import re import json import nonebot from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime from ATRI.modules import response # type: ignore bot = nonebot.get_bot() def now_time(): now_ = hour = now_.hour minute = now_.minute now = hour + minute / 60 return now BILI_REPORT_FORMAT = """[{aid}] Info: Title: {title} bid: {bid} Viev: {view} Like: {like} Coin: {coin} Share: {share} Link: {aid_link} {bid_link}""" table='fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF' tr={} for i in range(58): tr[table[i]]=i s=[11,10,3,8,4,6] xor=177451812 add=8728348608 def dec(x): r=0 for i in range(6): r+=tr[x[s[i]]]*58**i return (r-add)^xor def enc(x): x=(x^xor)+add r=list('BV1 4 1 7 ') for i in range(6): r[s[i]]=table[x//58**i%58] return ''.join(r) @bot.on_message("group") async def Fuck_bili_rich(context): user = str(context["user_id"]) group = context["group_id"] try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) except: data = {} try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f: data1 = json.load(f) except: data1 = {} if str(group) in data.keys(): pass else: if user in data1.keys(): pass else: if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5: pass else: msg = str(context["message"]) pattern = re.compile(r"BV\S+\?") bv = re.findall(pattern, msg) if bv: bv = bv[0] bv = bv.replace('?', '') print(bv) aid = str(dec(bv)) ad = 'av' + aid URL = f'{aid}' try: res = response.request_api(URL) mg = json.loads(res) msg = BILI_REPORT_FORMAT.format( title = mg["data"]["title"], view = mg["data"]["stat"]["view"], coin = mg["data"]["stat"]["coin"], share = mg["data"]["stat"]["share"], like = mg["data"]["stat"]["like"], bid = mg["data"]["bvid"], bid_link = mg["data"]["short_link"], aid = ad, aid_link = f'{ad}' ) await bot.send_msg( # type: ignore group_id = group, message = msg ) except: pass REPORT_FORMAT = """Status: {status} Song id: {id} Br: {br} Download: {url} MD5: {md5}""" @bot.on_message("group") async def Fuck_CloudMusic(context): user = str(context["user_id"]) group = context["group_id"] try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobGroup.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) except: data = {} try: with open(Path('.') / 'ATRI' / 'plugins' / 'noobList' / 'noobList.json', 'r') as f: data1 = json.load(f) except: data1 = {} if str(group) in data.keys(): pass else: if user in data1.keys(): pass else: if 0 <= now_time() < 5.5: pass else: msg = str(context["message"]) pattern = re.compile(r"song\S+\/|id=\S+\&") music_id = re.findall(pattern, msg) if '' in msg: if music_id: music_id = str(music_id[0]) music_id = re.findall(r"-?[1-9]\d*", music_id) URL = f'{music_id[0]}&br=320000' print(URL) try: res = response.request_api(URL) mg = json.loads(res) msg = REPORT_FORMAT.format( status = mg["code"], id = mg["data"][0]["id"], br = mg["data"][0]["br"], url = mg["data"][0]["url"], md5 = mg["data"][0]["md5"], ) await bot.send_msg( group_id = group, message = msg ) # type: ignore except: pass