= res <= 3:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'TZ.jpg', 'TZ1.jpg', 'TZ2.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+@on_command('wenhao', patterns = [r"'?'|?|¿"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ res = randint(1,3)
+ if res == 1:
+ res = randint(1,5)
+ if 1 <= res < 2:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '?', '?', '嗯?', '(。´・ω・)ん?', 'ん?'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ elif 2 <= res <= 5:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'WH.jpg', 'WH1.jpg', 'WH2.jpg', 'WH3.jpg', 'WH4.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+@on_command('yn', patterns = [r"是[吗]|是否"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if randint(1,3) == 1:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'YIQI_YES.png', 'YIQI_NO.jpg', 'KD.jpg', 'FD.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+@on_command('kouchou', patterns = [r"草你妈|操|你妈|脑瘫|废柴|fw|five|废物|战斗|爬|爪巴|sb|SB|啥[b批比逼]|傻b|给[爷👴]爬|嘴臭"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if randint(1,2) == 1:
+ res = randint(1,3)
+ if res == 1:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'WQ.jpg', 'WQ.png', 'WQ1.jpg', 'WQ2.jpg', 'FN.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+ elif res == 2:
+ res = randint(1,3)
+ if res == 1:
+ await session.send('对嘴臭人以火箭组合必杀拳,来让他好好喝一壶!哼!')
+ elif res == 2:
+ await session.send('鱼雷组合拳——————————————————啊————!!!')
+ elif res == 3:
+ await session.send('火箭拳——————————————————————————!!!')
+ elif res == 3:
+ await session.send(response.request_api(KC_URL))
+@on_command('ciallo', patterns = [r"[Cc][iI][aA][lL][lL][oO]"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if randint(1,2) == 1:
+ res = randint(1,2)
+ if res == 1:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'CIALLO.jpg', 'CIALLO1.jpg', 'CIALLO2.jpg', 'CIALLO3.jpg', 'CIALLO4.jpg', 'CIALLO5.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+ elif res == 2:
+ await session.send('Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒★')
+@on_command('ne', patterns = [r"呐|ねえ|口内"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if randint(1,3) == 1:
+ await session.send(
+ choice(
+ [
+ '呐', '呐呐呐', 'ねえ', 'ねえねえ'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+@on_command('kani', patterns = [r"螃蟹|🦀|カニ|[kK]ani"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if randint(1,2) == 1:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'KN.png', 'KN.jpg', 'KN1.jpg', 'KN2.jpg', 'KN3.png'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+@on_command('qingjie', patterns = [r"青[洁结]"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if randint(1,2) == 1:
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / 'H.jpg'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+@on_command('jz', patterns = [r"就这"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if randint(1,2) == 1:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'JZ.png', 'JZ1.png'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+@on_command('hai', patterns = [r"害|嗐"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if randint(1,2) == 1:
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / 'H.jpg'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+@on_command('high_per', patterns = [r"高性能|[太最][棒好强猛]|[tT][qQ][lL]|[🐂牛nN][🍺批bB]|すごい|sugoi|[斯死]国一|よかった"])
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ msg = str(session.event.message)
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ pat = r"草你妈|操|你妈|脑瘫|废柴|fw|five|废物|战斗|爬|爪巴|sb|SB|啥[b批比逼]|傻b|给[爷👴]爬|嘴臭"
+ if re.findall(pat, msg):
+ pass
+ else:
+ msg = choice(
+ [
+ '当然,我是高性能的嘛~!',
+ '小事一桩,我是高性能的嘛',
+ '怎么样?还是我比较高性能吧?',
+ '哼哼!我果然是高性能的呢!',
+ '因为我是高性能的嘛!嗯哼!',
+ '因为我是高性能的呢!',
+ '哎呀~,我可真是太高性能了',
+ '正是,因为我是高性能的',
+ '是的。我是高性能的嘛♪',
+ '毕竟我可是高性能的!',
+ '嘿嘿,我的高性能发挥出来啦♪',
+ '我果然是很高性能的机器人吧!',
+ '是吧!谁叫我这么高性能呢!哼哼!',
+ '交给我吧,有高性能的我陪着呢',
+ '呣......我的高性能,毫无遗憾地施展出来了......'
+ ]
+ )
+ await session.send(msg)
+@on_command('dont_worry', patterns = [r"没事|没关系|大丈夫|还好|不要紧|没出大问题|没伤到哪"])
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ msg = str(session.event.message)
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ pat = r"草你妈|操|你妈|脑瘫|废柴|fw|five|废物|战斗|爬|爪巴|sb|SB|啥[b批比逼]|傻b|给[爷👴]爬|嘴臭"
+ if re.findall(pat, msg):
+ pass
+ else:
+ msg = choice(
+ [
+ '当然,我是高性能的嘛~!',
+ '没事没事,因为我是高性能的嘛!嗯哼!',
+ '没事的,因为我是高性能的呢!',
+ '正是,因为我是高性能的',
+ '是的。我是高性能的嘛♪',
+ '毕竟我可是高性能的!',
+ '那种程度的事不算什么的。\n别看我这样,我可是高性能的',
+ '没问题的,我可是高性能的'
+ ]
+ )
+ await session.send(msg)
+@on_command('mohead', patterns = [r"摸[头摸]"])
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ msg = str(session.event.message)
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ pat = r"草你妈|操|你妈|脑瘫|废柴|fw|five|废物|战斗|爬|爪巴|sb|SB|啥[b批比逼]|傻b|给[爷👴]爬|嘴臭"
+ if re.findall(pat, msg):
+ pass
+ else:
+ res = randint(1,3)
+ if 1 <= res <= 2:
+ img = choice(
+ [
+ 'TZ.jpg', 'TZ1.jpg', 'TZ2.jpg'
+ ]
+ )
+ img = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'emoji' / f'{img}'
+ img = os.path.abspath(img)
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:image,file=file:///{img}]')
+ elif res == 3:
+ msg = choice(
+ [
+ '头发的柔顺度上升,我的高性能更上一层楼......',
+ '*蹭蹭'
+ ]
+ )
+ await session.send(msg)
+noobList0 = []
+@on_command('robozi', patterns = [r"萝卜子"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ global noobList0
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ bL = {}
+ await session.send('萝卜子是对机器人的蔑称!')
+ noobList0.append(user)
+ if countX(noobList0, user) == 2:
+ if user == master:
+ await session.send('是主人的话...那算了...呜呜\n即使到达了ATRI的最低忍耐限度......')
+ noobList0 = list(set(noobList0))
+ pass
+ await session.send('是亚托莉......萝卜子可是对机器人的蔑称......\n这是第二次警告哦,接下来5分钟我不会再理你了!哼唧!')
+ bL[f"{user}"] = f"{user}"
+ file = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json'
+ f = open(file, 'w')
+ f.write(json.dumps(bL))
+ f.close()
+ noobList0 = list(set(noobList0))
+ print(noobList0)
+ delta = timedelta(minutes = 5)
+ trigger = DateTrigger(
+ run_date = + delta
+ )
+ scheduler.add_job( #type: ignore
+ func = rmQQfromNoobLIST,
+ trigger = trigger,
+ args = (user),
+ misfire_grace_time = 60,
+ )
+noobList1 = []
+@on_command('ntr', patterns = [r"[nNηиɴИ][tT][rR]|[牛🐂]头人"], only_to_me = False)
+async def _(session: CommandSession):
+ global noobList1
+ user = session.event.user_id
+ group = session.event.group_id
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data = {}
+ try:
+ with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f:
+ data1 = json.load(f)
+ except:
+ data1 = {}
+ if str(group) in data.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if str(user) in data1.keys():
+ pass
+ else:
+ if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5:
+ pass
+ else:
+ msg = str(session.event.message)
+ bL = {}
+ pattern = r"[nNηиɴИ][tT][rR]|[牛🐂]头人"
+ if re.findall(pattern, msg):
+ await session.send('你妈的,牛头人,' + response.request_api(KC_URL))
+ noobList1.append(user)
+ print(noobList1)
+ print(countX(noobList1, user))
+ if countX(noobList1, user) == 5:
+ if user == master:
+ await session.send('是主人的话...那算了...呜呜\n即使到达了ATRI的最低忍耐限度......')
+ noobList1 = list(set(noobList1))
+ pass
+ else:
+ await session.send(f'[CQ:at,qq={user}]哼!接下来10分钟别想让我理你!')
+ bL[f"{user}"] = f"{user}"
+ file = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json'
+ f = open(file, 'w')
+ f.write(json.dumps(bL))
+ f.close()
+ noobList1 = list(set(noobList1))
+ print(noobList1)
+ delta = timedelta(minutes = 10)
+ trigger = DateTrigger(
+ run_date = + delta
+ )
+ scheduler.add_job( #type: ignore
+ func = rmQQfromNoobLIST,
+ trigger = trigger,
+ args = (user),
+ misfire_grace_time = 60,
+ ) \ No newline at end of file