# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import re import time import json from nonebot import on_command, CommandSession from ATRI.modules import response # type: ignore pattern = r"来(.*?)[点丶份张幅](.*?)的?本子" @on_command('hbook', patterns = pattern, only_to_me = False) async def _(session: CommandSession): h_user = session.event.user_id with open('ATRI/plugins/noobList/noobList.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) if str(user) in data.keys(): pass else: with open('ATRI/plugins/switch/switch.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) if data["hbook"] == 0: num = 1 tag = '' start = time.perf_counter() h_msg = str(session.event.message) info = re.findall(pattern, h_msg) if info: num = int(info[0][0] or 1) tag = str(info[0][1]) if num > 5: await session.send('你是不是涩批啊!要那么多干啥?!我最多发5份!') num = 5 h_type = session.event.detail_type try: header = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36'} keyword = {'show':'title,titleen,tags','keyboard':tag} print(keyword) res = await response.post_bytes('https://b-upp.com/search/', headers=header, data=keyword) res = res.decode() except: session.finish('貌似请求数据失败了...') if '没有搜索到相关的内容' in res: n_msg = '...似乎没有找到[{}]相关的本子呢'.format(tag) await session.send(message=n_msg) else: p = '' data = re.findall(p,res) n = len(data) limit = num if n > limit: # type: ignore n = limit # type: ignore msg = f'据提供信息,已查询到{n}本关键词为[{tag}]的本子:' if h_type == 'group': msg = f'[CQ:at,qq={h_user}]\n根据提供信息,已查询到{n}本关键词为[{tag}]的本子:' for i in range(n): msg0 = ('\n——————————\n本子链接:https://b-upp.com%s \n本子标题:%s '%(data[i])) msg += msg0 end = time.perf_counter() msg0 = f'\n——————————\n耗时: {round(end - start, 3)}s' msg += msg0 await session.send(message=msg) else: await session.send('该功能已禁用...')