import xmltodict from ATRI.exceptions import RssError from ATRI.utils import request, gen_random_str from .db import DB class RssHubSubscriptor: async def __add_sub(self, _id: str, group_id: int): try: async with DB() as db: await db.add_sub(_id, group_id) except Exception: raise RssError("rss.rsshub: 添加订阅失败") async def update_sub(self, _id: str, group_id: int, update_map: dict): try: async with DB() as db: await db.update_sub(_id, group_id, update_map) except Exception: raise RssError("rss.rsshub: 更新订阅失败") async def __del_sub(self, _id: str, group_id: int): try: async with DB() as db: await db.del_sub({"_id": _id, "group_id": group_id}) except Exception: raise RssError("rss.rsshub: 删除订阅失败") async def get_sub_list(self, query_map: dict) -> list: try: async with DB() as db: return await db.get_sub_list(query_map) except Exception: raise RssError("rss.rsshub: 获取订阅列表失败") async def get_all_subs(self) -> list: try: async with DB() as db: return await db.get_all_subs() except Exception: raise RssError("rss.rsshub: 获取所有订阅失败") async def add_sub(self, url: str, group_id: int) -> str: data = await self.get_rsshub_info(url) if not data: return "该链接不含RSSHub内容" check_url = data["link"] query_result = await self.get_sub_list( {"raw_link": check_url, "group_id": group_id} ) if query_result: _id = query_result[0]._id return f"该链接已经订阅过啦! ID: {_id}" _id = gen_random_str(6) title = data["title"] disc = data["description"] await self.__add_sub(_id, group_id) await self.update_sub( _id, group_id, { "title": title, "rss_link": url, "discription": disc, }, ) return f"订阅成功! ID: {_id}" async def del_sub(self, _id: str, group_id: int) -> str: query_result = await self.get_sub_list({"_id": _id, "group_id": group_id}) if not query_result: return "没有找到该订阅..." await self.__del_sub(_id, group_id) return f"成功取消ID为 {_id} 的订阅" async def get_rsshub_info(self, url: str) -> dict: try: resp = await request.get(url) except Exception: raise RssError("rss.rsshub: 请求链接失败") if "RSSHub" not in resp.text: return dict() xml_data = data = xmltodict.parse(xml_data) return data["rss"]["channel"]