diff options
10 files changed, 181 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/bootmain.c b/bootmain.c
index 4a70652..8985776 100644
--- a/bootmain.c
+++ b/bootmain.c
@@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ cmain(void)
readseg((uint32_t) ELFHDR, SECTSIZE*8, 0);
// is this a valid ELF?
- if (ELFHDR->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC)
+ if (ELFHDR->magic != ELF_MAGIC)
goto bad;
// load each program segment (ignores ph flags)
- ph = (struct Proghdr *) ((uint8_t *) ELFHDR + ELFHDR->e_phoff);
- eph = ph + ELFHDR->e_phnum;
+ ph = (struct Proghdr *) ((uint8_t *) ELFHDR + ELFHDR->phoff);
+ eph = ph + ELFHDR->phnum;
for (; ph < eph; ph++)
- readseg(ph->p_va, ph->p_memsz, ph->p_offset);
+ readseg(ph->va, ph->memsz, ph->offset);
// call the entry point from the ELF header
// note: does not return!
- ((void (*)(void)) (ELFHDR->e_entry & 0xFFFFFF))();
+ ((void (*)(void)) (ELFHDR->entry & 0xFFFFFF))();
outw(0x8A00, 0x8A00);
diff --git a/defs.h b/defs.h
index cb129a4..0288a62 100644
--- a/defs.h
+++ b/defs.h
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ int cpu(void);
struct spinlock;
void acquire(struct spinlock * lock);
void release(struct spinlock * lock);
+void acquire1(struct spinlock * lock, struct proc *);
+void release1(struct spinlock * lock, struct proc *);
// main.c
void load_icode(struct proc *p, uint8_t *binary, unsigned size);
diff --git a/elf.h b/elf.h
index ea9f964..cbcf38e 100644
--- a/elf.h
+++ b/elf.h
@@ -1,43 +1,39 @@
-#ifndef JOS_INC_ELF_H
-#define JOS_INC_ELF_H
#define ELF_MAGIC 0x464C457FU /* "\x7FELF" in little endian */
struct Elf {
- uint32_t e_magic; // must equal ELF_MAGIC
- uint8_t e_elf[12];
- uint16_t e_type;
- uint16_t e_machine;
- uint32_t e_version;
- uint32_t e_entry;
- uint32_t e_phoff;
- uint32_t e_shoff;
- uint32_t e_flags;
- uint16_t e_ehsize;
- uint16_t e_phentsize;
- uint16_t e_phnum;
- uint16_t e_shentsize;
- uint16_t e_shnum;
- uint16_t e_shstrndx;
+ uint32_t magic; // must equal ELF_MAGIC
+ uint8_t elf[12];
+ uint16_t type;
+ uint16_t machine;
+ uint32_t version;
+ uint32_t entry;
+ uint32_t phoff;
+ uint32_t shoff;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ uint16_t ehsize;
+ uint16_t phentsize;
+ uint16_t phnum;
+ uint16_t shentsize;
+ uint16_t shnum;
+ uint16_t shstrndx;
struct Proghdr {
- uint32_t p_type;
- uint32_t p_offset;
- uint32_t p_va;
- uint32_t p_pa;
- uint32_t p_filesz;
- uint32_t p_memsz;
- uint32_t p_flags;
- uint32_t p_align;
+ uint32_t type;
+ uint32_t offset;
+ uint32_t va;
+ uint32_t pa;
+ uint32_t filesz;
+ uint32_t memsz;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ uint32_t align;
-// Values for Proghdr::p_type
+// Values for Proghdr type
#define ELF_PROG_LOAD 1
-// Flag bits for Proghdr::p_flags
+// Flag bits for Proghdr flags
-#endif /* !JOS_INC_ELF_H */
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index 5f2d698..63e8e35 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ main()
p->kstack = kalloc(KSTACKSIZE);
p->tf = (struct Trapframe *) (p->kstack + KSTACKSIZE - sizeof(struct Trapframe));
memset(p->tf, 0, sizeof(struct Trapframe));
- p->tf->tf_es = p->tf->tf_ds = p->tf->tf_ss = (SEG_UDATA << 3) | 3;
- p->tf->tf_cs = (SEG_UCODE << 3) | 3;
- p->tf->tf_eflags = FL_IF;
+ p->tf->es = p->tf->ds = p->tf->ss = (SEG_UDATA << 3) | 3;
+ p->tf->cs = (SEG_UCODE << 3) | 3;
+ p->tf->eflags = FL_IF;
p->pid = 0;
p->ppid = 0;
@@ -103,26 +103,26 @@ load_icode(struct proc *p, uint8_t *binary, unsigned size)
// Check magic number on binary
elf = (struct Elf*) binary;
- cprintf("elf %x magic %x\n", elf, elf->e_magic);
- if (elf->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC)
+ cprintf("elf %x magic %x\n", elf, elf->magic);
+ if (elf->magic != ELF_MAGIC)
panic("load_icode: not an ELF binary");
- p->tf->tf_eip = elf->e_entry;
- p->tf->tf_esp = p->sz;
+ p->tf->eip = elf->entry;
+ p->tf->esp = p->sz;
// Map and load segments as directed.
- ph = (struct Proghdr*) (binary + elf->e_phoff);
- for (i = 0; i < elf->e_phnum; i++, ph++) {
- if (ph->p_type != ELF_PROG_LOAD)
+ ph = (struct Proghdr*) (binary + elf->phoff);
+ for (i = 0; i < elf->phnum; i++, ph++) {
+ if (ph->type != ELF_PROG_LOAD)
- cprintf("va %x memsz %d\n", ph->p_va, ph->p_memsz);
- if (ph->p_va + ph->p_memsz < ph->p_va)
+ cprintf("va %x memsz %d\n", ph->va, ph->memsz);
+ if (ph->va + ph->memsz < ph->va)
panic("load_icode: overflow in elf header segment");
- if (ph->p_va + ph->p_memsz >= p->sz)
+ if (ph->va + ph->memsz >= p->sz)
panic("load_icode: icode wants to be above UTOP");
// Load/clear the segment
- memmove(p->mem + ph->p_va, binary + ph->p_offset, ph->p_filesz);
- memset(p->mem + ph->p_va + ph->p_filesz, 0, ph->p_memsz - ph->p_filesz);
+ memmove(p->mem + ph->va, binary + ph->offset, ph->filesz);
+ memset(p->mem + ph->va + ph->filesz, 0, ph->memsz - ph->filesz);
diff --git a/mmu.h b/mmu.h
index 776db23..b90a9e3 100644
--- a/mmu.h
+++ b/mmu.h
@@ -147,19 +147,19 @@
// Segment Descriptors
struct Segdesc {
- unsigned sd_lim_15_0 : 16; // Low bits of segment limit
- unsigned sd_base_15_0 : 16; // Low bits of segment base address
- unsigned sd_base_23_16 : 8; // Middle bits of segment base address
- unsigned sd_type : 4; // Segment type (see STS_ constants)
- unsigned sd_s : 1; // 0 = system, 1 = application
- unsigned sd_dpl : 2; // Descriptor Privilege Level
- unsigned sd_p : 1; // Present
- unsigned sd_lim_19_16 : 4; // High bits of segment limit
- unsigned sd_avl : 1; // Unused (available for software use)
- unsigned sd_rsv1 : 1; // Reserved
- unsigned sd_db : 1; // 0 = 16-bit segment, 1 = 32-bit segment
- unsigned sd_g : 1; // Granularity: limit scaled by 4K when set
- unsigned sd_base_31_24 : 8; // High bits of segment base address
+ unsigned lim_15_0 : 16; // Low bits of segment limit
+ unsigned base_15_0 : 16; // Low bits of segment base address
+ unsigned base_23_16 : 8; // Middle bits of segment base address
+ unsigned type : 4; // Segment type (see STS_ constants)
+ unsigned s : 1; // 0 = system, 1 = application
+ unsigned dpl : 2; // Descriptor Privilege Level
+ unsigned p : 1; // Present
+ unsigned lim_19_16 : 4; // High bits of segment limit
+ unsigned avl : 1; // Unused (available for software use)
+ unsigned rsv1 : 1; // Reserved
+ unsigned db : 1; // 0 = 16-bit segment, 1 = 32-bit segment
+ unsigned g : 1; // Granularity: limit scaled by 4K when set
+ unsigned base_31_24 : 8; // High bits of segment base address
// Null segment
#define SEG_NULL (struct Segdesc){ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
@@ -210,56 +210,56 @@ struct Segdesc {
// Task state segment format (as described by the Pentium architecture book)
struct Taskstate {
- uint32_t ts_link; // Old ts selector
- uintptr_t ts_esp0; // Stack pointers and segment selectors
- uint16_t ts_ss0; // after an increase in privilege level
- uint16_t ts_padding1;
- uintptr_t ts_esp1;
- uint16_t ts_ss1;
- uint16_t ts_padding2;
- uintptr_t ts_esp2;
- uint16_t ts_ss2;
- uint16_t ts_padding3;
- physaddr_t ts_cr3; // Page directory base
- uintptr_t ts_eip; // Saved state from last task switch
- uint32_t ts_eflags;
- uint32_t ts_eax; // More saved state (registers)
- uint32_t ts_ecx;
- uint32_t ts_edx;
- uint32_t ts_ebx;
- uintptr_t ts_esp;
- uintptr_t ts_ebp;
- uint32_t ts_esi;
- uint32_t ts_edi;
- uint16_t ts_es; // Even more saved state (segment selectors)
- uint16_t ts_padding4;
- uint16_t ts_cs;
- uint16_t ts_padding5;
- uint16_t ts_ss;
- uint16_t ts_padding6;
- uint16_t ts_ds;
- uint16_t ts_padding7;
- uint16_t ts_fs;
- uint16_t ts_padding8;
- uint16_t ts_gs;
- uint16_t ts_padding9;
- uint16_t ts_ldt;
- uint16_t ts_padding10;
- uint16_t ts_t; // Trap on task switch
- uint16_t ts_iomb; // I/O map base address
+ uint32_t link; // Old ts selector
+ uintptr_t esp0; // Stack pointers and segment selectors
+ uint16_t ss0; // after an increase in privilege level
+ uint16_t padding1;
+ uintptr_t esp1;
+ uint16_t ss1;
+ uint16_t padding2;
+ uintptr_t esp2;
+ uint16_t ss2;
+ uint16_t padding3;
+ physaddr_t cr3; // Page directory base
+ uintptr_t eip; // Saved state from last task switch
+ uint32_t eflags;
+ uint32_t eax; // More saved state (registers)
+ uint32_t ecx;
+ uint32_t edx;
+ uint32_t ebx;
+ uintptr_t esp;
+ uintptr_t ebp;
+ uint32_t esi;
+ uint32_t edi;
+ uint16_t es; // Even more saved state (segment selectors)
+ uint16_t padding4;
+ uint16_t cs;
+ uint16_t padding5;
+ uint16_t ss;
+ uint16_t padding6;
+ uint16_t ds;
+ uint16_t padding7;
+ uint16_t fs;
+ uint16_t padding8;
+ uint16_t gs;
+ uint16_t padding9;
+ uint16_t ldt;
+ uint16_t padding10;
+ uint16_t t; // Trap on task switch
+ uint16_t iomb; // I/O map base address
// Gate descriptors for interrupts and traps
struct Gatedesc {
- unsigned gd_off_15_0 : 16; // low 16 bits of offset in segment
- unsigned gd_ss : 16; // segment selector
- unsigned gd_args : 5; // # args, 0 for interrupt/trap gates
- unsigned gd_rsv1 : 3; // reserved(should be zero I guess)
- unsigned gd_type : 4; // type(STS_{TG,IG32,TG32})
- unsigned gd_s : 1; // must be 0 (system)
- unsigned gd_dpl : 2; // descriptor(meaning new) privilege level
- unsigned gd_p : 1; // Present
- unsigned gd_off_31_16 : 16; // high bits of offset in segment
+ unsigned off_15_0 : 16; // low 16 bits of offset in segment
+ unsigned ss : 16; // segment selector
+ unsigned args : 5; // # args, 0 for interrupt/trap gates
+ unsigned rsv1 : 3; // reserved(should be zero I guess)
+ unsigned type : 4; // type(STS_{TG,IG32,TG32})
+ unsigned s : 1; // must be 0 (system)
+ unsigned dpl : 2; // descriptor(meaning new) privilege level
+ unsigned p : 1; // Present
+ unsigned off_31_16 : 16; // high bits of offset in segment
// Set up a normal interrupt/trap gate descriptor.
@@ -269,38 +269,38 @@ struct Gatedesc {
// - dpl: Descriptor Privilege Level -
// the privilege level required for software to invoke
// this interrupt/trap gate explicitly using an int instruction.
-#define SETGATE(gate, istrap, sel, off, dpl) \
+#define SETGATE(gate, istrap, sel, off, d) \
{ \
- (gate).gd_off_15_0 = (uint32_t) (off) & 0xffff; \
- (gate).gd_ss = (sel); \
- (gate).gd_args = 0; \
- (gate).gd_rsv1 = 0; \
- (gate).gd_type = (istrap) ? STS_TG32 : STS_IG32; \
- (gate).gd_s = 0; \
- (gate).gd_dpl = (dpl); \
- (gate).gd_p = 1; \
- (gate).gd_off_31_16 = (uint32_t) (off) >> 16; \
+ (gate).off_15_0 = (uint32_t) (off) & 0xffff; \
+ (gate).ss = (sel); \
+ (gate).args = 0; \
+ (gate).rsv1 = 0; \
+ (gate).type = (istrap) ? STS_TG32 : STS_IG32; \
+ (gate).s = 0; \
+ (gate).dpl = (d); \
+ (gate).p = 1; \
+ (gate).off_31_16 = (uint32_t) (off) >> 16; \
// Set up a call gate descriptor.
-#define SETCALLGATE(gate, ss, off, dpl) \
+#define SETCALLGATE(gate, ss, off, d) \
{ \
- (gate).gd_off_15_0 = (uint32_t) (off) & 0xffff; \
- (gate).gd_ss = (ss); \
- (gate).gd_args = 0; \
- (gate).gd_rsv1 = 0; \
- (gate).gd_type = STS_CG32; \
- (gate).gd_s = 0; \
- (gate).gd_dpl = (dpl); \
- (gate).gd_p = 1; \
- (gate).gd_off_31_16 = (uint32_t) (off) >> 16; \
+ (gate).off_15_0 = (uint32_t) (off) & 0xffff; \
+ (gate).ss = (ss); \
+ (gate).args = 0; \
+ (gate).rsv1 = 0; \
+ (gate).type = STS_CG32; \
+ (gate).s = 0; \
+ (gate).dpl = (d); \
+ (gate).p = 1; \
+ (gate).off_31_16 = (uint32_t) (off) >> 16; \
// Pseudo-descriptors used for LGDT, LLDT and LIDT instructions.
struct Pseudodesc {
- uint16_t pd__garbage; // LGDT supposed to be from address 4N+2
- uint16_t pd_lim; // Limit
- uint32_t pd_base __attribute__ ((packed)); // Base address
+ uint16_t _garbage; // LGDT supposed to be from address 4N+2
+ uint16_t lim; // Limit
+ uint32_t base __attribute__ ((packed)); // Base address
#define PD_ADDR(desc) (&(desc).pd_lim)
diff --git a/proc.c b/proc.c
index 31de6fc..f24f4f8 100644
--- a/proc.c
+++ b/proc.c
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ void
setupsegs(struct proc *p)
memset(&p->ts, 0, sizeof(struct Taskstate));
- p->ts.ts_ss0 = SEG_KDATA << 3;
- p->ts.ts_esp0 = (unsigned)(p->kstack + KSTACKSIZE);
+ p->ts.ss0 = SEG_KDATA << 3;
+ p->ts.esp0 = (unsigned)(p->kstack + KSTACKSIZE);
// XXX it may be wrong to modify the current segment table!
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ setupsegs(struct proc *p)
p->gdt[SEG_KDATA] = SEG(STA_W, 0, 0xffffffff, 0);
p->gdt[SEG_TSS] = SEG16(STS_T32A, (unsigned) &p->ts,
sizeof(p->ts), 0);
- p->gdt[SEG_TSS].sd_s = 0;
+ p->gdt[SEG_TSS].s = 0;
p->gdt[SEG_UCODE] = SEG(STA_X|STA_R, (unsigned)p->mem, p->sz, 3);
p->gdt[SEG_UDATA] = SEG(STA_W, (unsigned)p->mem, p->sz, 3);
- p->gdt_pd.pd__garbage = 0;
- p->gdt_pd.pd_lim = sizeof(p->gdt) - 1;
- p->gdt_pd.pd_base = (unsigned) p->gdt;
+ p->gdt_pd._garbage = 0;
+ p->gdt_pd.lim = sizeof(p->gdt) - 1;
+ p->gdt_pd.base = (unsigned) p->gdt;
// Look in the process table for an UNUSED proc.
@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ copyproc(struct proc* p)
*np->tf = *p->tf;
// Clear %eax so that fork system call returns 0 in child.
- np->tf->tf_regs.reg_eax = 0;
+ np->tf->regs.eax = 0;
// Set up new jmpbuf to start executing at forkret (see below).
memset(&np->jmpbuf, 0, sizeof np->jmpbuf);
- np->jmpbuf.jb_eip = (unsigned)forkret;
- np->jmpbuf.jb_esp = (unsigned)np->tf;
+ np->jmpbuf.eip = (unsigned)forkret;
+ np->jmpbuf.esp = (unsigned)np->tf;
// Copy file descriptors
for(i = 0; i < NOFILE; i++){
@@ -153,13 +153,13 @@ scheduler(void)
// It can run on the other stack.
// h/w sets busy bit in TSS descriptor sometimes, and faults
// if it's set in LTR. so clear tss descriptor busy bit.
- p->gdt[SEG_TSS].sd_type = STS_T32A;
+ p->gdt[SEG_TSS].type = STS_T32A;
// XXX should probably have an lgdt() function in x86.h
// to confine all the inline assembly.
// XXX probably ought to lgdt on trap return too, in case
// a system call has moved a program or changed its size.
- asm volatile("lgdt %0" : : "g" (p->gdt_pd.pd_lim));
+ asm volatile("lgdt %0" : : "g" (p->gdt_pd.lim));
ltr(SEG_TSS << 3);
// Switch to chosen process. It is the process's job
diff --git a/proc.h b/proc.h
index 60ef7f5..72bdcf3 100644
--- a/proc.h
+++ b/proc.h
@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ struct jmpbuf {
// they are constant across kernel contexts
// save all the regular registers so we don't care which are caller save
// don't save eax because that's the return register
- // layout known to swtch.S
- int jb_ebx;
- int jb_ecx;
- int jb_edx;
- int jb_esi;
- int jb_edi;
- int jb_esp;
- int jb_ebp;
- int jb_eip;
+ // layout known to setjmp.S
+ int ebx;
+ int ecx;
+ int edx;
+ int esi;
+ int edi;
+ int esp;
+ int ebp;
+ int eip;
diff --git a/syscall.c b/syscall.c
index decf393..f86fa22 100644
--- a/syscall.c
+++ b/syscall.c
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ fetcharg(int argno, void *ip)
unsigned esp;
- esp = (unsigned) curproc[cpu()]->tf->tf_esp;
+ esp = (unsigned) curproc[cpu()]->tf->esp;
return fetchint(curproc[cpu()], esp + 4 + 4*argno, ip);
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ void
struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()];
- int num = cp->tf->tf_regs.reg_eax;
+ int num = cp->tf->regs.eax;
int ret = -1;
//cprintf("%x sys %d\n", cp, num);
@@ -301,10 +301,13 @@ syscall(void)
case SYS_panic:
ret = sys_panic();
+ case SYS_cons_puts:
+ ret = sys_cons_puts();
+ break;
cprintf("unknown sys call %d\n", num);
// XXX fault
- cp->tf->tf_regs.reg_eax = ret;
+ cp->tf->regs.eax = ret;
diff --git a/trap.c b/trap.c
index 4c8a4bd..74ea864 100644
--- a/trap.c
+++ b/trap.c
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ tvinit()
- asm volatile("lidt %0" : : "g" (idt_pd.pd_lim));
+ asm volatile("lidt %0" : : "g" (idt_pd.lim));
trap(struct Trapframe *tf)
- int v = tf->tf_trapno;
+ int v = tf->trapno;
if(v == T_SYSCALL){
struct proc *cp = curproc[cpu()];
- int num = cp->tf->tf_regs.reg_eax;
+ int num = cp->tf->regs.eax;
if(cp == 0)
panic("syscall with no proc");
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ trap(struct Trapframe *tf)
// (If the kernel was executing at time of interrupt,
// don't kill the process. Let the process get back
// out to its regular system call return.)
- if((tf->tf_cs&3) == 3 && cp->killed)
+ if((tf->cs&3) == 3 && cp->killed)
// Force process to give up CPU and let others run.
diff --git a/x86.h b/x86.h
index ee7e6ce..6c67df7 100644
--- a/x86.h
+++ b/x86.h
@@ -320,33 +320,33 @@ sti(void)
struct PushRegs {
/* registers as pushed by pusha */
- uint32_t reg_edi;
- uint32_t reg_esi;
- uint32_t reg_ebp;
- uint32_t reg_oesp; /* Useless */
- uint32_t reg_ebx;
- uint32_t reg_edx;
- uint32_t reg_ecx;
- uint32_t reg_eax;
+ uint32_t edi;
+ uint32_t esi;
+ uint32_t ebp;
+ uint32_t oesp; /* Useless */
+ uint32_t ebx;
+ uint32_t edx;
+ uint32_t ecx;
+ uint32_t eax;
struct Trapframe {
- struct PushRegs tf_regs;
- uint16_t tf_es;
- uint16_t tf_padding1;
- uint16_t tf_ds;
- uint16_t tf_padding2;
- uint32_t tf_trapno;
+ struct PushRegs regs;
+ uint16_t es;
+ uint16_t padding1;
+ uint16_t ds;
+ uint16_t padding2;
+ uint32_t trapno;
/* below here defined by x86 hardware */
- uint32_t tf_err;
- uintptr_t tf_eip;
- uint16_t tf_cs;
- uint16_t tf_padding3;
- uint32_t tf_eflags;
+ uint32_t err;
+ uintptr_t eip;
+ uint16_t cs;
+ uint16_t padding3;
+ uint32_t eflags;
/* below here only when crossing rings, such as from user to kernel */
- uintptr_t tf_esp;
- uint16_t tf_ss;
- uint16_t tf_padding4;
+ uintptr_t esp;
+ uint16_t ss;
+ uint16_t padding4;
#define MAX_IRQS 16 // Number of IRQs