path: root/AyaBot/plugins
diff options
authorKyomotoi <[email protected]>2020-07-07 10:45:04 +0800
committerKyomotoi <[email protected]>2020-07-07 10:45:04 +0800
commit9844d1ec8a18cc8fc7600a72c8cb6810c8952758 (patch)
treeb0aab4d5448a1abff8d996ecc1f5b01259f3dc45 /AyaBot/plugins
parent8b123949b865f13fa5a6b0d93221028d1d7d4d82 (diff)
[ADD] bilibili info
Diffstat (limited to 'AyaBot/plugins')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AyaBot/plugins/ b/AyaBot/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3f3ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AyaBot/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import re
+import json
+import requests
+import nonebot
+from nonebot import on_command, CommandSession
+REPORT_FORMAT = """({aid})信息如下:
+Title: {title}
+aid: {aid}
+bid: {bid}
+观看: {view} 点赞: {like}
+投币: {coin} 转发: {share}
+for i in range(58):
+ tr[table[i]]=i
+def dec(x):
+ r=0
+ for i in range(6):
+ r+=tr[x[s[i]]]*58**i
+ return (r-add)^xor
+def enc(x):
+ x=(x^xor)+add
+ r=list('BV1 4 1 7 ')
+ for i in range(6):
+ r[s[i]]=table[x//58**i%58]
+ return ''.join(r)
+@on_command('bilibili_search_vd', aliases=['b站视频搜索', '批站视频搜索', 'B站视频搜索'], only_to_me=False)
+async def bilibili_search_vd(session: CommandSession):
+ bi = session.current_arg.strip()
+ if not bi:
+ bi = session.get('bi', prompt='请输入bv号或av号')
+ str_av = 'av'
+ str_bv = 'BV'
+ if str_av in bi:
+ aid = bi
+ elif str_bv in bi:
+ aid = str(dec(bi))
+ print(aid)
+ else:
+ await session.finish('检查下bv/av号是否输入错误呢...')
+ URL = f'{aid}'
+ print(URL)
+ ad = 'av' + aid
+ print(ad)
+ try:
+ response = requests.request("GET", URL)
+ try:
+ html = response.text
+ mg = json.loads(html)
+ print('az')
+ pic = mg["data"]["pic"]
+ await session.send(REPORT_FORMAT.format(
+ title = mg["data"]["title"],
+ view = mg["data"]["stat"]["view"],
+ coin = mg["data"]["stat"]["coin"],
+ share = mg["data"]["stat"]["share"],
+ like = mg["data"]["stat"]["like"],
+ bid = mg["data"]["bvid"],
+ bid_link = mg["data"]["short_link"],
+ aid = ad,
+ aid_link = f'{ad}',
+ img = f'[CQ:image,file={pic}]',
+ )
+ )
+ except:
+ await session.send('吾辈在请求数据的时候失败了...')
+ except:
+ await session.send('吾辈一直在努力尝试和主服取得通信ing...ERROR') \ No newline at end of file