import pytest from nonebug import App from .utils import make_fake_message, make_fake_event @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_main_help(app: App): from import menu Message = make_fake_message() async with app.test_matcher(menu) as ctx: bot = ctx.create_bot() msg = Message("菜单") event = make_fake_event(_message=msg, _to_me=True)() ctx.receive_event(bot, event) ctx.should_call_send( event, """ 哦呀?~需要帮助? 关于 -查看bot基本信息 服务列表 -以查看所有可用服务 帮助 [服务] -以查看对应服务帮助 Tip: 均需要at触发。@bot 菜单 以打开此页面 """.strip(), True, ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_about_me(app: App): from ATRI import __version__ from ATRI.config import BotSelfConfig from import about temp_list = list() for i in BotSelfConfig.nickname: temp_list.append(i) nickname = "、".join(map(str, temp_list)) Message = make_fake_message() async with app.test_matcher(about) as ctx: bot = ctx.create_bot() msg = Message("关于") event = make_fake_event(_message=msg, _to_me=True)() ctx.receive_event(bot, event) ctx.should_call_send( event, f""" 唔...是来认识咱的么 可以称呼咱:{nickname} 咱的型号是:{__version__} 想进一步了解: 进不去: """.strip(), True, ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_service_list(app: App): import os import json from tabulate import tabulate from ATRI.service import SERVICES_DIR from import service_list files = os.listdir(SERVICES_DIR) services = list() for f in files: prefix = f.replace(".json", "") f = os.path.join(SERVICES_DIR, f) with open(f, "r", encoding="utf-8") as r: service = json.load(r) services.append( [ prefix, "√" if service["enabled"] else "×", "√" if service["only_admin"] else "×", ] ) table = tabulate( services, headers=["服务名称", "开启状态(全局)", "仅支持管理员"], tablefmt="plain", showindex=True, ) output = f"咱搭载了以下服务~\n{table}\n@bot 帮助 [服务] -以查看对应服务帮助" Message = make_fake_message() async with app.test_matcher(service_list) as ctx: bot = ctx.create_bot() msg = Message("服务列表") event = make_fake_event(_message=msg, _to_me=True)() ctx.receive_event(bot, event) ctx.should_call_send( event, f""" 咱搭载了以下服务~ {output} @bot 帮助 [服务] -以查看对应服务帮助 """, True, ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_service_info(app: App): from import service_info Message = make_fake_message() async with app.test_matcher(service_info) as ctx: bot = ctx.create_bot() msg = Message("帮助") event = make_fake_event(_message=msg, _to_me=True)() ctx.receive_event(bot, event) ctx.should_call_send(event, "请检查是否输入错误呢...@bot 帮助 [服务]", True) async with app.test_matcher(service_info) as ctx: bot = ctx.create_bot() msg = Message("帮助 状态") event = make_fake_event(_message=msg, _to_me=True)() ctx.receive_event(bot, event) ctx.should_call_send( event, """ 服务名:状态 说明:检查咱自身状态 可用命令: /ping /status 是否全局启用:True Tip: @bot 帮助 [服务] [命令] 以查看对应命令详细信息 """, True, ) async with app.test_matcher(service_info) as ctx: bot = ctx.create_bot() msg = Message("帮助 状态 /ping") event = make_fake_event(_message=msg, _to_me=True)() ctx.receive_event(bot, event) ctx.should_call_send( event, """ 命令:/ping 类型:command 说明:检测bot简单信息处理速度 更多触发方式:[] """, True, )