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authorrsc <rsc>2008-09-03 04:50:04 +0000
committerrsc <rsc>2008-09-03 04:50:04 +0000
commitf53494c28e362fb7752bbc83417b9ba47cff0bf5 (patch)
tree7a7474710c9553b0188796ba24ae3af992320153 /web/l4.html
parentee3f75f229742a376bedafe34d0ba04995a942be (diff)
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+<h1>Address translation and sharing using segments</h1>
+<p>This lecture is about virtual memory, focusing on address
+spaces. It is the first lecture out of series of lectures that uses
+xv6 as a case study.
+<h2>Address spaces</h2>
+<li>OS: kernel program and user-level programs. For fault isolation
+each program runs in a separate address space. The kernel address
+spaces is like user address spaces, expect it runs in kernel mode.
+The program in kernel mode can execute priviledge instructions (e.g.,
+writing the kernel's code segment registers).
+<li>One job of kernel is to manage address spaces (creating, growing,
+deleting, and switching between them)
+<li>Each address space (including kernel) consists of the binary
+ representation for the text of the program, the data part
+ part of the program, and the stack area.
+<li>The kernel address space runs the kernel program. In a monolithic
+ organization the kernel manages all hardware and provides an API
+ to user programs.
+<li>Each user address space contains a program. A user progam may ask
+ to shrink or grow its address space.
+<li>The main operations:
+<li>Creation. Allocate physical memory to storage program. Load
+program into physical memory. Fill address spaces with references to
+physical memory.
+<li>Growing. Allocate physical memory and add it to address space.
+<li>Shrinking. Free some of the memory in an address space.
+<li>Deletion. Free all memory in an address space.
+<li>Switching. Switch the processor to use another address space.
+<li>Sharing. Share a part of an address space with another program.
+<p>Two main approaches to implementing address spaces: using segments
+ and using page tables. Often when one uses segments, one also uses
+ page tables. But not the other way around; i.e., paging without
+ segmentation is common.
+<h2>Example support for address spaces: x86</h2>
+<p>For an operating system to provide address spaces and address
+translation typically requires support from hardware. The translation
+and checking of permissions typically must happen on each address used
+by a program, and it would be too slow to check that in software (if
+even possible). The division of labor is operating system manages
+address spaces, and hardware translates addresses and checks
+<p>PC block diagram without virtual memory support:
+<li>physical address
+<li>base, IO hole, extended memory
+<li>Physical address == what is on CPU's address pins
+<p>The x86 starts out in real mode and translation is as follows:
+ <ul>
+ <li>segment*16+offset ==> physical address
+ <li>no protection: program can load anything into seg reg
+ </ul>
+<p>The operating system can switch the x86 to protected mode, which
+allows the operating system to create address spaces. Translation in
+protected mode is as follows:
+ <ul>
+ <li>selector:offset (logical addr) <br>
+ <li>linear address <br>
+ ==PAGING ==>
+ <li>physical address
+ </ul>
+<p>Next lecture covers paging; now we focus on segmentation.
+<p>Protected-mode segmentation works as follows:
+<li>protected-mode segments add 32-bit addresses and protection
+<li>wait: what's the point? the point of segments in real mode was
+ bigger addresses, but 32-bit mode fixes that!
+<li>segment register holds segment selector
+<li>selector indexes into global descriptor table (GDT)
+<li>segment descriptor holds 32-bit base, limit, type, protection
+<li>la = va + base ; assert(va < limit);
+<li>seg register usually implicit in instruction
+ <ul>
+ <li>DS:REG
+ <ul>
+ <li><tt>movl $0x1, _flag</tt>
+ </ul>
+ <li>SS:ESP, SS:EBP
+ <ul>
+ <li><tt>pushl %ecx, pushl $_i</tt>
+ <li><tt>popl %ecx</tt>
+ <li><tt>movl 4(%ebp),%eax</tt>
+ </ul>
+ <li>CS:EIP
+ <ul>
+ <li>instruction fetch
+ </ul>
+ <li>String instructions: read from DS:ESI, write to ES:EDI
+ <ul>
+ <li><tt>rep movsb</tt>
+ </ul>
+ <li>Exception: far addresses
+ <ul>
+ <li><tt>ljmp $selector, $offset</tt>
+ </ul>
+ </ul>
+<li>LGDT instruction loads CPU's GDT register
+<li>you turn on protected mode by setting PE bit in CR0 register
+<li>what happens with the next instruction? CS now has different
+ meaning...
+<li>How to transfer from segment to another, perhaps with different
+<li>Current privilege level (CPL) is in the low 2 bits of CS
+<li>CPL=0 is privileged O/S, CPL=3 is user
+<li>Within in the same privelege level: ljmp.
+<li>Transfer to a segment with more privilege: call gates.
+<li>a way for app to jump into a segment and acquire privs
+<li>CPL must be <= descriptor's DPL in order to read or write segment
+<li>call gates can change privelege <b>and</b> switch CS and SS
+ segment
+<li>call gates are implemented using a special type segment descriptor
+ in the GDT.
+<li>interrupts are conceptually the same as call gates, but their
+ descriptor is stored in the IDT. We will use interrupts to transfer
+ control between user and kernel mode, both in JOS and xv6. We will
+ return to this in the lecture about interrupts and exceptions.
+<li>What about protection?
+ <li>can o/s limit what memory an application can read or write?
+ <li>app can load any selector into a seg reg...
+ <li>but can only mention indices into GDT
+ <li>app can't change GDT register (requires privilege)
+ <li>why can't app write the descriptors in the GDT?
+ <li>what about system calls? how to they transfer to kernel?
+ <li>app cannot <b>just</b> lower the CPL
+<h2>Case study (xv6)</h2>
+<p>xv6 is a reimplementation of <a href="../v6.html">Unix 6th edition</a>.
+<li>v6 is a version of the orginal Unix operating system for <a href="">DEC PDP11</a>
+ <li>PDP-11 (1972):
+ <li>16-bit processor, 18-bit physical (40)
+ <li>UNIBUS
+ <li>memory-mapped I/O
+ <li>performance: less than 1MIPS
+ <li>register-to-register transfer: 0.9 usec
+ <li>56k-228k (40)
+ <li>no paging, but some segmentation support
+ <li>interrupts, traps
+ <li>about $10K
+ <li>rk disk with 2MByte of storage
+ <li>with cabinet 11/40 is 400lbs
+ <li>Unix v6
+ <li><a href="../reference.html">Unix papers</a>.
+ <li>1976; first widely available Unix outside Bell labs
+ <li>Thompson and Ritchie
+ <li>Influenced by Multics but simpler.
+ <li>complete (used for real work)
+ <li>Multi-user, time-sharing
+ <li>small (43 system calls)
+ <li>modular (composition through pipes; one had to split programs!!)
+ <li>compactly written (2 programmers, 9,000 lines of code)
+ <li>advanced UI (shell)
+ <li>introduced C (derived from B)
+ <li>distributed with source
+ <li>V7 was sold by Microsoft for a couple years under the name Xenix
+ <li>Lion's commentary
+ <li>surpressed because of copyright issue
+ <li>resurfaced in 1996
+<li>xv6 written for 6.828:
+ <li>v6 reimplementation for x86
+ <li>does't include all features of v6 (e.g., xv6 has 20 of 43
+ system calls).
+ <li>runs on symmetric multiprocessing PCs (SMPs).
+<p>Newer Unixs have inherited many of the conceptual ideas even though
+they added paging, networking, graphics, improve performance, etc.
+<p>You will need to read most of the source code multiple times. Your
+goal is to explain every line to yourself.
+<h3>Overview of address spaces in xv6</h3>
+<p>In today's lecture we see how xv6 creates the kernel address
+ spaces, first user address spaces, and switches to it. To understand
+ how this happens, we need to understand in detail the state on the
+ stack too---this may be surprising, but a thread of control and
+ address space are tightly bundled in xv6, in a concept
+ called <i>process</i>. The kernel address space is the only address
+ space with multiple threads of control. We will study context
+ switching and process management in detail next weeks; creation of
+ the first user process (init) will get you a first flavor.
+<p>xv6 uses only the segmentation hardware on xv6, but in a limited
+ way. (In JOS you will use page-table hardware too, which we cover in
+ next lecture.) The adddress space layouts are as follows:
+<li>In kernel address space is set up as follows:
+ <pre>
+ the code segment runs from 0 to 2^32 and is mapped X and R
+ the data segment runs from 0 to 2^32 but is mapped W (read and write).
+ </pre>
+<li>For each process, the layout is as follows:
+ text
+ original data and bss
+ fixed-size stack
+ expandable heap
+The text of a process is stored in its own segment and the rest in a
+data segment.
+<p>xv6 makes minimal use of the segmentation hardware available on the
+x86. What other plans could you envision?
+<p>In xv6, each each program has a user and a kernel stack; when the
+user program switches to the kernel, it switches to its kernel stack.
+Its kernel stack is stored in process's proc structure. (This is
+arranged through the descriptors in the IDT, which is covered later.)
+<p>xv6 assumes that there is a lot of physical memory. It assumes that
+ segments can be stored contiguously in physical memory and has
+ therefore no need for page tables.
+<h3>xv6 kernel address space</h3>
+<p>Let's see how xv6 creates the kernel address space by tracing xv6
+ from when it boots, focussing on address space management:
+<li>Where does xv6 start after the PC is power on: start (which is
+ loaded at physical address 0x7c00; see lab 1).
+<li>1025-1033: are we in real mode?
+<li>how big are logical addresses?
+<li>how big are physical addresses?
+<li>how are addresses physical calculated?
+<li>what segment is being used in subsequent code?
+<li>what values are in that segment?
+<li>1068: what values are loaded in the GDT?
+<li>1097: gdtr points to gdt
+<li>1094: entry 0 unused
+<li>1095: entry 1 (X + R, base = 0, limit = 0xffffffff, DPL = 0)
+<li>1096: entry 2 (W, base = 0, limit = 0xffffffff, DPL = 0)
+<li>are we using segments in a sophisticated way? (i.e., controled sharing)
+<li>are P and S set?
+<li>are addresses translated as in protected mode when lgdt completes?
+<li>1071: no, and not even here.
+<li>1075: far jump, load 8 in CS. from now on we use segment-based translation.
+<li>1081-1086: set up other segment registers
+<li>1087: where is the stack which is used for procedure calls?
+<li>1087: cmain in the bootloader (see lab 1), which calls main0
+<li>1222: main0.
+<li>job of main0 is to set everthing up so that all xv6 convtions works
+<li>where is the stack? (sp = 0x7bec)
+<li>what is on it?
+ 00007bec [00007bec] 7cda // return address in cmain
+ 00007bf0 [00007bf0] 0080 // callee-saved ebx
+ 00007bf4 [00007bf4] 7369 // callee-saved esi
+ 00007bf8 [00007bf8] 0000 // callee-saved ebp
+ 00007bfc [00007bfc] 7c49 // return address for cmain: spin
+ 00007c00 [00007c00] c031fcfa // the instructions from 7c00 (start)
+<li>1239-1240: switch to cpu stack (important for scheduler)
+<li>why -32?
+<li>what values are in ebp and esp?
+esp: 0x108d30 1084720
+ebp: 0x108d5c 1084764
+<li>what is on the stack?
+ 00108d30 [00108d30] 0000
+ 00108d34 [00108d34] 0000
+ 00108d38 [00108d38] 0000
+ 00108d3c [00108d3c] 0000
+ 00108d40 [00108d40] 0000
+ 00108d44 [00108d44] 0000
+ 00108d48 [00108d48] 0000
+ 00108d4c [00108d4c] 0000
+ 00108d50 [00108d50] 0000
+ 00108d54 [00108d54] 0000
+ 00108d58 [00108d58] 0000
+ 00108d5c [00108d5c] 0000
+ 00108d60 [00108d60] 0001
+ 00108d64 [00108d64] 0001
+ 00108d68 [00108d68] 0000
+ 00108d6c [00108d6c] 0000
+<li>what is 1 in 0x108d60? is it on the stack?
+<li>1242: is it save to reference bcpu? where is it allocated?
+<li>1260-1270: set up proc[0]
+<li>each process has its own stack (see struct proc).
+<li>where is its stack? (see the section below on physical memory
+ management below).
+<li>what is the jmpbuf? (will discuss in detail later)
+<li>1267: why -4?
+<li>1270: necessar to be able to take interrupts (will discuss in
+ detail later)
+<li>1292: what process do you think scheduler() will run? we will
+ study later how that happens, but let's assume it runs process0 on
+ process0's stack.
+<h3>xv6 user address spaces</h3>
+<li>1327: process0
+<li>process 0 sets up everything to make process conventions work out
+<li>which stack is process0 running? see 1260.
+<li>1334: is the convention to release the proc_table_lock after being
+ scheduled? (we will discuss locks later; assume there are no other
+ processors for now.)
+<li>1336: cwd is current working directory.
+<li>1348: first step in initializing a template tram frame: set
+ everything to zero. we are setting up process 0 as if it just
+ entered the kernel from user space and wants to go back to user
+ space. (see x86.h to see what field have the value 0.)
+<li>1349: why "|3"? instead of 0?
+<li>1351: why set interrupt flag in template trapframe?
+<li>1352: where will the user stack be in proc[0]'s address space?
+<li>1353: makes a copy of proc0. fork() calls copyproc() to implement
+ forking a process. This statement in essense is calling fork inside
+ proc0, making a proc[1] a duplicate of proc[0]. proc[0], however,
+ has not much in its address space of one page (see 1341).
+<li>2221: grab a lock on the proc table so that we are the only one
+ updating it.
+<li>2116: allocate next pid.
+<li>2228: we got our entry; release the lock. from now we are only
+ modifying our entry.
+<li>2120-2127: copy proc[0]'s memory. proc[1]'s memory will be identical
+ to proc[0]'s.
+<li>2130-2136: allocate a kernel stack. this stack is different from
+ the stack that proc[1] uses when running in user mode.
+<li>2139-2140: copy the template trapframe that xv6 had set up in
+ proc[0].
+<li>2147: where will proc[1] start running when the scheduler selects
+ it?
+<li>2151-2155: Unix semantics: child inherits open file descriptors
+ from parent.
+<li>2158: same for cwd.
+<li>1356: load a program in proc[1]'s address space. the program
+ loaded is the binary version of init.c (sheet 16).
+<li>1374: where will proc[1] start?
+<li>1377-1388: copy the binary into proc[1]'s address space. (you
+ will learn about the ELF format in the labs.)
+<li>can the binary for init be any size for proc[1] to work correctly?
+<li>what is the layout of proc[1]'s address space? is it consistent
+ with the layout described on line 1950-1954?
+<li>1357: make proc[1] runnable so that the scheduler will select it
+ to run. everything is set up now for proc[1] to run, "return" to
+ user space, and execute init.
+<li>1359: proc[0] gives up the processor, which calls sleep, which
+ calls sched, which setjmps back to scheduler. let's peak a bit in
+ scheduler to see what happens next. (we will return to the
+ scheduler in more detail later.)
+<li>2219: this test will fail for proc[1]
+<li>2226: setupsegs(p) sets up the segments for proc[1]. this call is
+ more interesting than the previous, so let's see what happens:
+<li>2032-37: this is for traps and interrupts, which we will cover later.
+<li>2039-49: set up new gdt.
+<li>2040: why 0x100000 + 64*1024?
+<li>2045: why 3? why is base p->mem? is p->mem physical or logical?
+<li>2045-2046: how much the program for proc[1] be compiled if proc[1]
+ will run successfully in user space?
+<li>2052: we are still running in the kernel, but we are loading gdt.
+ is this ok?
+<li>why have so few user-level segments? why not separate out code,
+ data, stack, bss, etc.?
+<li>2227: record that proc[1] is running on the cpu
+<li>2228: record it is running instead of just runnable
+<li>2229: setjmp to fork_ret.
+<li>2282: which stack is proc[1] running on?
+<li>2284: when scheduled, first release the proc_table_lock.
+<li>2287: back into assembly.
+<li>2782: where is the stack pointer pointing to?
+ 0020dfbc [0020dfbc] 0000
+ 0020dfc0 [0020dfc0] 0000
+ 0020dfc4 [0020dfc4] 0000
+ 0020dfc8 [0020dfc8] 0000
+ 0020dfcc [0020dfcc] 0000
+ 0020dfd0 [0020dfd0] 0000
+ 0020dfd4 [0020dfd4] 0000
+ 0020dfd8 [0020dfd8] 0000
+ 0020dfdc [0020dfdc] 0023
+ 0020dfe0 [0020dfe0] 0023
+ 0020dfe4 [0020dfe4] 0000
+ 0020dfe8 [0020dfe8] 0000
+ 0020dfec [0020dfec] 0000
+ 0020dff0 [0020dff0] 001b
+ 0020dff4 [0020dff4] 0200
+ 0020dff8 [0020dff8] 1000
+<li>2783: why jmp instead of call?
+<li>what will iret put in eip?
+<li>what is 0x1b? what will iret put in cs?
+<li>after iret, what will the processor being executing?
+<h3>Managing physical memory</h3>
+<p>To create an address space we must allocate physical memory, which
+ will be freed when an address space is deleted (e.g., when a user
+ program terminates). xv6 implements a first-fit memory allocater
+ (see kalloc.c).
+<p>It maintains a list of ranges of free memory. The allocator finds
+ the first range that is larger than the amount of requested memory.
+ It splits that range in two: one range of the size requested and one
+ of the remainder. It returns the first range. When memory is
+ freed, kfree will merge ranges that are adjacent in memory.
+<p>Under what scenarios is a first-fit memory allocator undesirable?
+<h3>Growing an address space</h3>
+<p>How can a user process grow its address space? growproc.
+<li>2064: allocate a new segment of old size plus n
+<li>2067: copy the old segment into the new (ouch!)
+<li>2068: and zero the rest.
+<li>2071: free the old physical memory
+<p>We could do a lot better if segments didn't have to contiguous in
+ physical memory. How could we arrange that? Using page tables, which
+ is our next topic. This is one place where page tables would be
+ useful, but there are others too (e.g., in fork).