import os import time import json import asyncio import sqlite3 import nonebot from pathlib import Path from nonebot import on_command, CommandSession import config from ATRI.modules.response import request_api bot = nonebot.get_bot() master = config.SUPERUSERS url = f'' try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'sepi.json', 'r') as f: sP = json.load(f) except: sP = {} sepi = list(sP.keys()) try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'cloudmusic.json', 'r') as f: cD = json.load(f) except: cD = {} cloudmusic = list(cD.keys()) @on_command('upload_setu', aliases = ['上传涩图'], only_to_me = False) async def _(session: CommandSession): user = session.event.user_id if user in master or user in sepi: start = time.perf_counter() msg = session.event.raw_message.split(' ', 2) print(msg) i_tpye = msg[1] pid = msg[2] URL = url + pid dc = json.loads(request_api(URL)) if not dc: session.finish('ATRI在尝试解析数据时出问题...等会再试试吧...') title = dc["response"][0]["title"] tags = dc["response"][0]["tags"] account = dc["response"][0]["user"]["account"] name = dc["response"][0]["user"]["name"] u_id = dc["response"][0]["user"]["id"] user_link = f'' + f'{u_id}' img = f'{pid}.jpg' dataSETU = (f'{pid}', f'{title}', f'{tags}', f'{account}', f'{name}', f'{u_id}', f'{user_link}', f'{img}') if i_tpye == '正常': if os.path.exists('ATRI/data/sqlite/setu/normal.db'): print('数据文件存在!') else: await session.send('数据库不存在,将在3秒后开始构建...') await asyncio.sleep(3) await session.send('开始构建数据库!') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'normal.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('CREATE TABLE normal(pid PID, title TITLE, tags TAGS, account ACCOUNT, name NAME, u_id UID, user_link USERLINK, img IMG, UNIQUE(pid, title, tags, account, name, u_id, user_link, img))') con.commit() cur.close() con.close() await session.send('完成') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'normal.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('INSERT INTO normal(pid, title, tags, account, name, u_id, user_link, img) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', dataSETU) con.commit() con.close() elif i_tpye == '擦边球': if os.path.exists('ATRI/data/sqlite/setu/nearR18.db'): print('数据文件存在!') else: await session.send('数据库不存在,将在3秒后开始构建...') await asyncio.sleep(3) await session.send('开始构建数据库!') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'nearR18.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('CREATE TABLE nearR18(pid PID, title TITLE, tags TAGS, account ACCOUNT, name NAME, u_id UID, user_link USERLINK, img IMG, UNIQUE(pid, title, tags, account, name, u_id, user_link, img))') con.commit() cur.close() con.close() await session.send('完成') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'nearR18.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('INSERT INTO nearR18(pid, title, tags, account, name, u_id, user_link, img) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', dataSETU) con.commit() con.close() elif i_tpye == 'r18': if os.path.exists('ATRI/data/sqlite/cloudmusic/cloudmusic.db'): print('数据文件存在!') else: await session.send('数据库不存在,将在3秒后开始构建...') await asyncio.sleep(3) await session.send('开始构建数据库!') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'r18.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('CREATE TABLE r18(pid PID, title TITLE, tags TAGS, account ACCOUNT, name NAME, u_id UID, user_link USERLINK, img IMG, UNIQUE(pid, title, tags, account, name, u_id, user_link, img))') con.commit() cur.close() con.close() await session.send('完成') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'r18.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('INSERT INTO r18(pid, title, tags, account, name, u_id, user_link, img) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', dataSETU) con.commit() con.close() end = time.perf_counter() await session.send(f'数据上传完成!\n耗时: {round(end - start, 3)}s') @on_command('upload_cloudmusic', aliases = ['上传网抑语', '网抑云', '网易云'], only_to_me = False) async def _(session: CommandSession): user = session.event.user_id if user in master or user in cloudmusic: start = time.perf_counter() msg = session.event.raw_message.split(' ', 1) msg = msg[1] if os.path.exists('ATRI/data/sqlite/cloudmusic/cloudmusic.db'): print('数据文件存在!') else: await session.send('数据库不存在,将在3秒后开始构建...') await asyncio.sleep(3) await session.send('开始构建数据库!') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'cloudmusic' / 'cloudmusic.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('CREATE TABLE cloudmusic(msg MSG, UNIQUE(msg))') con.commit() cur.close() con.close() await session.send('完成') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'cloudmusic' / 'cloudmusic.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('INSERT INTO cloudmusic(msg) VALUES (?)', msg) con.commit() con.close() end = time.perf_counter() await session.send(f'数据上传完成!\n耗时: {round(end - start, 3)}s') @on_command('del_setu', aliases = ['删除涩图'], only_to_me = False) async def _(session: CommandSession): user = session.event.user_id if user in master or user in sepi: start = time.perf_counter() msg = session.event.raw_message.split(' ', 2) i_tpye = msg[1] pid = msg[2] if i_tpye == '正常': if os.path.exists(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'normal.db'): print('数据文件存在!') else: session.finish('ERROR: 恁都没库删锤子') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'normal.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(f'DELETE FROM COMPANY WHERE ID = {pid}') con.commit() con.close() elif i_tpye == '擦边球': if os.path.exists(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'nearR18.db'): print('数据文件存在!') else: session.finish('ERROR: 恁都没库删锤子') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'nearR18.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(f'DELETE FROM COMPANY WHERE ID = {pid}') con.commit() con.close() elif i_tpye == 'r18': if os.path.exists(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'r18.db'): print('数据文件存在!') else: session.finish('ERROR: 恁都没库删锤子') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'setu' / 'r18.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(f'DELETE FROM COMPANY WHERE ID = {pid}') con.commit() con.close() end = time.perf_counter() await session.send(f'数据删除完成!\n耗时: {round(end - start, 3)}s') @on_command('del_cloudmusic', aliases = ['删除网易云'], only_to_me = False) async def _(session: CommandSession): user = session.event.user_id if user in master or user in cloudmusic: start = time.perf_counter() msg = session.event.raw_message.split(' ', 1) msg = msg[1] if os.path.exists('ATRI/data/sqlite/cloudmusic/cloudmusic.db'): print('数据文件存在!') else: session.finish('ERROR: 恁都没库删锤子') con = sqlite3.connect(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'sqlite' / 'cloudmusic' / 'cloudmusic.db') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('INSERT INTO cloudmusic(msg) VALUES (?)', msg) con.commit() con.close() end = time.perf_counter() await session.send(f'数据删除完成!\n耗时: {round(end - start, 3)}s') @on_command('add_check_sepi', aliases=['添加涩批', '移除涩批'], only_to_me = False) async def _(session: CommandSession): if session.event.user_id in master: msg = session.event.raw_message.split(' ', 1) m_type = msg[0] u = msg[1] if m_type == '添加涩批': try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'sepi.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) except: data = {} data[f"{u}"] = f"{u}" f = open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'sepi.json', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(data)) f.close() await session.send(f'成功添加涩批[{u}]!') elif m_type == '移除涩批': try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'sepi.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) except: data = {} data.pop(f"{u}") f = open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'sepi.json', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(data)) f.close() await session.send(f'成功移除涩批[{u}]!') @on_command('add_check_cd', aliases = ['添加抑郁', '移除抑郁'], only_to_me = False) async def _(session: CommandSession): if session.event.user_id in master: msg = session.event.raw_message.split(' ', 1) m_type = msg[0] u = msg[1] if m_type == '添加抑郁': try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'cloudmusic.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) except: data = {} data[f"{u}"] = f"{u}" f = open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'cloudmusic.json', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(data)) f.close() await session.send(f'成功添加抑郁[{u}]!') elif m_type == '移除抑郁': try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'cloudmusic.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) except: data = {} data.pop(f"{u}") f = open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'UploadSqlite' / 'cloudmusic.json', 'w') f.write(json.dumps(data)) f.close() await session.send(f'成功移除抑郁[{u}]!')