# Fill in your logo address (darkmode and lightmode) here # Dont forget to enable it. # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 在这里填入你的 Logo 地址 - 包括黑暗/白天模式 # 不要忘记把 enable 改成 true 哦~ logo: enable: false lightmode: null darkmode: null rss: null # Header size # Select from: ["fullheight", "large", "medium", "default"] # The page will be scroll to post thumbnail if autoscroll enabled # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 选择 Header 的大小 # 从大到小依次可以选择:["fullheight", "large", "medium", "default"] # 如果启用 autoscroll 在进入文章后会自动跳转至文章 Thumbnail 处 header: index: large other: medium autoscroll: true # Favicon file link # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Favicon 文件地址 favicon: false # Datetime format for most of positions # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 站点内大部分日期的显示格式 timeformat: "MMM, D YYYY" # Enable Podcast support or not # 是否启用 Podcast 支持 podcast: true # Enable Lazyload support or not # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 是否启用图片懒加载 lazyload: true # Your Copyright String will be shown in footer # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 你的版权信息会显示在页脚 copyright: 'All rights reserved.' # Enable code auto Highlight or not # Then select one lightmode and darkmode style here: # https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/tree/main/src/styles # Please enable 'highlight' in your project _config.yml with 'hljs' field set to true! # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 是否启用代码渲染 # 之后给代码渲染选择一个夜间/白天模式主题: # https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/tree/main/src/styles # 最后,在项目的 _config.yml 中打开 highlight 功能并把 hljs 设置为 true! highlight: enable: true lightmode: 'atom-one-light' darkmode: 'atom-one-dark' # Navbar will be shown below your logo with some favicons # You can select your icons with font-awesome 5 # Config format: # ['Link Address', 'Icon Class', 'Text After Icon'] # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Navbar 会展示在页面头部的 Logo 下方 # 你可以去 Font Awesome 5 上面选一些好看的图标 # 配置格式: # ['链接地址', '图标类', '图标之后的文字'] navbar: - ['mailto:privet@utc3.live', 'fa fa-paper-plane', ''] - ['https://github.com/guiqiqi/chromate', 'fa fa-github', ''] - ['/feed.rss', 'fa fa-rss', ''] # Subnav configuration will show below navbar with a horizontal divider # Configuration format as same as previous # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Sub Navbar 将会在 Navbar 下方展示并以水平线与之分割 # 配置模式与上面类似 subnav: - ['#love', 'fa fa-heart', 'Love'] - ['#peace', 'fa fa-globe', 'Peace'] - ['#human', 'fa fa-male', 'Human'] # Menubar and its texts # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 菜单栏的地址和文字 menubar: - ['/about/', 'About'] - ['/archives/', 'Archives'] # RSS auto generation configuration # enable: true or false # path: feeding path # config: # email: your podcast contact email # category: { # 'Apple Podcast Category name': ['Subcategories', ...], # ... # } # explicit: using true if your podcast content is explicit # ------------------------------------------------------------ # RSS 自动生成器配置 # enable: 启用为 true # path: RSS 订阅地址 # config: # email: 你的 Podcast 联系邮箱 # category: { # 'Apple Podcast 分类名': ['子分类列表', ...], # ... # } # explicit: 如果你的播客有羞羞的内容,那么改成 true rss: enable: true path: '/feed.rss' config: email: 'privet@utc3.live' category: { 'Education': ['How To', 'Language Learning'], 'Technology': [] } explicit: false # Boardcast info will show in top of the post list # Color: # default: grey # danger: red # info: blue # warning: yellow # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 站点消息广播 - 会显示在首页的文章列表顶部 # 广播块颜色选择: # default: 灰色 # danger: 红色 # info: 蓝色 # warning: 黄色 boardcast: enable: false color: default message: 'Memorial hero Yuan Longping.' # Site mourn mode, enable to get a global grayscale filter # ------------------------------------------------------------ # 站点悼念模式 - 启用后会为站点整体提供灰色滤镜 mourn: false