import os import re import json from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime from typing import ( Dict, Any, List, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING ) from nonebot.matcher import Matcher from nonebot.permission import Permission from nonebot.plugin import on_message from nonebot.typing import T_State, T_Handler, T_RuleChecker from nonebot.rule import Rule, command, keyword, regex from .log import logger as log from .config import Config from .utils.request import post_bytes if TYPE_CHECKING: from nonebot.adapters import Bot, Event SERVICE_DIR = Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'data' / 'service' SERVICES_DIR = SERVICE_DIR / 'services' os.makedirs(SERVICE_DIR, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(SERVICES_DIR, exist_ok=True) is_sleep: bool = False matcher_list: list = [] def _load_block_list() -> dict: file_name = "ban.json" file = SERVICE_DIR / file_name try: data = json.loads(file.read_bytes()) except: data = { "user": {}, "group": {} } with open(file, "w") as r: r.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) return data def _save_block_list(data: dict) -> None: file_name = "ban.json" file = SERVICE_DIR / file_name with open(file, "w") as r: r.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) def _load_service_config(service: str, docs: str = None) -> dict: file_name = service.replace('/', '') + ".json" file = SERVICES_DIR / file_name try: data = json.loads(file.read_bytes()) except: service_info = { "command": service, "docs": docs, "enabled": True, "disable_user": {}, "disable_group": {} } with open(file, "w") as r: r.write(json.dumps(service_info, indent=4)) data = service_info return data def _save_service_config(service: str, data: dict) -> None: file_name = service.replace('/', '') + ".json" file = SERVICES_DIR / file_name with open(file, "w") as r: r.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) class Service: """ 集成一套服务管理,对功能信息进行持久化 计划搭配前端使用 """ @staticmethod def manual_reg_service(service: str, docs: str = None): file_name = service.replace('/', '') + ".json" file = SERVICES_DIR / file_name service_info = { "command": service, "docs": docs, "enabled": True, "disable_user": {}, "disable_group": {} } with open(file, "w") as r: r.write(json.dumps(service_info, indent=4)) @staticmethod def auth_service(service: str, user: str, group: str = None) -> bool: data = _load_service_config(service) if user in data["disable_user"]: return False else: if group in data["disable_group"]: return False else: return True @staticmethod def control_service(service: str, is_global: bool, is_enabled: int, user: str = None, group: str = None) -> None: data = _load_service_config(service) is_enabled = bool(is_enabled) if is_global: status = "disabled" if is_enabled else "enabled" data['enabled'] = is_enabled"\033[33mService: {service} has been {status}.\033[33m") else: if user: if not is_enabled: data['disable_user'][user] = str("\033[33mNew service blocked user: {user}\033[33m" f"\033[33m | Service: {service} | Time: {}\033[33m") else: if user in data['disable_user']: del data['disable_user'][user]"\033[33mUser: {user} has been unblock\033[33m" f"\033[33m | Service: {service} | Time: {}\033[33m") else: if not is_enabled: data['disable_group'][group] = str("\033[33mNew service blocked group: {group}\033[33m" f"\033[33m | Service: {service} | Time: {}\033[33m") else: if group in data['disable_group']: del data['disable_group'][group]"\033[33mGroup: {group} has been unblock\033[33m" f"\033[33m | Service: {service} | Time: {}\033[33m") _save_service_config(service, data) @staticmethod def on_message(rule: Optional[Union[Rule, T_RuleChecker]] = None, permission: Optional[Permission] = None, *, handlers: Optional[List[T_Handler]] = None, temp: bool = False, priority: int = 1, block: bool = True, state: Optional[T_State] = None) -> Type[Matcher]: matcher ="message", Rule() & rule, permission or Permission(), temp=temp, priority=priority, block=block, handlers=handlers, default_state=state) return matcher @staticmethod def on_notice(rule: Optional[Union[Rule, T_RuleChecker]] = None, *, handlers: Optional[List[T_Handler]] = None, temp: bool = False, priority: int = 1, block: bool = False, state: Optional[T_State] = None) -> Type[Matcher]: matcher ="notice", Rule() & rule, Permission(), temp=temp, priority=priority, block=block, handlers=handlers, default_state=state) return matcher @staticmethod def on_request(rule: Optional[Union[Rule, T_RuleChecker]] = None, *, handlers: Optional[List[T_Handler]] = None, temp: bool = False, priority: int = 1, block: bool = False, state: Optional[T_State] = None) -> Type[Matcher]: matcher ="request", Rule() & rule, Permission(), temp=temp, priority=priority, block=block, handlers=handlers, default_state=state) return matcher @classmethod def on_command(cls, cmd: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], docs: Optional[str] = None, rule: Optional[Union[Rule, T_RuleChecker]] = None, aliases: Optional[Set[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]] = None, **kwargs) -> Type[Matcher]: async def _strip_cmd(bot: "Bot", event: "Event", state: T_State): message = event.get_message() segment = message.pop(0) new_message = message.__class__( str(segment).lstrip() [len(state["_prefix"]["raw_command"]):].lstrip()) # type: ignore for new_segment in reversed(new_message): message.insert(0, new_segment) handlers = kwargs.pop("handlers", []) handlers.insert(0, _strip_cmd) commands = set([cmd]) | (aliases or set()) _load_service_config(str(cmd), docs) return cls.on_message(command(*commands) & rule, handlers=handlers, **kwargs) @classmethod def on_keyword(cls, keywords: Set[str], docs: Optional[str] = None, rule: Optional[Union[Rule, T_RuleChecker]] = None, **kwargs) -> Type[Matcher]: _load_service_config(list(keywords)[0], docs) return cls.on_message(keyword(*keywords) & rule, **kwargs) @classmethod def on_regex(cls, pattern: str, flags: Union[int, re.RegexFlag] = 0, rule: Optional[Union[Rule, T_RuleChecker]] = None, **kwargs) -> Type[Matcher]: return on_message(regex(pattern, flags) & rule, **kwargs) class NetworkPost: URL = ( f"http://{}:" f"{Config.NetworkPost.port}/" ) @classmethod async def send_private_msg(cls, user_id: int, message: str, auto_escape: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: url = cls.URL + "send_private_msg?" params = { "user_id": user_id, "message": message, "auto_escape": f"{auto_escape}" } result = json.loads(await post_bytes(url, params)) log.debug(result) return result @classmethod def send_group_msg(cls, group_id: int, message: Union[str], auto_escape: Optional[bool] = ...) -> Dict[str, Any]: ... @classmethod async def send_msg(cls, message_type: Optional[str] = "", user_id: Optional[int] = None, group_id: Optional[int] = None, message = Union[str], auto_escape: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: url = cls.URL + "send_msg?" params = { "message_type": "", "user_id": user_id, "group_id": group_id, "message": message, "auto_escape": str(auto_escape) } result = json.loads(await post_bytes(url, params)) log.debug(result) return result @classmethod def delete_msg(cls, message_id: int): ... @classmethod def get_msg(cls, message_id: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: ... @classmethod def get_forward_msg(cls, id: int): ... @classmethod def send_like(cls, user_id: int, times: int = ...): ... @classmethod def set_group_kick(cls, group_id: int, user_id: int, reject_add_request: bool = ...): ... @classmethod def set_group_ban(cls, group_id: int, user_id: int, duration: int = ...): ... @classmethod def set_group_anonymous_ban(cls, group_id: int, anonymous: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = ..., flag: Optional[str] = ..., duration: int = ...): ... @classmethod def set_group_whole_ban(cls, group_id: int, enable: bool = ...): ... @classmethod def set_group_admin(cls, group_id: int, user_id: int, enable: bool = ...): ... @classmethod def set_group_anonymous(cls, group_id: int, enable: bool = ...): ... @classmethod def set_group_card(cls): ... @classmethod def set_group_name(cls): ... @classmethod def set_group_leave(cls): ... @classmethod def set_group_special_title(cls): ... @classmethod def set_friend_add_request(cls): ... @classmethod def set_group_add_request(cls): ... @classmethod def get_login_info(cls): ... @classmethod def get_stranger_info(cls): ... @classmethod def get_friend_list(cls): ... @classmethod def get_group_info(cls): ... @classmethod def get_group_list(cls): ... @classmethod def get_group_member_info(cls): ... @classmethod def get_group_member_list(cls): ... @classmethod def get_group_honor_info(cls): ... @classmethod def get_cookies(cls): ... @classmethod def get_csrf_token(cls): ... @classmethod def get_credentials(cls): ... @classmethod def get_record(cls): ... @classmethod def get_image(cls): ... @classmethod def can_send_image(cls): ... @classmethod def can_send_record(cls): ... @classmethod def get_status(cls): ... @classmethod def get_version_info(cls): ... @classmethod def set_restart(cls): ... @classmethod def clean_cache(cls): ... class Dormant: @staticmethod def is_dormant() -> bool: return False if is_sleep else True @staticmethod def control_dormant(is_enable: bool) -> None: global is_sleep if is_enable: is_sleep = True else: is_sleep = False class BlockSystem: file_name = "ban.json" path = SERVICE_DIR / file_name @staticmethod def auth_user(user: str) -> bool: return False if user in _load_block_list()['user'] else True @staticmethod def auth_group(group: str) -> bool: return False if group in _load_block_list()['group'] else True @staticmethod def control_list(is_enabled: bool, user: str = None, group: str = None) -> None: data = _load_block_list() if user: if is_enabled: data['user'][user] = str("\033[33mNew blocked user: {user} | Time: {}\033[33m") else: del data['user'][str(user)]"\033[33mUser {user} has been unblock.\033[33m") elif group: if is_enabled: data['group'][group] = str("\033[33mNew blocked group: {group} | Time: {}\033[33m") else: del data['group'][str(group)]"\033[33mGroup {group} has been unblock.\033[33m") _save_block_list(data)