import json from nonebot.params import ArgPlainText from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11 import PrivateMessageEvent, GroupMessageEvent from ATRI.config import BotSelfConfig from ATRI.exceptions import WriteFileError, ReadFileError from .data_source import Console, CONSOLE_DIR from .models import AuthData gen_console_key = Console().cmd_as_group("auth", "获取进入网页后台的凭证")"is_pub_n", "咱的运行环境是否有公网(y/n)") async def _(event: PrivateMessageEvent, is_pub_n: str = ArgPlainText("is_pub_n")): if is_pub_n != "y": ip = str(await Console().get_host_ip(False)) await gen_console_key.send("没有公网吗...嗯知道了") else: ip = str(await Console().get_host_ip(True)) p = BotSelfConfig.port rs = Console().get_random_str(20) df = CONSOLE_DIR / "data.json" try: if not df.is_file(): with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) d = json.loads(df.read_bytes()) ca = d.get("data", None) if ca: # 此处原本想用 matcher.finish 但这是在 try 里啊! await gen_console_key.send("咱已经告诉你了嗷!啊!忘了.../gauth 获取吧") return d["data"] = AuthData(ip=ip, port=str(p), token=rs).dict() with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps(d)) except WriteFileError: msg = f""" 哦吼!写入文件失败了...还请自行记下哦... IP: {ip} PORT: {p} TOKEN: {rs} 一定要保管好哦!切勿告诉他人哦! """.strip() await gen_console_key.send(msg) raise WriteFileError("Writing file: " + str(df) + " failed!") msg = f""" 该信息已保存!可通过 /gauth 获取~ IP: {ip} PORT: {p} TOKEN: {rs} 一定要保管好哦!切勿告诉他人哦! """.strip() await gen_console_key.finish(msg) @gen_console_key.handle() async def _(event: GroupMessageEvent): await gen_console_key.finish("请私戳咱获取(") load_console_key = Console().cmd_as_group("load", "获取已生成的后台凭证") @load_console_key.handle() async def _(event: PrivateMessageEvent): df = CONSOLE_DIR / "data.json" if not df.is_file(): await load_console_key.finish("你还没有问咱索要奥!/auth 以获取") try: d = json.loads(df.read_bytes()) except ReadFileError: await load_console_key.send("获取数据失败了...请自行打开文件查看吧:\n" + str(df)) raise ReadFileError("Reading file: " + str(df) + " failed!") data = d["data"] msg = f""" 诶嘿嘿嘿——凭证信息来咯! IP: {data['ip']} PORT: {data['port']} TOKEN: {data['token']} 切记!不要告诉他人!! """.strip() await load_console_key.finish(msg) @load_console_key.handle() async def _(event: GroupMessageEvent): await load_console_key.finish("请私戳咱获取(") del_console_key = Console().cmd_as_group("del", "销毁进入网页后台的凭证")"is_sure_d", "...你确定吗(y/n)") async def _(is_sure: str = ArgPlainText("is_sure_d")): if is_sure != "y": await del_console_key.finish("反悔了呢...") df = CONSOLE_DIR / "data.json" if not df.is_file(): await del_console_key.finish("你还没向咱索取凭证呢.../auth 以获取") try: data: dict = json.loads(df.read_bytes()) del data["data"] with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps(data)) except WriteFileError: await del_console_key.send("销毁失败了...请至此处自行删除文件:\n" + str(df)) raise WriteFileError("Writing / Reading file: " + str(df) + " failed!") await del_console_key.finish("销毁成功!如需再次获取: /auth") res_console_key = Console().cmd_as_group("reauth", "重置进入网页后台的凭证")"is_sure_r", "...你确定吗(y/n)") async def _(is_sure: str = ArgPlainText("is_sure_r")): if is_sure != "y": await res_console_key.finish("反悔了呢...") df = CONSOLE_DIR / "data.json" if not df.is_file(): await del_console_key.finish("你还没向咱索取凭证呢.../auth 以获取") try: data: dict = json.loads(df.read_bytes()) del data["data"] with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps(data)) except WriteFileError: await del_console_key.send("销毁失败了...请至此处自行删除文件:\n" + str(df)) raise WriteFileError("Writing / Reading file: " + str(df) + " failed!")"is_pub_r_n", "咱的运行环境是否有公网(y/n)") async def _(event: PrivateMessageEvent, is_pub_n: str = ArgPlainText("is_pub_n")): if is_pub_n != "y": ip = str(await Console().get_host_ip(False)) await res_console_key.send("没有公网吗...嗯知道了") else: ip = str(await Console().get_host_ip(True)) p = BotSelfConfig.port rs = Console().get_random_str(20) df = CONSOLE_DIR / "data.json" try: if not df.is_file(): with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) d = json.loads(df.read_bytes()) ca = d.get("data", None) if ca: await res_console_key.send("咱已经告诉你了嗷!啊!忘了.../gauth 获取吧") return d["data"] = AuthData(ip=ip, port=str(p), token=rs).dict() with open(df, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps(d)) except WriteFileError: msg = f""" 哦吼!写入文件失败了...还请自行记下哦... IP: {ip} PORT: {p} TOKEN: {rs} 一定要保管好哦!切勿告诉他人哦! """.strip() await res_console_key.send(msg) raise WriteFileError("Writing file: " + str(df) + " failed!") msg = f""" 该信息已保存!可通过 /gauth 获取~ IP: {ip} PORT: {p} TOKEN: {rs} 一定要保管好哦!切勿告诉他人哦! """.strip() await res_console_key.finish(msg) from ATRI import driver as dr from .driver import init dr().on_startup(init)