import os import json from pathlib import Path from aiohttp import FormData from datetime import datetime from ATRI.service import Service, ServiceTools from ATRI.utils import UbuntuPaste from ATRI.exceptions import ReadFileError, load_error MANEGE_DIR = Path(".") / "data" / "database" / "manege" ESSENTIAL_DIR = Path(".") / "data" / "database" / "essential" os.makedirs(MANEGE_DIR, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(ESSENTIAL_DIR, exist_ok=True) TRACK_BACK_FORMAT = """ Track ID:{track_id} Prompt: {prompt} Time: {time} {content} """.strip() __doc__ = """ 控制bot的各项服务 """ class Manege(Service): def __init__(self): Service.__init__(self, "管理", __doc__, True) @staticmethod def _load_block_user_list() -> dict: """ 文件结构: { "Block user ID": { "time": "Block time" } } """ file_name = "block_user.json" path = MANEGE_DIR / file_name if not path.is_file(): with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) data = dict() data = json.loads(path.read_bytes()) return data @staticmethod def _save_block_user_list(data: dict) -> None: file_name = "block_user.json" path = MANEGE_DIR / file_name if not path.is_file(): with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) data = dict() with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) @staticmethod def _load_block_group_list() -> dict: """ 文件结构: { "Block group ID": { "time": "Block time" } } """ file_name = "block_group.json" path = MANEGE_DIR / file_name if not path.is_file(): with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) data = dict() data = json.loads(path.read_bytes()) return data @staticmethod def _save_block_group_list(data: dict) -> None: file_name = "block_group.json" path = MANEGE_DIR / file_name if not path.is_file(): with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) data = dict() with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) @classmethod def block_user(cls, user_id: str) -> bool: data = cls._load_block_user_list() now_time = data[user_id] = { "time": now_time } try: cls._save_block_user_list(data) return True except BaseException: return False @classmethod def unblock_user(cls, user_id: str) -> bool: data: dict = cls._load_block_user_list() if user_id not in data: return False try: data.pop(user_id) cls._save_block_user_list(data) return True except BaseException: return False @classmethod def block_group(cls, group_id: str) -> bool: data = cls._load_block_group_list() now_time = data[group_id] = { "time": now_time } try: cls._save_block_group_list(data) return True except BaseException: return False @classmethod def unblock_group(cls, group_id: str) -> bool: data: dict = cls._load_block_group_list() if group_id not in data: return False try: data.pop(group_id) cls._save_block_group_list(data) return True except BaseException: return False @staticmethod def control_global_service(service: str, is_enabled: bool) -> bool: """ Only SUPERUSER. """ try: data = ServiceTools().load_service(service) except BaseException: return False data["enabled"] = is_enabled ServiceTools().save_service(data, service) return True @staticmethod def control_user_service(service: str, user_id: str, is_enabled: bool) -> bool: """ Only SUPERUSER. """ try: data = ServiceTools().load_service(service) except BaseException: return False temp_list: list = data.get("disable_user", list()) if is_enabled: try: temp_list.remove(user_id) except BaseException: return False else: temp_list.append(user_id) data["disable_user"] = temp_list ServiceTools().save_service(data, service) return True @staticmethod def control_group_service(service: str, group_id: str, is_enabled: bool) -> bool: """ SUPERUSER and GROUPADMIN or GROUPOWNER. Only current group. """ try: data = ServiceTools().load_service(service) except BaseException: return False temp_list: list = data.get("disable_group", list()) if is_enabled: try: temp_list.remove(group_id) except BaseException: return False else: temp_list.append(group_id) data["disable_group"] = temp_list ServiceTools().save_service(data, service) return True @staticmethod def load_friend_apply_list() -> dict: file_name = "friend_add.json" path = ESSENTIAL_DIR / file_name if not path.is_file(): with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) return dict() data = json.loads(path.read_bytes()) return data @staticmethod def save_friend_apply_list(data: dict) -> None: file_name = "friend_add.json" path = ESSENTIAL_DIR / file_name if not path.is_file(): with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) @staticmethod def load_invite_apply_list() -> dict: file_name = "group_invite.json" path = ESSENTIAL_DIR / file_name if not path.is_file(): with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) return dict() data = json.loads(path.read_bytes()) return data @staticmethod def save_invite_apply_list(data: dict) -> None: file_name = "group_invite.json" path = ESSENTIAL_DIR / file_name if not path.is_file(): with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps({})) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) @staticmethod async def track_error(track_id: str) -> str: try: data = load_error(track_id) except ReadFileError: return "请检查ID是否正确..." prompt = data.get("prompt", "ignore") time = data.get("time", "ignore") content = data.get("content", "ignore") msg0 = TRACK_BACK_FORMAT.format( track_id=track_id, prompt=prompt, time=time, content=content ) f_data = FormData() f_data.add_field("poster", "ATRI running log") f_data.add_field("syntax", "text") f_data.add_field("expiration", "day") f_data.add_field("content", msg0) repo = f"详细请移步此处~\n{await UbuntuPaste(f_data).paste()}" return repo