path: root/lgrind.sty
diff options
authorrsc <rsc>2006-09-06 19:11:57 +0000
committerrsc <rsc>2006-09-06 19:11:57 +0000
commite9d2250e150c9c0d2050d1c9d3435820c2d9f8cb (patch)
treee246ef1b43cde841447ad151feeb7dd72bc83b20 /lgrind.sty
parentf3fc72c5b6045092b76d968df91a6d312428394c (diff)
goodbye lgrind
Diffstat (limited to 'lgrind.sty')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/lgrind.sty b/lgrind.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 0479e7f..0000000
--- a/lgrind.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `lgrind.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% lgrind.dtx (with options: `package')
-%% LGrind is used to format source code of different programming
-%% languages for LaTeX.
-%% LGrind is a major adaptation of Jerry Leichter's tgrind for LaTeX,
-%% which was a notable improvement upon Van Jacobsen's tgrind for
-%% plain TeX, which was adapted from vgrind, a troff prettyprinter.
-%% LGrind contains non-free code written by Van Jacobson, who does not answer
-%% to any request for changing his licence. This software is therefore not
-%% maintained. I also do not accept any cheques anymore.
-%% Based on Van Jacobson's ``tgrindmac'', a macro package for TeX.
-%% Modified, 1987 by Jerry Leichter. Put '@' in all internal names.
-%% Modified, 1991 by George Reilly. Changed name from tgrind to lgrind.
-%% Modified, 1995 by Michael Piefel. Made it work with \LaTeXe.
-%% -1999 Hundreds of bells and whistles. No changelog here.
- [2002/01/28 v3.67 LGrind environment and supporting stuff]
-%%stopzone % VIM syncing
-\global\setbox\procbox=\hbox{\PNsize #1}}
-\global\setbox\procbox=\hbox{\PNsize\dots #1}}}
-%%stopzone % VIM syncing
-{\catcode`\_=\active \gdef\@setunder{\let_=\sp@ce}}
-\newcommand{\File}[6]{\gdef\lgrindfilename{##1}\message{(LGround: ##1)}%
- \gdef\lgrindmodyear{##2}\gdef\lgrindmodmonth{##3}%
- \gdef\lgrindmodday{##4}\gdef\lgrindmodtime{##5}%
- \gdef\lgrindfilesize{##6}}%
- \let\index\@gobble%
- \def\L##1{\setbox\ls@far\null{\CF\strut##1}\ignorespaces}%
- \let\r@ghtlno\relax\let\l@ftlno\relax%
- \ifnum\LGnuminterval>\z@%
- \ifLGleftnum%
- \def\l@ftlno{\ifnum\lc@unt>\ln@xt%
- \global\advance\ln@xt by\LGnuminterval%
- \llap{{\normalfont\scriptsize\the\lc@unt\quad}}\fi}%
- \def\r@ghtlno{\rlap{\enspace\box\procbox}}%
- \else%
- \def\r@ghtlno{\ifnum\lc@unt>\ln@xt%
- \global\advance\ln@xt by\LGnuminterval%
- \rlap{{\normalfont\scriptsize\enspace\the\lc@unt%
- \enspace\box\procbox}}%
- \else\rlap{\enspace\box\procbox}\fi}%
- \fi%
- \fi%
- \def\L##1{\@@par\setbox\ls@far=\null\strut%
- \global\advance\lc@unt by1%
- \hbox to \linewidth{\hskip\LGindent\l@ftlno ##1\egroup%
- \hfil\r@ghtlno}%
- \ignorespaces}%
-\lc@unt=#1\advance\lc@unt by-1%
-\ln@xt=\LGnuminterval\advance\ln@xt by-1%
-\loop\ifnum\lc@unt>\ln@xt\advance\ln@xt by\LGnuminterval\repeat%
- \advance\TBw@d by 1\@ts\ifdim\TBw@d>##1\@ts%
- \setbox\ls@far=\hbox{\box\ls@far \box\tb@x \sp@ce}\else%
- \setbox\ls@far=\hbox to ##1\@ts{\box\ls@far \box\tb@x \hfil}\fi\LB}%
-\ifLGinline\def\sp@ce{{\hskip .3333em}}%
-\else \setbox\tb@x=\hbox{\texttt{0}}%
- \@ts=0.8\wd\tb@x \def\sp@ce{{\hskip 1\@ts}}\fi%
-\catcode`\_=\active \@setunder%
-\def\N##1{{\NOfont ##1}\global\futurelet\next\ic@r}%
-\def\K##1{{\KWfont ##1}\global\futurelet\next\ic@r}%
-\def\V##1{{\VRfont ##1}\global\futurelet\next\ic@r}%
- \else\ifx,\next\let\@tempa\relax\fi\fi\@tempa}%
-\def\C{\egroup\bgroup\CMfont \global\c@mmenttrue \global\right@false}%
-\def\CE{\egroup\bgroup \global\c@mmentfalse}%
-\def\S{\egroup\bgroup\STfont \global\str@ngtrue}%
-\def\SE{\egroup\bgroup \global\str@ngfalse}%
-\def\,{\relax \ifmmode\mskip\thinmuskip \else\thinspace \fi}%
-\def\!{\relax \ifmmode\mskip-\thinmuskip \else\negthinspace \fi}%
-%%stopzone % VIM syncing
-\def\CH##1##2##3{\relax\ifmmode ##1\relax%
-\else\ifstr@ng ##2\relax\else$##3$\fi\fi }%
-\def\|{\CH|||}% not necessary for T1
-\def\<{\CH<<<}% dto.
-\def\>{\CH>>>}% dto.
-\def\-{\CH---}% minus sign nicer than hyphen
-\def\_{\ifstr@ng {\char'137}\else%
- \leavevmode \kern.06em \vbox{\hrule width.35em}%
- \ifdim\fontdimen\@ne\font=\z@ \kern.06em \fi\fi }%
-\def\2{\CH\backslash {\char'134}\backslash }% % \
-\def\3{\ifc@mment\ifright@ ''\global\right@false%
- \else``\global\right@true \fi%
- \else{\texttt{\char'042}}\fi}% % "
-\def\5{{\texttt{\char'136}}}% % ^
-\parindent\z@\parskip\z@ plus 1pt%
-{\egroup\@@par\newpage} % end of environment lgrind
- \begin{figure}[#1]
-\vskip .5\baselineskip
- \begin{lgrind}
-\input #2\relax
- \end{lgrind}
-\vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip
-\ifLGnorules\else\hrule\fi\vskip .5\baselineskip
- \setbox\z@=\hbox{#4}%
- \ifdim\wd\z@>\z@
- \else
- \fi
-\vskip 2pt
- \end{figure}
- \begin{figure*}[#1]
-\vskip .5\baselineskip
- \begin{lgrind}
-\input #2\relax
- \end{lgrind}
-\vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip
-\ifLGnorules\else\hrule\fi\vskip .5\baselineskip
- \setbox\z@=\hbox{#4}%
- \ifdim\wd\z@>\z@
- \else
- \fi
-\vskip 2pt
- \end{figure*}
- \par\addvspace{0.1in}
- \ifLGnorules\else\hrule\fi
- \vskip .5\baselineskip
- \begingroup\LGfsize\LGindent\z@
- \input #1\relax
- \endgroup
- \vskip .5\baselineskip
- \ifLGnorules\else\hrule\vspace{0.1in}\fi
-%% End of file `lgrind.sty'.