path: root/ATRI/plugins/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ATRI/plugins/')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ATRI/plugins/ b/ATRI/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e415048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ATRI/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+import json
+import nonebot
+from orjson import loads
+from html import unescape
+import aiocqhttp
+from nonebot import on_command, CommandSession
+from ATRI.modules import response # type: ignore
+REPORT_FORMAT = """({aid})信息如下:
+Title: {title}
+aid: {aid}
+bid: {bid}
+观看: {view} 点赞: {like}
+投币: {coin} 转发: {share}
+for i in range(58):
+ tr[table[i]]=i
+def dec(x):
+ r=0
+ for i in range(6):
+ r+=tr[x[s[i]]]*58**i
+ return (r-add)^xor
+def enc(x):
+ x=(x^xor)+add
+ r=list('BV1 4 1 7 ')
+ for i in range(6):
+ r[s[i]]=table[x//58**i%58]
+ return ''.join(r)
+def check(string, sub_str):
+ if (string.find(sub_str) == -1):
+ ch = 0
+ return ch
+ else:
+ ch = 1
+ return ch
[email protected]_natural_language(only_to_me = False, only_short_message = False)
+async def fk_tx_app_bilibili(session: nonebot.NLPSession):
+ rich_message = [x for x in session.event['message'] if x.get('type') == 'rich']
+ if not rich_message:
+ return
+ rich_message = rich_message[0]['data']
+ print(rich_message)
+ xch = '小程序'
+ bili = '哔哩哔哩'
+ if check(rich_message['text'], xch) == 0:
+ return
+ if check(rich_message['text'], bili) == 0:
+ return
+ print(rich_message['text'])
+ rich_message = rich_message['content']
+ data = loads(unescape(rich_message))
+ if 'detail_1' not in str(rich_message):
+ return
+ URL = data['detail_1']['qqdocurl']
+ rep = URL.replace('?', '/')
+ rep = rep.split('/')
+ biv = rep[4]
+ aid = str(dec(biv))
+ url = f'{aid}'
+ ad = 'av' + aid
+ dc = json.loads(response.request_api(url))
+ pic = dc["data"]["pic"]
+ await session.send(REPORT_FORMAT.format(
+ title = dc["data"]["title"],
+ view = dc["data"]["stat"]["view"],
+ coin = dc["data"]["stat"]["coin"],
+ share = dc["data"]["stat"]["share"],
+ like = dc["data"]["stat"]["like"],
+ bid = biv,
+ bid_link = dc["data"]["short_link"],
+ aid = ad,
+ aid_link = f'{ad}'
+ )
+ ) \ No newline at end of file