path: root/AyaBot/plugins/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'AyaBot/plugins/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/AyaBot/plugins/ b/AyaBot/plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29a3df5..0000000
--- a/AyaBot/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
-import re
-import nonebot
-from aiohttp import ClientSession
-from nonebot import on_command, CommandSession
-async def post_bytes(url, headers=None,data=None):
- async with ClientSession() as asyncsession:
- async with,headers=headers,data=data) as response:
- b = await
- return b
-hbook_switch = True
-@on_command('hbook_switch', aliases=['开启', '关闭'], only_to_me=False)
-async def _(session: CommandSession):
- if session.ctx['user_id'] in
- command = session.ctx['raw_message'].split(' ', 1)
- swtich = command[0]
- plugins = command[1]
- global hbook_switch
- if swtich == '开启':
- if plugins == '本子':
- hbook_switch = True
- else:
- await session.send('检查一下是否输错了呢')
- else:
- if plugins == '本子':
- hbook_switch = False
- else:
- await session.send('检查一下是否输错了呢')
- await session.send('完成')
- else:
- await session.send('恁哪位?')
-@on_command('hbook', aliases=['本子', '找本子', '本子查询'], only_to_me=False)
-async def _(session: CommandSession):
- if hbook_switch:
- h_msg = session.current_arg.strip()
- if not h_msg:
- h_msg = session.get('message', prompt='要冲了吗?速发关键词')
- h_type = session.ctx['message_type']
- h_qq = session.ctx['user_id']
- header = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36'}
- keyword = {'show':'title,titleen,tags','keyboard':h_msg}
- responce = await post_bytes('', headers=header, data=keyword)
- responce = responce.decode()
- if '没有搜索到相关的内容' in responce:
- n_msg = '...似乎没有找到[{}]相关的本子呢'.format(h_msg)
- await session.send(message=n_msg)
- else:
- p = '<a href="(.*?)" target="_blank" title="(.*?)">'
- data = re.findall(p,responce)
- n = len(data)
- if h_type == 'group':
- limit = 3
- elif h_type == 'private':
- limit = 10
- if n > limit:
- n = limit
- msg = f'根据提供信息,已查询到{n}本关键词为[{h_msg}]的本子:'
- if h_type == 'group':
- msg = f'[CQ:at,qq={h_qq}]\n根据提供信息,已查询到{n}本关键词为[{h_msg}]的本子:'
- for i in range(n):
- msg0 = ('\n——————————\n本子链接: \n本子标题:%s '%(data[i]))
- msg += msg0
- await session.send(message=msg) \ No newline at end of file