/* Add elements listener */ window.addEventListener("load", () => { // Menubar burgers click listenr const burgers: Element[] = Array.prototype.slice.call( document.querySelectorAll(".navbar-burger"), 0); if (burgers.length > 0) { burgers.forEach((element) => { element.addEventListener("click", () => { const idstr = element.getAttribute("data-target"); element.classList.toggle("is-active"); if (!idstr) return; const target = document.getElementById(idstr); target?.classList.toggle("is-active"); }, false); }); } // Add header hover page class changer const colorman = (mode: SystemDarkmodePreference) => { let clsname: string = ".auto-dark"; const elements: Element[] = Array.prototype.slice.call( document.querySelectorAll(clsname), 0); elements.forEach((element) => { if (mode === SystemDarkmodePreference.dark) { element?.classList.add("is-dark"); element?.classList.remove("is-light"); } else { // If mode == null , fallback to light mode element?.classList.add("is-light"); element?.classList.remove("is-dark"); } }) console.debug(`${clsname} class changed to ${enumModeToStringMode(mode)}`); } darklistener.add(colorman); // Add logo color selector const logoman = (mode: SystemDarkmodePreference) => { const logo = document.getElementById("logo"); const darksrc = logo?.getAttribute("data-src-darkmode"); const lightsrc = logo?.getAttribute("data-src-lightmode"); if (!logo || !darksrc || !lightsrc) return; let src = (mode === SystemDarkmodePreference.dark) ? darksrc : lightsrc; logo.setAttribute("src", src); console.debug(`logo src changed to ${enumModeToStringMode(mode)}src`); } darklistener.add(logoman); // Add player theme handler const playerman = (mode: SystemDarkmodePreference) => { const shikwasa = document.body.querySelector('div[data-name="shikwasa"]'); shikwasa?.setAttribute("data-theme", enumModeToStringMode(mode) ? enumModeToStringMode(mode)! : "light"); console.debug(`shikwasa theme: ${shikwasa?.getAttribute("data-theme")}`); }; darklistener.add(playerman); // Listen after all the setups (to get the handler work :p). darklistener.listen(); }); /* Darkmode listener */ enum SystemDarkmodePreference { dark = 0, light = 1 }; const modeMap = { dark: SystemDarkmodePreference.dark, light: SystemDarkmodePreference.light }; const invertDarkModeObj: Object = { 'dark': 'light', 'light': 'dark' }; const enumModeToStringMode = (i: SystemDarkmodePreference) => { let keysArray = Object.keys(modeMap); let result = keysArray.filter(key => isValidKey(key, modeMap) && modeMap[key] === i); return result ? result[0] : undefined; }; class DarkmodeListener { private _mode: SystemDarkmodePreference; private _handlers: ((mode: SystemDarkmodePreference) => void)[]; public constructor() { let darking = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches; this._mode = darking ? SystemDarkmodePreference.dark : SystemDarkmodePreference.light; this._handlers = []; } public listen(): void { const rootElement = document.documentElement; const darkModeStorageKey = 'user-color-scheme'; const rootElementDarkModeAttributeName = 'data-user-color-scheme'; const darkModeTogglebuttonElement = document.getElementById('btn-toggle-dark'); const resetRootDarkModeAttributeAndLS = () => { rootElement.removeAttribute(rootElementDarkModeAttributeName); removeLS(darkModeStorageKey); } // Partially taken from https://blog.skk.moe/post/hello-darkmode-my-old-friend, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 const applyCustomDarkModeSettings = (mode: any) => { // 接受从「开关」处传来的模式,或者从 localStorage 读取 let LSSetting = getLS(darkModeStorageKey) == 'dark' ? SystemDarkmodePreference.dark : 'light' ? SystemDarkmodePreference.light : null; let currentSetting: SystemDarkmodePreference = mode || LSSetting; console.debug(`applyCustomDarkModeSettings: ${currentSetting}`); if (currentSetting === this._mode) { // 当用户自定义的显示模式和 prefers-color-scheme 相同时重置、恢复到自动模式 resetRootDarkModeAttributeAndLS(); console.debug('Resetting to auto mode...'); } else if (currentSetting == SystemDarkmodePreference.dark || currentSetting == SystemDarkmodePreference.light) { // 否则设置为用户自定义的显示模式 rootElement.setAttribute(rootElementDarkModeAttributeName, enumModeToStringMode(currentSetting)!); console.debug('Setting prop: "data-user-color-scheme" in HTML...'); } else { // 首次访问或从未使用过开关、localStorage 中没有存储的值,currentSetting 是 null // 或者 localStorage 被篡改,currentSetting 不是合法值 // 默认显示浅色主题 resetRootDarkModeAttributeAndLS(); console.debug('Initial setup, setting theme to light as default...') currentSetting = SystemDarkmodePreference.light; } let lightCSS = document.getElementById("bulma-light")! let darkCSS = document.getElementById("bulma-dark")! if (currentSetting == SystemDarkmodePreference.dark) { rootElement.setAttribute(rootElementDarkModeAttributeName, 'dark'); lightCSS.setAttribute("media", "none"); darkCSS.setAttribute("media", "all"); this._handlers.forEach(handler => { handler(SystemDarkmodePreference.dark); console.debug('Invoking dark theme handler...'); }); console.debug('Dark theme applied.'); } else if (currentSetting == SystemDarkmodePreference.light) { rootElement.setAttribute(rootElementDarkModeAttributeName, 'light'); lightCSS.setAttribute("media", "all"); darkCSS.setAttribute("media", "none"); this._handlers.forEach(handler => { handler(SystemDarkmodePreference.light); console.debug('Invoking light theme handler...'); }); console.debug('Light theme applied.'); } } const toggleCustomDarkMode = () => { let currentSetting = getLS(darkModeStorageKey); if (currentSetting === null) { let curMode = enumModeToStringMode(this._mode)!; currentSetting = isValidKey(curMode, invertDarkModeObj) ? invertDarkModeObj[curMode] : currentSetting; } else if (currentSetting == 'dark' || 'light') { // 从 localStorage 中读取模式,并取相反的模式 currentSetting = isValidKey(currentSetting, invertDarkModeObj) ? invertDarkModeObj[currentSetting] : currentSetting; } else { // 不知道出了什么幺蛾子,比如 localStorage 被篡改成非法值 return; // 直接 return; } // 将相反的模式写入 localStorage setLS(darkModeStorageKey, currentSetting); return isValidKey(currentSetting!, invertDarkModeObj) ? modeMap[currentSetting!] : null; } applyCustomDarkModeSettings(null); darkModeTogglebuttonElement?.addEventListener('click', () => { // 当用户点击「开关」时,获得新的显示模式、写入 localStorage、并在页面上生效 console.debug('User clicked button. Doing black magic now...'); applyCustomDarkModeSettings(toggleCustomDarkMode()); }); } public add(callback: (mode: SystemDarkmodePreference) => void): void { callback(this._mode); this._handlers.push(callback); } public mode(): SystemDarkmodePreference { return this._mode; } }; var darklistener = new DarkmodeListener(); function setLS(k: string, v: any) { try { localStorage.setItem(k, v); } catch (e) { } } function removeLS(k: string) { try { localStorage.removeItem(k); } catch (e) { } } function getLS(k: string) { try { return localStorage.getItem(k); } catch (e) { return null; // 与 localStorage 中没有找到对应 key 的行为一致 } } // 使用isValidKey判断key是否存在对象类型中 function isValidKey(key: string, obj: object): key is keyof typeof obj { return key in obj; }