from nonebot.permission import SUPERUSER from nonebot.adapters.onebot.v11 import GROUP_OWNER, GROUP_ADMIN from ATRI import driver from ATRI.service import Service, ServiceTools from ATRI.rule import is_in_service from ATRI.log import logger as log from ATRI.utils import request from ATRI.utils.apscheduler import scheduler from ATRI.exceptions import TwitterDynamicError from .db import DB from .api import API _DYNAMIC_OUTPUT_FORMAT = """ {t_nickname} 的推更新了! {t_dy_content} """.strip() class TwitterDynamicSubscriptor(Service): def __init__(self): Service.__init__( self, "推特动态订阅", "推特动态订阅助手~", rule=is_in_service("推特动态订阅"), permission=SUPERUSER | GROUP_OWNER | GROUP_ADMIN, main_cmd="/td", ) async def add_sub(self, tid: int, group_id: int): try: async with DB() as db: await db.add_sub(tid, group_id) except Exception: raise TwitterDynamicError("添加订阅失败") async def update_sub(self, tid: int, group_id: int, update_map: dict): try: async with DB() as db: await db.update_sub(tid, group_id, update_map) except Exception: raise TwitterDynamicError("更新订阅失败") async def del_sub(self, screen_name: str, group_id: int): try: async with DB() as db: await db.del_sub({"screen_name": screen_name, "group_id": group_id}) except Exception: raise TwitterDynamicError("删除订阅失败") async def get_sub_list(self, tid: int = int(), group_id: int = int()) -> list: if not tid: query_map = {"group_id": group_id} else: query_map = {"tid": tid, "group_id": group_id} try: async with DB() as db: return await db.get_sub_list(query_map) except Exception: raise TwitterDynamicError("获取订阅列表失败") async def get_all_subs(self) -> list: try: async with DB() as db: return await db.get_all_subs() except Exception: raise TwitterDynamicError("获取全部订阅列表失败") async def get_twitter_user_info(self, name: str) -> dict: api = API() resp = await api.search_user(name) return resp async def get_twitter_username(self, name: str) -> tuple: data = await self.get_twitter_user_info(name) _name = data.get("name", None) screen_name = data.get("screen_name", None) return _name, screen_name def gen_output(self, data: dict, content_limit) -> str: """生成动态信息 Args: data (dict): dict形式的动态数据. limit_content (int, optional): 内容字数限制. Returns: str: 动态信息 """ if not content_limit: content = data["content"] else: content = data["content"][:content_limit] return _DYNAMIC_OUTPUT_FORMAT.format( t_nickname=data["name"], t_dy_content=str(content) .replace("https://", str()) .replace("http://", str()), ) # TODO # class TwitterHelper(Service): # def __init__(self): # Service.__init__(self, "推特助手", "推特小助手", rule=is_in_service("推特助手")) async def _regot_in_need(): api = API() await api.get_token() # await api.get_cookie() async def _check_status(): headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36" } try: await request.get("", headers=headers) log.success("已成功连接: Twitter") await _regot_in_need() scheduler.add_job(_regot_in_need, "interval", name="刷新推特凭据", minutes=30, misfire_grace_time=10) # type: ignore except Exception: data = ServiceTools.load_service("推特动态订阅") data["enabled"] = False ServiceTools.save_service(data, "推特动态订阅") log.warning("无法连接至 Twitter,这将导致相关插件无法工作. 已自动禁用.") driver().on_startup(_check_status)