#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' @File : __init__.py @Time : 2020/10/11 14:43:55 @Author : Kyomotoi @Contact : kyomotoiowo@gmail.com @Github : https://github.com/Kyomotoi @License : Copyright © 2018-2020 Kyomotoi, All Rights Reserved. ''' __author__ = 'kyomotoi' import requests from typing import Optional from aiohttp import ClientSession def request_get(url: str, params: Optional[dict] = None) -> bytes: """ :说明: 通过 GET 方式请求 url。 :参数: * ``url: str``: 目标网址 * ``params: Optional[dict] = None``: 参数,若不传入则为空 :返回: requests.content :用法: .. code-block:: python request_get(url="www.demo.com", params=params) """ return requests.get(url, params).content async def aio_get_bytes(url: str, headers: Optional[dict] = None): """ :说明: 通过 GET 以 异步 方式请求 url。 :参数: * ``url: str``: 目标网址 * ``headers: Optional[dict] = None``: 参数,若不传入则为空 :返回: bytes :用法: .. code-block:: python aio_get_bytes(url="www.demo.com", headers=headers) """ async with ClientSession() as asyncSession: async with asyncSession.get(url, headers=headers) as resp: result = await resp.read() return result