path: root/sysfile.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sysfile.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 465 deletions
diff --git a/sysfile.c b/sysfile.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 83bb1ed..0000000
--- a/sysfile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-// File-system system calls.
-// Mostly argument checking, since we don't trust
-// user code, and calls into file.c and fs.c.
-#include "types.h"
-#include "riscv.h"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "stat.h"
-#include "proc.h"
-#include "fs.h"
-#include "spinlock.h"
-#include "sleeplock.h"
-#include "file.h"
-#include "fcntl.h"
-// Fetch the nth word-sized system call argument as a file descriptor
-// and return both the descriptor and the corresponding struct file.
-static int
-argfd(int n, int *pfd, struct file **pf)
- int fd;
- struct file *f;
- if(argint(n, &fd) < 0)
- return -1;
- if(fd < 0 || fd >= NOFILE || (f=myproc()->ofile[fd]) == 0)
- return -1;
- if(pfd)
- *pfd = fd;
- if(pf)
- *pf = f;
- return 0;
-// Allocate a file descriptor for the given file.
-// Takes over file reference from caller on success.
-static int
-fdalloc(struct file *f)
- int fd;
- struct proc *p = myproc();
- for(fd = 0; fd < NOFILE; fd++){
- if(p->ofile[fd] == 0){
- p->ofile[fd] = f;
- return fd;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- struct file *f;
- int fd;
- if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0)
- return -1;
- if((fd=fdalloc(f)) < 0)
- return -1;
- filedup(f);
- return fd;
- struct file *f;
- int n;
- uint64 p;
- if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0 || argint(2, &n) < 0 || argptr(1, &p, n) < 0)
- return -1;
- return fileread(f, p, n);
- struct file *f;
- int n;
- uint64 p;
- if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0 || argint(2, &n) < 0 || argptr(1, &p, n) < 0)
- return -1;
- return filewrite(f, p, n);
- int fd;
- struct file *f;
- if(argfd(0, &fd, &f) < 0)
- return -1;
- myproc()->ofile[fd] = 0;
- fileclose(f);
- return 0;
- struct file *f;
- uint64 st; // user pointer to struct stat
- if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0 || argptr(1, &st, sizeof(struct stat)) < 0)
- return -1;
- return filestat(f, st);
-// Create the path new as a link to the same inode as old.
- char name[DIRSIZ], new[MAXPATH], old[MAXPATH];
- struct inode *dp, *ip;
- if(argstr(0, old, MAXPATH) < 0 || argstr(1, new, MAXPATH) < 0)
- return -1;
- begin_op();
- if((ip = namei(old)) == 0){
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- ilock(ip);
- if(ip->type == T_DIR){
- iunlockput(ip);
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- ip->nlink++;
- iupdate(ip);
- iunlock(ip);
- if((dp = nameiparent(new, name)) == 0)
- goto bad;
- ilock(dp);
- if(dp->dev != ip->dev || dirlink(dp, name, ip->inum) < 0){
- iunlockput(dp);
- goto bad;
- }
- iunlockput(dp);
- iput(ip);
- end_op();
- return 0;
- ilock(ip);
- ip->nlink--;
- iupdate(ip);
- iunlockput(ip);
- end_op();
- return -1;
-// Is the directory dp empty except for "." and ".." ?
-static int
-isdirempty(struct inode *dp)
- int off;
- struct dirent de;
- for(off=2*sizeof(de); off<dp->size; off+=sizeof(de)){
- if(readi(dp, 0, (uint64)&de, off, sizeof(de)) != sizeof(de))
- panic("isdirempty: readi");
- if(de.inum != 0)
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- struct inode *ip, *dp;
- struct dirent de;
- char name[DIRSIZ], path[MAXPATH];
- uint off;
- if(argstr(0, path, MAXPATH) < 0)
- return -1;
- begin_op();
- if((dp = nameiparent(path, name)) == 0){
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- ilock(dp);
- // Cannot unlink "." or "..".
- if(namecmp(name, ".") == 0 || namecmp(name, "..") == 0)
- goto bad;
- if((ip = dirlookup(dp, name, &off)) == 0)
- goto bad;
- ilock(ip);
- if(ip->nlink < 1)
- panic("unlink: nlink < 1");
- if(ip->type == T_DIR && !isdirempty(ip)){
- iunlockput(ip);
- goto bad;
- }
- memset(&de, 0, sizeof(de));
- if(writei(dp, 0, (uint64)&de, off, sizeof(de)) != sizeof(de))
- panic("unlink: writei");
- if(ip->type == T_DIR){
- dp->nlink--;
- iupdate(dp);
- }
- iunlockput(dp);
- ip->nlink--;
- iupdate(ip);
- iunlockput(ip);
- end_op();
- return 0;
- iunlockput(dp);
- end_op();
- return -1;
-static struct inode*
-create(char *path, short type, short major, short minor)
- uint off;
- struct inode *ip, *dp;
- char name[DIRSIZ];
- if((dp = nameiparent(path, name)) == 0)
- return 0;
- ilock(dp);
- if((ip = dirlookup(dp, name, &off)) != 0){
- iunlockput(dp);
- ilock(ip);
- if(type == T_FILE && ip->type == T_FILE)
- return ip;
- iunlockput(ip);
- return 0;
- }
- if((ip = ialloc(dp->dev, type)) == 0)
- panic("create: ialloc");
- ilock(ip);
- ip->major = major;
- ip->minor = minor;
- ip->nlink = 1;
- iupdate(ip);
- if(type == T_DIR){ // Create . and .. entries.
- dp->nlink++; // for ".."
- iupdate(dp);
- // No ip->nlink++ for ".": avoid cyclic ref count.
- if(dirlink(ip, ".", ip->inum) < 0 || dirlink(ip, "..", dp->inum) < 0)
- panic("create dots");
- }
- if(dirlink(dp, name, ip->inum) < 0)
- panic("create: dirlink");
- iunlockput(dp);
- return ip;
- char path[MAXPATH];
- int fd, omode;
- struct file *f;
- struct inode *ip;
- if(argstr(0, path, MAXPATH) < 0 || argint(1, &omode) < 0)
- return -1;
- begin_op();
- if(omode & O_CREATE){
- ip = create(path, T_FILE, 0, 0);
- if(ip == 0){
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- if((ip = namei(path)) == 0){
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- ilock(ip);
- if(ip->type == T_DIR && omode != O_RDONLY){
- iunlockput(ip);
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if((f = filealloc()) == 0 || (fd = fdalloc(f)) < 0){
- if(f)
- fileclose(f);
- iunlockput(ip);
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- iunlock(ip);
- end_op();
- f->type = FD_INODE;
- f->ip = ip;
- f->off = 0;
- f->readable = !(omode & O_WRONLY);
- f->writable = (omode & O_WRONLY) || (omode & O_RDWR);
- return fd;
- char path[MAXPATH];
- struct inode *ip;
- begin_op();
- if(argstr(0, path, MAXPATH) < 0 || (ip = create(path, T_DIR, 0, 0)) == 0){
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- iunlockput(ip);
- end_op();
- return 0;
- struct inode *ip;
- char path[MAXPATH];
- int major, minor;
- begin_op();
- if((argstr(0, path, MAXPATH)) < 0 ||
- argint(1, &major) < 0 ||
- argint(2, &minor) < 0 ||
- (ip = create(path, T_DEV, major, minor)) == 0){
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- iunlockput(ip);
- end_op();
- return 0;
- char path[MAXPATH];
- struct inode *ip;
- struct proc *p = myproc();
- begin_op();
- if(argstr(0, path, MAXPATH) < 0 || (ip = namei(path)) == 0){
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- ilock(ip);
- if(ip->type != T_DIR){
- iunlockput(ip);
- end_op();
- return -1;
- }
- iunlock(ip);
- iput(p->cwd);
- end_op();
- p->cwd = ip;
- return 0;
- char path[MAXPATH], *argv[MAXARG];
- int i;
- uint64 uargv, uarg;
- if(argstr(0, path, MAXPATH) < 0 || argaddr(1, &uargv) < 0){
- return -1;
- }
- memset(argv, 0, sizeof(argv));
- for(i=0;; i++){
- if(i >= NELEM(argv)){
- return -1;
- }
- if(fetchaddr(uargv+sizeof(uint64)*i, (uint64*)&uarg) < 0){
- return -1;
- }
- if(uarg == 0){
- argv[i] = 0;
- break;
- }
- argv[i] = kalloc();
- if(argv[i] == 0)
- panic("sys_exec kalloc");
- if(fetchstr(uarg, argv[i], PGSIZE) < 0){
- return -1;
- }
- }
- int ret = exec(path, argv);
- for(i = 0; i < NELEM(argv) && argv[i] != 0; i++)
- kfree(argv[i]);
- return ret;
- uint64 fdarray; // user pointer to array of two integers
- struct file *rf, *wf;
- int fd0, fd1;
- struct proc *p = myproc();
- if(argptr(0, &fdarray, 2*sizeof(int)) < 0)
- return -1;
- if(pipealloc(&rf, &wf) < 0)
- return -1;
- fd0 = -1;
- if((fd0 = fdalloc(rf)) < 0 || (fd1 = fdalloc(wf)) < 0){
- if(fd0 >= 0)
- p->ofile[fd0] = 0;
- fileclose(rf);
- fileclose(wf);
- return -1;
- }
- if(copyout(p->pagetable, fdarray, (char*)&fd0, sizeof(fd0)) < 0 ||
- copyout(p->pagetable, fdarray+sizeof(fd0), (char *)&fd1, sizeof(fd1)) < 0){
- p->ofile[fd0] = 0;
- p->ofile[fd1] = 0;
- fileclose(rf);
- fileclose(wf);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;