path: root/entry.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'entry.S')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/entry.S b/entry.S
index 0aacb4c..8b3316c 100644
--- a/entry.S
+++ b/entry.S
@@ -1,223 +1,22 @@
-# x86-64 bootstrap, assuming load by MultiBoot-compliant loader.
-# The MutliBoot specification is at:
-# GRUB is a MultiBoot loader, as is qemu's -kernel option.
-#include "mmu.h"
-#include "memlayout.h"
-# STACK is the size of the bootstrap stack.
-#define STACK 8192
-# MultiBoot header.
-.align 4
-.globl multiboot_header
- #define magic 0x1badb002
- #define flags (1<<16 | 1<<0)
- .long magic
- .long flags
- .long (- magic - flags) # checksum
- .long V2P_WO(multiboot_header) # header address
- .long V2P_WO(multiboot_header) # load address
- .long V2P_WO(edata) # load end address
- .long V2P_WO(end) # bss end address
- .long V2P_WO(start) # entry address
-# Entry point jumped to by boot loader. Running in 32-bit mode.
-# EAX = 0x2badb002
-# EBX = address of multiboot information structure
-# CS = 32-bit read/execute code segment with identity map
-# DS, ES, FS, GS, SS = 32-bit read/write data segment with identity map
-# A20 gate = enabled
-# CR0 = PE set, PG clear
-# EFLAGS = VM clear, IF clear
-.globl start
- # Tell BIOS to do "warm reboot" when we shut down.
- movw $0x1234, 0x472
- # Set up multiboot arguments for main.
- movl %eax, %edi
- movl %ebx, %esi
- # Initialize stack.
- movl $V2P_WO(stack+STACK), %esp
- # Zero bss. QEMU's MultiBoot seems not to.
- # It's possible that the header above is not right, but it looks right.
- # %edi is holding multiboot argument, so save in another register.
- # (The stack is in the bss.)
- movl %edi, %edx
- movl $V2P_WO(edata), %edi
- movl $V2P_WO(end), %ecx
- subl $V2P_WO(edata), %ecx
- movl $0, %eax
- cld
- rep stosb
- movl %edx, %edi
- call loadgdt
- # Enter new 32-bit code segment (already in 32-bit mode).
- ljmp $SEG_KCODE32, $V2P_WO(start32) // code32 segment selector
- # Initialize page table.
- call initpagetables
- call init32e
- movl $V2P_WO(start64), %eax
- # Enter 64-bit mode.
- ljmp $SEG_KCODE, $V2P_WO(tramp64) // code64 segment selector
- # Load VA of stack
- movabsq $(stack+STACK), %rsp
- # Clear frame pointer for stack walks
- movl $0, %ebp
- # Call into C code.
- call main
- # should not return from main
- jmp .
-.code32 apstart
- call loadgdt
- ljmp $SEG_KCODE32, $V2P_WO(apstart32) // code32 segment selector
- call init32e
- movl $V2P_WO(apstart64), %eax
- ljmp $SEG_KCODE, $V2P_WO(tramp64) // code64 segment selector
- # Remember (from bootothers), that our kernel stack pointer is
- # at the top of our temporary stack.
- popq %rax
- movq %rax, %rsp
- movq $0, %rbp
- call apmain
- jmp .
- # The linker thinks we are running at tramp64, but we're actually
- # running at PADDR(tramp64), so use an explicit calculation to
- # load and jump to the correct address. %rax should hold the
- # physical address of the jmp target.
- movq $KERNBASE, %r11
- addq %r11, %rax
- jmp *%rax
-# Initial stack
-.comm stack, STACK
-# Page tables. See section 4.5 of 253668.pdf.
-# We map the first GB of physical memory at 0 and at 1 TB (not GB) before
-# the end of virtual memory. At boot time we are using the mapping at 0
-# but during ordinary execution we use the high mapping.
-# The intent is that after bootstrap the kernel can expand this mapping
-# to cover all the available physical memory.
-# This would be easier if we could use the PS bit to create GB-sized entries
-# and skip the pdt table, but not all chips support it, and QEMU doesn't.
-.align 4096
- .quad V2P_WO(pdpt) + PTE_P + PTE_W // present, read/write
- .quad 0
- .space 4096 - 2*16
- .quad V2P_WO(pdpt) + PTE_P + PTE_W
- .quad 0
-.align 4096
- .quad V2P_WO(pdt) + PTE_P + PTE_W
- .space 4096 - 8
-.align 4096
- // Filled in below.
- .space 4096
- pushl %edi
- pushl %ecx
- pushl %eax
- // Set up 64-bit entry in %edx:%eax.
- // Base address 0, present, read/write, large page.
- movl $(0 | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_PS), %eax
- movl $0, %edx
- // Fill in 512 entries at pdt.
- movl $V2P_WO(pdt), %edi
- movl $512, %ecx
- // Write this 64-bit entry.
- movl %eax, 0(%edi)
- movl %edx, 4(%edi)
- addl $8, %edi
- // 64-bit add to prepare address for next entry.
- // Because this is a large page entry, it covers 512 4k pages (2 MB).
- add $(512*4096), %eax
- adc $0, %edx
- loop 1b
- popl %eax
- popl %ecx
- popl %edi
- ret
-# Initialize IA-32e mode. See section 9.8.5 of 253668.pdf.
- # Set CR4.PAE and CR4.PSE = 1.
- movl %cr4, %eax
- orl $0x30, %eax
- movl %eax, %cr4
- # Load CR3 with physical base address of level 4 page table.
- movl $V2P_WO(pml4), %eax
- movl %eax, %cr3
- # Enable IA-32e mode by setting IA32_EFER.LME = 1.
- # Also turn on IA32_EFER.SCE (syscall enable).
- movl $0xc0000080, %ecx
- rdmsr
- orl $0x101, %eax
- wrmsr
- # Enable paging by setting CR0.PG = 1.
- movl %cr0, %eax
- orl $0x80000000, %eax
- movl %eax, %cr0
- nop
- nop
- ret
- subl $8, %esp
- movl $V2P_WO(bootgdt), 4(%esp)
- movw $(8*NSEGS-1), 2(%esp)
- lgdt 2(%esp)
- addl $8, %esp
- movl $SEG_KDATA, %eax // data segment selector
- movw %ax, %ds
- movw %ax, %es
- movw %ax, %ss
- movl $0, %eax // null segment selector
- movw %ax, %fs
- movw %ax, %gs
- ret
+ # qemu -kernel starts at 0x1000. the instructions
+ # there seem to be provided by qemu, as if it
+ # were a ROM. the code at 0x1000 jumps to
+ # 0x8000000, the _start function here,
+ # in machine mode.
+.section .data
+.globl stack0
+.section .text
+.globl mstart
+.section .text
+.globl _entry
+ # set up a stack for C; stack0 is declared in start.
+ la sp, stack0
+ addi sp, sp, 1024
+ addi sp, sp, 1024
+ addi sp, sp, 1024
+ addi sp, sp, 1024
+ # jump to mstart() in start.c
+ call mstart
+ j junk