path: root/web/l-schedule.html
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authorAustin Clements <[email protected]>2011-09-07 11:49:14 -0400
committerAustin Clements <[email protected]>2011-09-07 11:49:14 -0400
commit01a6c054d548d9fff8bbdfac4d3f3de4ae8677a1 (patch)
tree4320eb3d09f31f4a628b80d45482a72ee7c3956b /web/l-schedule.html
parent64a03bd7aa5c03a626a2da4730a45fcceea75322 (diff)
Remove web directory; all cruft or moved to 6.828 repo
Diffstat (limited to 'web/l-schedule.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 340 deletions
diff --git a/web/l-schedule.html b/web/l-schedule.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d87d7da..0000000
--- a/web/l-schedule.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-<p>Required reading: Eliminating receive livelock
-<p>Notes based on prof. Morris's lecture on scheduling (6.824, fall'02).
-<li>What is scheduling? The OS policies and mechanisms to allocates
-resources to entities. A good scheduling policy ensures that the most
-important entitity gets the resources it needs. This topic was
-popular in the days of time sharing, when there was a shortage of
-resources. It seemed irrelevant in era of PCs and workstations, when
-resources were plenty. Now the topic is back from the dead to handle
-massive Internet servers with paying customers. The Internet exposes
-web sites to international abuse and overload, which can lead to
-resource shortages. Furthermore, some customers are more important
-than others (e.g., the ones that buy a lot).
-<li>Key problems:
-<li>Gap between desired policy and available mechanism. The desired
-policies often include elements that not implementable with the
-mechanisms available to the operation system. Furthermore, often
-there are many conflicting goals (low latency, high throughput, and
-fairness), and the scheduler must make a trade-off between the goals.
-<li>Interaction between different schedulers. One have to take a
-systems view. Just optimizing the CPU scheduler may do little to for
-the overall desired policy.
-<li>Resources you might want to schedule: CPU time, physical memory,
-disk and network I/O, and I/O bus bandwidth.
-<li>Entities that you might want to give resources to: users,
-processes, threads, web requests, or MIT accounts.
-<li>Many polices for resource to entity allocation are possible:
-strict priority, divide equally, shortest job first, minimum guarantee
-combined with admission control.
-<li>General plan for scheduling mechanisms
-<li> Understand where scheduling is occuring.
-<li> Expose scheduling decisions, allow control.
-<li> Account for resource consumption, to allow intelligent control.
-<li>Simple example from 6.828 kernel. The policy for scheduling
-environments is to give each one equal CPU time. The mechanism used to
-implement this policy is a clock interrupt every 10 msec and then
-selecting the next environment in a round-robin fashion.
-<p>But this only works if processes are compute-bound. What if a
-process gives up some of its 10 ms to wait for input? Do we have to
-keep track of that and give it back?
-<p>How long should the quantum be? is 10 msec the right answer?
-Shorter quantum will lead to better interactive performance, but
-lowers overall system throughput because we will reschedule more,
-which has overhead.
-<p>What if the environment computes for 1 msec and sends an IPC to
-the file server environment? Shouldn't the file server get more CPU
-time because it operates on behalf of all other functions?
-<p>Potential improvements for the 6.828 kernel: track "recent" CPU use
-(e.g., over the last second) and always run environment with least
-recent CPU use. (Still, if you sleep long enough you lose.) Other
-solution: directed yield; specify on the yield to which environment
-you are donating the remainder of the quantuam (e.g., to the file
-server so that it can compute on the environment's behalf).
-<li>Pitfall: Priority Inversion
- Assume policy is strict priority.
- Thread T1: low priority.
- Thread T2: medium priority.
- Thread T3: high priority.
- T1: acquire(l)
- context switch to T3
- T3: acquire(l)... must wait for T1 to release(l)...
- context switch to T2
- T2 computes for a while
- T3 is indefinitely delayed despite high priority.
- Can solve if T3 lends its priority to holder of lock it is waiting for.
- So T1 runs, not T2.
- [this is really a multiple scheduler problem.]
- [since locks schedule access to locked resource.]
-<li>Pitfall: Efficiency. Efficiency often conflicts with fairness (or
-any other policy). Long time quantum for efficiency in CPU scheduling
-versus low delay. Shortest seek versus FIFO disk scheduling.
-Contiguous read-ahead vs data needed now. For example, scheduler
-swaps out my idle emacs to let gcc run faster with more phys mem.
-What happens when I type a key? These don't fit well into a "who gets
-to go next" scheduler framework. Inefficient scheduling may make
-<i>everybody</i> slower, including high priority users.
-<li>Pitfall: Multiple Interacting Schedulers. Suppose you want your
-emacs to have priority over everything else. Give it high CPU
-priority. Does that mean nothing else will run if emacs wants to run?
-Disk scheduler might not know to favor emacs's disk I/Os. Typical
-UNIX disk scheduler favors disk efficiency, not process prio. Suppose
-emacs needs more memory. Other processes have dirty pages; emacs must
-wait. Does disk scheduler know these other processes' writes are high
-<li>Pitfall: Server Processes. Suppose emacs uses X windows to
-display. The X server must serve requests from many clients. Does it
-know that emacs' requests should be given priority? Does the OS know
-to raise X's priority when it is serving emacs? Similarly for DNS,
-and NFS. Does the network know to give emacs' NFS requests priority?
-<p>In short, scheduling is a system problem. There are many
-schedulers; they interact. The CPU scheduler is usually the easy
-part. The hardest part is system structure. For example, the
-<i>existence</i> of interrupts is bad for scheduling. Conflicting
-goals may limit effectiveness.
-<h2>Case study: modern UNIX</h2>
-<li>Simplicity (e.g. avoid complex locking regimes).
-<li>Quick response to device interrupts.
-<li> Favor interactive response.
-<p>UNIX has a number of execution environments. We care about
-scheduling transitions among them. Some transitions aren't possible,
-some can't be be controlled. The execution environments are:
-<li>Process, user half
-<li>Process, kernel half
-<li>Soft interrupts: timer, network
-<li>Device interrupts
-<p>The rules are:
-<li>User is pre-emptible.
-<li>Kernel half and software interrupts are not pre-emptible.
-<li>Device handlers may not make blocking calls (e.g., sleep)
-<li>Effective priorities: intr > soft intr > kernel half > user
-<p>Rules are implemented as follows:
-<li>UNIX: Process User Half. Runs in process address space, on
-per-process stack. Interruptible. Pre-emptible: interrupt may cause
-context switch. We don't trust user processes to yield CPU.
-Voluntarily enters kernel half via system calls and faults.
-<li>UNIX: Process Kernel Half. Runs in kernel address space, on
-per-process kernel stack. Executes system calls and faults for its
-process. Interruptible (but can defer interrupts in critical
-sections). Not pre-emptible. Only yields voluntarily, when waiting
-for an event. E.g. disk I/O done. This simplifies concurrency
-control; locks often not required. No user process runs if any kernel
-half wants to run. Many process' kernel halfs may be sleeping in the
-<li>UNIX: Device Interrupts. Hardware asks CPU for an interrupt to ask
-for attention. Disk read/write completed, or network packet received.
-Runs in kernel space, on special interrupt stack. Interrupt routine
-cannot block; must return. Interrupts are interruptible. They nest
-on the one interrupt stack. Interrupts are not pre-emptible, and
-cannot really yield. The real-time clock is a device and interrupts
-every 10ms (or whatever). Process scheduling decisions can be made
-when interrupt returns (e.g. wake up the process waiting for this
-event). You want interrupt processing to be fast, since it has
-priority. Don't do any more work than you have to. You're blocking
-processes and other interrupts. Typically, an interrupt does the
-minimal work necessary to keep the device happy, and then call wakeup
-on a thread.
-<li>UNIX: Soft Interrupts. (Didn't exist in xv6) Used when device
-handling is expensive. But no obvious process context in which to
-run. Examples include IP forwarding, TCP input processing. Runs in
-kernel space, on interrupt stack. Interruptable. Not pre-emptable,
-can't really yield. Triggered by hardware interrupt. Called when
-outermost hardware interrupt returns. Periodic scheduling decisions
-are made in timer s/w interrupt. Scheduled by hardware timer
-interrupt (i.e., if current process has run long enough, switch).
-<p>Is this good software structure? Let's talk about receive
-<h2>Paper discussion</h2>
-<li>What is application that the paper is addressing: IP forwarding.
-What functionality does a network interface offer to driver?
-<li> Read packets
-<li> Poke hardware to send packets
-<li> Interrupts when packet received/transmit complete
-<li> Buffer many input packets
-<li>What devices in the 6.828 kernel are interrupt driven? Which one
-are polling? Is this ideal?
-<li>Explain Figure 6-1. Why does it go up? What determines how high
-the peak is? Why does it go down? What determines how fast it goes
-does? Answer:
-(fraction of packets discarded)(work invested in discarded packets)
- -------------------------------------------
- (total work CPU is capable of)
-<li>Suppose I wanted to test an NFS server for livelock.
- Run client with this loop:
- while(1){
- send NFS READ RPC;
- wait for response;
- }
-What would I see? Is the NFS server probably subject to livelock?
-(No--offered load subject to feedback).
-<li>What other problems are we trying to address?
-<li>Increased latency for packet delivery and forwarding (e.g., start
-disk head moving when first NFS read request comes)
-<li>Transmit starvation
-<li>User-level CPU starvation
-<li>Why not tell the O/S scheduler to give interrupts lower priority?
-Could you fix this by making interrupts faster? (Maybe, if coupled
-with some limit on input rate.)
-<li>Why not completely process each packet in the interrupt handler?
-(I.e. forward it?) Other parts of kernel don't expect to run at high
-interrupt-level (e.g., some packet processing code might invoke a function
-that sleeps). Still might want an output queue
-<li>What about using polling instead of interrupts? Solves overload
-problem, but killer for latency.
-<li>What's the paper's solution?
-<li>No IP input queue.
-<li>Input processing and device input polling in kernel thread.
-<li>Device receive interrupt just wakes up thread. And leaves
-interrupts *disabled* for that device.
-<li>Thread does all input processing, then re-enables interrupts.
-<p>Why does this work? What happens when packets arrive too fast?
-What happens when packets arrive slowly?
-<li>Explain Figure 6-3.
-<li>Why does "Polling (no quota)" work badly? (Input still starves
-xmit complete processing.)
-<li>Why does it immediately fall to zero, rather than gradually decreasing?
-(xmit complete processing must be very cheap compared to input.)
-<li>Explain Figure 6-4.
-<li>Why does "Polling, no feedback" behave badly? There's a queue in
-front of screend. We can still give 100% to input thread, 0% to
-<li>Why does "Polling w/ feedback" behave well? Input thread yields
-when queue to screend fills.
-<li>What if screend hangs, what about other consumers of packets?
-(e.g., can you ssh to machine to fix screend?) Fortunately screend
-typically is only application. Also, re-enable input after timeout.
-<li>Why are the two solutions different?
-<li> Polling thread <i>with quotas</i>.
-<li> Feedback from full queue.
-(I believe they should have used #2 for both.)
-<li>If we apply the proposed fixes, does the phenomemon totally go
- away? (e.g. for web server, waits for disk, &c.)
-<li>Can the net device throw away packets without slowing down host?
-<li>Problem: We want to drop packets for applications with big queues.
-But requires work to determine which application a packet belongs to
-Solution: NI-LRP (have network interface sort packets)
-<li>What about latency question? (Look at figure 14 p. 243.)
-<li>1st packet looks like an improvement over non-polling. But 2nd
-packet transmitted later with poling. Why? (No new packets added to
-xmit buffer until xmit interrupt)
-<li>Why? In traditional BSD, to
-amortize cost of poking device. Maybe better to poke a second time
-<li>What if processing has more complex structure?
-<li>Chain of processing stages with queues? Does feedback work?
- What happens when a late stage is slow?
-<li>Split at some point, multiple parallel paths? No so great; one
- slow path blocks all paths.
-<li>Can we formulate any general principles from paper?
-<li>Don't spend time on new work before completing existing work.
-<li>Or give new work lower priority than partially-completed work.