path: root/proc.h
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authorRobert Morris <[email protected]>2019-05-31 09:45:59 -0400
committerRobert Morris <[email protected]>2019-05-31 09:45:59 -0400
commit2ec1959fd1016a18ef3b2d154ce7076be8f237e4 (patch)
tree1aa75252085964283b3a2c735771f4da02346517 /proc.h
parent0f90388c893d1924e89e2e4d2187eda0004e9d73 (diff)
fork/wait/exit work
Diffstat (limited to 'proc.h')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/proc.h b/proc.h
index 0b01b75..1e2238c 100644
--- a/proc.h
+++ b/proc.h
@@ -1,13 +1,30 @@
+// Saved registers for kernel context switches.
+struct context {
+ uint64 ra;
+ uint64 sp;
+ // callee-saved
+ uint64 s0;
+ uint64 s1;
+ uint64 s2;
+ uint64 s3;
+ uint64 s4;
+ uint64 s5;
+ uint64 s6;
+ uint64 s7;
+ uint64 s8;
+ uint64 s9;
+ uint64 s10;
+ uint64 s11;
// Per-CPU state
struct cpu {
uint64 syscallno; // Temporary used by sysentry
uint64 usp; // Temporary used by sysentry
struct proc *proc; // The process running on this cpu or null
struct cpu *cpu; // XXX
- uchar apicid; // Local APIC ID
- struct context *scheduler; // swtch() here to enter scheduler
- struct taskstate ts; // Used by x86 to find stack for interrupt
- struct segdesc gdt[NSEGS]; // x86 global descriptor table
+ struct context scheduler; // swtch() here to enter scheduler
volatile uint started; // Has the CPU started?
int ncli; // Depth of pushcli nesting.
int intena; // Were interrupts enabled before pushcli?
@@ -17,39 +34,52 @@ extern struct cpu cpus[NCPU];
extern int ncpu;
-// Saved registers for kernel context switches.
-// Don't need to save all the segment registers (%cs, etc),
-// because they are constant across kernel contexts.
-// Don't need to save %eax, %ecx, %edx, because the
-// x86 convention is that the caller has saved them.
-// Contexts are stored at the bottom of the stack they
-// describe; the stack pointer is the address of the context.
-// The layout of the context matches the layout of the stack in swtch.S
-// at the "Switch stacks" comment. Switch doesn't save eip explicitly,
-// but it is on the stack and allocproc() manipulates it.
-struct context {
- uint64 r15;
- uint64 r14;
- uint64 r13;
- uint64 r12;
- uint64 r11;
- uint64 rbx;
- uint64 rbp;
- uint64 rip;
+// per-process data for the early trap handling code in trampoline.S.
+// sits in a page by itself just under the trampoline page in the
+// user page table. not specially mapped in the kernel page table.
+// the sscratch register points here.
+// trampoline.S saves user registers, then restores kernel_sp and
+// kernel_satp.
+// no need to save s0-s11 (callee-saved) since C code and swtch() save them.
+struct trapframe {
+ /* 0 */ uint64 kernel_satp;
+ /* 8 */ uint64 kernel_sp;
+ /* 16 */ uint64 kernel_trap; // address of trap()
+ /* 24 */ uint64 epc; // saved user program counter
+ /* 32 */ uint64 ra;
+ /* 40 */ uint64 sp;
+ /* 48 */ uint64 gp;
+ /* 56 */ uint64 tp;
+ /* 64 */ uint64 t0;
+ /* 72 */ uint64 t1;
+ /* 80 */ uint64 t2;
+ /* 88 */ uint64 a0;
+ /* 96 */ uint64 a1;
+ /* 104 */ uint64 a2;
+ /* 112 */ uint64 a3;
+ /* 120 */ uint64 a4;
+ /* 128 */ uint64 a5;
+ /* 136 */ uint64 a6;
+ /* 144 */ uint64 a7;
+ /* 152 */ uint64 t3;
+ /* 160 */ uint64 t4;
+ /* 168 */ uint64 t5;
+ /* 176 */ uint64 t6;
// Per-process state
struct proc {
- char *kstack; // Bottom of kernel stack for this process, must be first entry
+ char *kstack; // Bottom of kernel stack for this process
uint64 sz; // Size of process memory (bytes)
- pde_t* pgdir; // Page table
+ pagetable_t pagetable; // Page table
enum procstate state; // Process state
int pid; // Process ID
struct proc *parent; // Parent process
- struct sysframe *sf; // Syscall frame for current syscall
- struct context *context; // swtch() here to run process
+ struct trapframe *tf; // data page for trampoline.S
+ struct context context; // swtch() here to run process
void *chan; // If non-zero, sleeping on chan
int killed; // If non-zero, have been killed
struct file *ofile[NOFILE]; // Open files