diff options
-rw-r--r--figures/card.pngbin0 -> 992144 bytes
-rw-r--r--figures/header.pngbin0 -> 137403 bytes
7 files changed, 312 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 78c6e3a..0ad21fb 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,93 @@
+# Fill in your logo address (darkmode and lightmode) here
+# Dont forget to enable it.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# 在这里填入你的 Logo 地址 - 包括黑暗/白天模式
+# 不要忘记把 enable 改成 true 哦~
enable: false
lightmode: null
darkmode: null
+# Favicon file link
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# Favicon 文件地址
favicon: false
+# Datetime format for most of positions
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# 站点内大部分日期的显示格式
timeformat: "MMM, D YYYY"
+# Enable Podcast support or not
+# 是否启用 Podcast 支持
podcast: true
+# Enable Lazyload support or not
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# 是否启用图片懒加载
lazyload: true
+# Your Copyright String will be shown in footer
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# 你的版权信息会显示在页脚
copyright: 'All rights reserved.'
+# Enable code auto Highlight or not
+# Then select one lightmode and darkmode style here:
+# Please enable 'highlight' in your project _config.yml with 'hljs' field set to true!
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# 是否启用代码渲染
+# 之后给代码渲染选择一个夜间/白天模式主题:
+# 最后,在项目的 _config.yml 中打开 highlight 功能并把 hljs 设置为 true!
enable: true
lightmode: 'atom-one-light'
darkmode: 'atom-one-dark'
+# Navbar will be shown below your logo with some favicons
+# You can select your icons with font-awesome 5
+# Config format:
+# ['Link Address', 'Icon Class', 'Text After Icon']
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# Navbar 会展示在页面头部的 Logo 下方
+# 你可以去 Font Awesome 5 上面选一些好看的图标
+# 配置格式:
+# ['链接地址', '图标类', '图标之后的文字']
- ['mailto:[email protected]', 'fa fa-paper-plane', '']
- ['', 'fa fa-github', '']
- ['/feed.rss', 'fa fa-rss', '']
+# Menubar and its texts
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# 菜单栏的地址和文字
- ['/about/', 'About']
- ['/archives/', 'Archives']
+# RSS auto generation configuration
+# enable: true or false
+# path: feeding path
+# config:
+# email: your podcast contact email
+# category: {
+# 'Apple Podcast Category name': ['Subcategories', ...],
+# ...
+# }
+# explicit: using true if your podcast content is explicit
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# RSS 自动生成器配置
+# enable: 启用为 true
+# path: RSS 订阅地址
+# config:
+# email: 你的 Podcast 联系邮箱
+# category: {
+# 'Apple Podcast 分类名': ['子分类列表', ...],
+# ...
+# }
+# explicit: 如果你的播客有羞羞的内容,那么改成 true
enable: true
path: '/feed.rss'
diff --git a/figures/card.png b/figures/card.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44074b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figures/card.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/figures/header.png b/figures/header.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b32cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figures/header.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/languages/default.yml b/languages/default.yml
index e280019..b32bd66 100644
--- a/languages/default.yml
+++ b/languages/default.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
next: Next Page
prev: Previous Page
listen: Listen Now
-read: Continue Read \ No newline at end of file
+read: Continue Reading \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cb6831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+[English Version](
+# Chromate 主题
+Chromate 是一款专为 **Podcaster** 打造的 Hexo 主题。
+- **简单轻量**: 没有过多的配置项与第三方库引用,让你的站点能够轻松的配置并在主流设备上加载。
+- **响应式**: 响应式布局使得 Chromate 在移动端也可以正确美观的显示。
+- **对播客的完整支持**: 不需要繁杂的配置项与插件安装,就可以轻松的发布一集播客(下面有详细说明)。
+- **黑暗模式支持**: 不管白天黑夜,你的站点都能够随着操作系统的主题色变化。
+## 使用
+在开始使用之前,请查看示例配置文件 `_config.yaml` 中的注释,并按说明填写。
+### 对博客主们:
+hexo new post you-post-name-here
+thumbnail: 'Thumbnail-Image-Link'
+只是有一点,在文章配置区 **不要** 使用 `podcast` 字段!
+### 对播客主们:
+ subtitle: A test Podcast EP # 你本期 EP 的子标题
+ authors: ['Doge-Gui', 'Cool Guy'] # 本期作者
+ cover: # 网页端播放器上的图片
+ duration: 64 # 时间长度
+ media:
+ url: # 音频文件
+ size: 1020453 # 音频文件大小(按照 Byte 计算)
+ type: audio/mpeg # 音频文件类型
+ chapters: # 本期节目章节 - 如果你想自动生成时间线 [可选的]
+ - ['First Chapter', 13]
+ - ['Second Chapter', 30]
+ - ['Third Chapter', 45]
+ - ['Forth Chapter', 60]
+ references: # 本期节目引用信息 - 如果你想自动生成引用信息模块 [可选的]
+ - ['Post Thumbnail', '']
+ - ['Podcast Cover', '']
+ - ['Back To The Woods', '']
+同样的,**不要** 修改这些字段的名称。
+1. **主页的不同引导按钮**
+ 对于普通的博客文章,在主页会显示 *继续阅读* 按钮,而播客则会显示 *现在收听*。
+2. **自动生成网页端播放器**
+ 对于播客,当你填写完上述必须的配置字段之后,会在网页端自动生成一个播放器(感谢 Shikwasa 项目!)
+3. **文章内自动渲染元信息区块**
+ 如果你填写了上述的配置信息(包括可选字段),那么你就可以在你的播客文章中添加这些自动渲染的区块:
+ - 时间线
+ ```
+ {% timeline %}
+ ```
+ - 引用
+ ```
+ {% references %}
+ ```
+ - 本期作者信息
+ ```
+ {% authors %}
+ ```
+4. **自动生成 RSS 订阅文件**
+ RSS 对于一个播客来说是非常重要的,但是手动编写是一件很反人类的事情,于是在 Chromate 主题中内置了生成 RSS 订阅的模块,你只需要在配置文件中打开该功能,并按说明填写配置字段即可。
+ **重要:如果你想使用该功能,请在你的 Hexo 项目目录运行这条命令以安装一个依赖:**
+ ```bash
+ npm install podcast --save
+ ```
+## 鸣谢
+- [Bulma CSS Framework](
+- [Highlight.js](
+- [Bulma Prefers Dark](
+- [Shikwasa Audio Player](
+- [Podcast generator for Node.js](
+- [Seje](
+- [Hexo Theme Cards](
diff --git a/ b/
index fe4eaf3..f1f72c6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,16 +1,124 @@
# Theme Chromate
-The Chromate theme is a new Hexo theme that has good support for Podcasts.
+The Chromate theme is a new Hexo theme with **support for Podcasts**.
It has the following feature:
-- Lightweight: There are no redundant setting items, no references to a large number of third-party libraries, which ensures that it can be loaded and displayed as soon as possible.
-- Responsive: The theme is built on the Bulma CSS framework, which ensures that it can be displayed normally and beautifully on most devices.
-- Support for Podcasts: Without too much configuration, you can easily publish a Podcast.
-- Dark mode support: Dark mode browsing on most browsers/operating systems.
+- **Simple and Lightweight**: There are no redundant setting items, no references to a large number of third-party libraries, which ensures that it can be loaded and displayed as soon as possible.
+- **Responsive**: The theme is built on the *Bulma* CSS framework, which ensures that it can be displayed normally and beautifully on most devices.
+- **Full Support for Podcasts**: Without too much configuration, you can easily publish a Podcast (details below 👇).
+- **Dark mode support**: Dark mode browsing on most of browsers/operating systems.
+## Usage
+![Podcast Preview](
+Take a look at the comments in the sample configuration file `_config.yaml` and fill in them for using Chromate.
+### For general Bloggers
+Nothing special, just write the article as usual:
+hexo new post you-post-name-here
-If you want to open support for auto generating rss with podcasts, please install a plugin manually:
+For adding a thumbnail to your post, add this to your post file header:
+thumbnail: 'Thumbnail-Image-Link'
-npm install podcast --save
+Additionally, just **DO NOT** use `podcast` in post configuration fields!
+### For Podcasters
+Add these fields in your post configuration area to define a Podcast type post:
+ subtitle: A test Podcast EP # Subtitle of your EP
+ authors: ['Doge-Gui', 'Cool Guy'] # Authors
+ cover: # Cover image will shown in web-audio-player
+ duration: 64 # Continuous time
+ media:
+ url: # Media link
+ size: 1020453 # Media size in byte
+ type: audio/mpeg # Media type
+ chapters: # Chapters info for auto generating timeline. [Optional]
+ - ['First Chapter', 13]
+ - ['Second Chapter', 30]
+ - ['Third Chapter', 45]
+ - ['Forth Chapter', 60]
+ references: # References info for auto generating references. [Optional]
+ - ['Post Thumbnail', '']
+ - ['Podcast Cover', '']
+ - ['Back To The Woods', '']
-It is still under development.
+Please **DO NOT** modify these fields name.
+Then you can get:
+1. **Different homepage guide buttons**
+ For common types of post, you can see the *Continue Reading* guide button on the homepage; for a Podcast, *Listen Now* will be displayed.
+2. **Automatically generated audio player**
+ For Podcast post, you only need to fill in the Meta meta information according to the format, and a player will be automatically generated in the article (*Special thanks to Shikwasa!*).
+3. **Rendering of meta-information inner article**
+ After you fill in the Meta information, you can use the following tags to call the automatically rendered author information, citation information, and timeline:
+ - Timeline
+ ```
+ {% timeline %}
+ ```
+ - References
+ ```
+ {% references %}
+ ```
+ - Authors
+ ```
+ {% authors %}
+ ```
+4. **Automatically generated RSS subscription**
+ We know that RSS is important for podcasts, but configuring them manually is a boring thing, so in Chromate, you only need to fill in the configuration file, and the RSS subscription will be automatically generated.
+ **Important: If you want to open support for auto generating rss with podcasts, please install a plugin manually under your Hexo project folder:**
+ ```bash
+ npm install podcast --save
+ ```
+## Thanks
+The theme uses the following third-party resources:
+- [Bulma CSS Framework](
+- [Highlight.js](
+- [Bulma Prefers Dark](
+- [Shikwasa Audio Player](
+- [Podcast generator for Node.js](
+During the production of the theme, the source code of the following themes was referenced:
+- [Seje](
+- [Hexo Theme Cards](
diff --git a/scripts/feed.js b/scripts/feed.js
index c64dcb7..f8b917c 100644
--- a/scripts/feed.js
+++ b/scripts/feed.js
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ hexo.extend.generator.register("feed", (locals) => {
- console.log(categories);
// Render for site config
const feed = new podcast({
title: config.title,