path: root/config/polybar/forest/scripts/
diff options
author135e2 <[email protected]>2022-01-18 21:21:24 +0800
committer135e2 <[email protected]>2022-01-18 21:21:24 +0800
commit94ab643efbc9e33970a70f2d9889b4660ce5d169 (patch)
treef48c13e0ad4483fefe46a3330bbc52630283ffa6 /config/polybar/forest/scripts/
parent839bada84376c56ba5115c7208b90ac8767757c7 (diff)
config/polybar: new, 20220118
Diffstat (limited to 'config/polybar/forest/scripts/')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/polybar/forest/scripts/ b/config/polybar/forest/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..84eddf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/polybar/forest/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+## Author : Aditya Shakya
+## Github : @adi1090x
+## Twitter : @adi1090x
+uptime=$(uptime -p | sed -e 's/up //g')
+rofi_command="rofi -theme $dir/powermenu.rasi"
+# Options
+shutdown=" Shutdown"
+reboot=" Restart"
+lock=" Lock"
+suspend=" Sleep"
+logout=" Logout"
+# Confirmation
+confirm_exit() {
+ rofi -dmenu\
+ -i\
+ -no-fixed-num-lines\
+ -p "Are You Sure? : "\
+ -theme $dir/confirm.rasi
+# Message
+msg() {
+ rofi -theme "$dir/message.rasi" -e "Available Options - yes / y / no / n"
+# Variable passed to rofi
+chosen="$(echo -e "$options" | $rofi_command -p "Uptime: $uptime" -dmenu -selected-row 0)"
+case $chosen in
+ $shutdown)
+ ans=$(confirm_exit &)
+ if [[ $ans == "yes" || $ans == "YES" || $ans == "y" || $ans == "Y" ]]; then
+ systemctl poweroff
+ elif [[ $ans == "no" || $ans == "NO" || $ans == "n" || $ans == "N" ]]; then
+ exit 0
+ else
+ msg
+ fi
+ ;;
+ $reboot)
+ ans=$(confirm_exit &)
+ if [[ $ans == "yes" || $ans == "YES" || $ans == "y" || $ans == "Y" ]]; then
+ systemctl reboot
+ elif [[ $ans == "no" || $ans == "NO" || $ans == "n" || $ans == "N" ]]; then
+ exit 0
+ else
+ msg
+ fi
+ ;;
+ $lock)
+ if [[ -f /usr/bin/i3lock ]]; then
+ i3lock
+ elif [[ -f /usr/bin/betterlockscreen ]]; then
+ betterlockscreen -l
+ fi
+ ;;
+ $suspend)
+ ans=$(confirm_exit &)
+ if [[ $ans == "yes" || $ans == "YES" || $ans == "y" || $ans == "Y" ]]; then
+ mpc -q pause
+ amixer set Master mute
+ systemctl suspend
+ elif [[ $ans == "no" || $ans == "NO" || $ans == "n" || $ans == "N" ]]; then
+ exit 0
+ else
+ msg
+ fi
+ ;;
+ $logout)
+ ans=$(confirm_exit &)
+ if [[ $ans == "yes" || $ans == "YES" || $ans == "y" || $ans == "Y" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$DESKTOP_SESSION" == "Openbox" ]]; then
+ openbox --exit
+ elif [[ "$DESKTOP_SESSION" == "bspwm" ]]; then
+ bspc quit
+ elif [[ "$DESKTOP_SESSION" == "i3" ]]; then
+ i3-msg exit
+ fi
+ elif [[ $ans == "no" || $ans == "NO" || $ans == "n" || $ans == "N" ]]; then
+ exit 0
+ else
+ msg
+ fi
+ ;;