path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
14 files changed, 167 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/src/extractors/bilibili.c b/src/extractors/bilibili.c
index 6112bef..6bddee5 100644
--- a/src/extractors/bilibili.c
+++ b/src/extractors/bilibili.c
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ static const char *id2quality_desc(int id) {
static void multipage_cleanup(Multipage *multipage_struct) {
for (unsigned short i = 0; i < multipage_struct->sections.n; i++) {
- // free_and_nullify(multipage_struct->sections[i].episodes);
+ // FREE_AND_NULLIFY(multipage_struct->sections[i].episodes);
Multi_episode_data *section = get_element(&multipage_struct->sections, i);
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ static int download(Bilibili_options *bilibili_options) {
get(bilibili_options->api, &resp);
if (get_dash(resp, &dash)) {
LOG("Bilibili", "Get dash failed.");
- free_and_nullify(resp);
return 1;
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ static int download(Bilibili_options *bilibili_options) {
set_str_element(&callback_struct, 2, audiofn);
add_url(audio->baseUrl, NULL, audiofn, &bilibili_merge, &callback_struct);
- free_and_nullify(resp);
return 0;
@@ -478,18 +478,18 @@ void bilibili_extract(struct options *options) {
DEBUG_PRINT("title: %s\n", bilibili_options.title);
if (generate_api(&bilibili_options, 127)) {
- free_and_nullify(bilibili_options.api);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(bilibili_options.api);
DEBUG_PRINT("Generated API: %s\n", bilibili_options.api);
if (download(&bilibili_options)) {
- free_and_nullify(bilibili_options.api);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(bilibili_options.api);
- free_and_nullify(bilibili_options.api);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(bilibili_options.api);
diff --git a/src/extractors/extractor.c b/src/extractors/extractor.c
index c38c1f2..06d52a5 100644
--- a/src/extractors/extractor.c
+++ b/src/extractors/extractor.c
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ Site_map site_map = {{{"", SITE_BILIBILI},
void options_cleanup(Options *options) {
- free_and_nullify(options->URL);
- free_and_nullify(options->path);
- free_and_nullify(options->query);
- free_and_nullify(options->pagedata);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(options->path);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(options->query);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(options->pagedata);
int extract(void *v) {
diff --git a/src/extractors/haokan.c b/src/extractors/haokan.c
index f289c3e..b3e943d 100644
--- a/src/extractors/haokan.c
+++ b/src/extractors/haokan.c
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ void haokan_extract(Options *options) {
- free_and_nullify(filename);
- free_and_nullify(videoURL);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(filename);
diff --git a/src/extractors/youku.c b/src/extractors/youku.c
index e8fa0a5..091141d 100644
--- a/src/extractors/youku.c
+++ b/src/extractors/youku.c
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ static int parse_jsondata(cJSON *json, Youku_data *youku_data) {
static void youku_options_cleanup(Youku_options *youku_options) {
- free_and_nullify(youku_options->vid);
- free_and_nullify(youku_options->utid);
- free_and_nullify(youku_options->api);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(youku_options->vid);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(youku_options->utid);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(youku_options->api);
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ void youku_extract(Options *options) {
char *resp = NULL;
if (get(youku_options.api, &resp)) {
LOG("Youku", "Get API data failed.\n");
- free_and_nullify(resp);
goto end;
// DEBUG_PRINT("resp: %s\n", resp);
youku_options.json = cJSON_Parse(resp);
- free_and_nullify(resp);
Youku_data youku_data = {0};
if (parse_jsondata(youku_options.json, &youku_data)) {
LOG("Youku", "Parse jsondata failed.\n");
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ void youku_extract(Options *options) {
set_str_element(&callback_struct, 1, filename);
add_url(youku_data.m3u8_url, NULL, m3u8fn, youku_convert, &callback_struct);
- free_and_nullify(m3u8fn);
- free_and_nullify(filename);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(filename);
diff --git a/src/logger.c b/src/logger.c
index 0fef20a..e5d17b8 100644
--- a/src/logger.c
+++ b/src/logger.c
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
static struct logger logger = {0};
-struct logger *setup_logger(void) {
- return &logger;
+struct logger *setup_logger(void) { return &logger; }
void append_log(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap1;
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
index 1971add..b6cc95c 100644
--- a/src/main.c
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "toml.h"
#include "nfd.h"
+#include "toml.h"
#define MAX_VERTEX_BUFFER 512 * 1024
#define MAX_ELEMENT_BUFFER 128 * 1024
diff --git a/src/process_url.c b/src/process_url.c
index c1d8d38..00bc696 100644
--- a/src/process_url.c
+++ b/src/process_url.c
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "constants.h"
+#include "status.h"
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <curl/easy.h>
#include <curl/header.h>
@@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ static int parse_url(const char *URL, const char *outdir, char *fn) {
} else {
curl_c->outfn = malloc(strlen(outdir) + strlen(fn) + 2);
gen_fullpathfn(curl_c->outfn, outdir, fn);
- free_and_nullify(fn);
DEBUG_PRINT("File will be saved as: %s\n", curl_c->outfn);
DEBUG_PRINT("Got regular URL: %s\n", curl_c->URL);
@@ -389,9 +390,8 @@ static int merge_and_cleanup(curl_conf_t *curl_c) {
// Reset stat
curl_c->success_thrd = 0;
curl_c->total_thrd = 0;
- free_and_nullify(curl_c->URL);
- free_and_nullify(curl_c->outfn);
- free_and_nullify(curl_c);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(curl_c->outfn);
return 0;
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ static char *callback_struct_convert_fullpath(char **p_filename) {
char *tmp = malloc(strlen(outdir_g) + strlen(*p_filename) + 2);
gen_fullpathfn(tmp, outdir_g, *p_filename);
- free_and_nullify(*p_filename);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(*p_filename);
return tmp;
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ void add_cookie(char **p_cookie) {
if (cookie_g) {
char *tmp = malloc(strlen(cookie_g) + strlen(cookie) + 3);
sprintf(tmp, "%s; %s", cookie_g, cookie);
- free_and_nullify(cookie_g);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(cookie_g);
cookie_g = tmp;
} else {
cookie_g = cookie;
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ void curl_cleanup(status_t *stat) {
- free_and_nullify(cookie_g);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(cookie_g);
@@ -544,6 +544,7 @@ void poll_status(status_t *stat) {
thrd_join(tid[i], &r);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(curl_conf);
// Perform the callback
if (is_empty_queue(&dl_queue) && callback_g && !corrupted) {
thrd_t cb_thrd;
@@ -568,7 +569,7 @@ int get(const char *URL, char **pdstr) {
CURLcode res = logerr(curl_easy_perform(curl));
*pdstr = malloc(pagedata.len + 1);
strcpy(*pdstr, pagedata.string);
- free_and_nullify(pagedata.string);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(pagedata.string);
return res;
diff --git a/src/process_url.h b/src/process_url.h
index 72a650f..76fe574 100644
--- a/src/process_url.h
+++ b/src/process_url.h
@@ -7,15 +7,12 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "constants.h"
-#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "status.h"
+#include "utils/utils.h"
#define ERRTOSTRING(err) curl_easy_strerror(err)
#define logerr(X) \
- _Generic((X), CURLcode \
- : logerr_b, CURLHcode \
- : logerr_h, CURLUcode \
- : logerr_u)(X)
+ _Generic((X), CURLcode: logerr_b, CURLHcode: logerr_h, CURLUcode: logerr_u)(X)
typedef struct curl_conf {
curl_off_t dlnow_per_thrd[MAX_THREAD];
diff --git a/src/status.h b/src/status.h
index 5adfff5..e5dcf48 100644
--- a/src/status.h
+++ b/src/status.h
@@ -12,5 +12,4 @@ typedef struct status {
stat_type_t type;
} status_t;
diff --git a/src/style.h b/src/style.h
index cb7387b..4767b54 100644
--- a/src/style.h
+++ b/src/style.h
@@ -1,133 +1,131 @@
-static void
-set_style(struct nk_context *ctx, enum theme theme)
- struct nk_color table[NK_COLOR_COUNT];
- if (theme == THEME_WHITE) {
- table[NK_COLOR_TEXT] = nk_rgba(70, 70, 70, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_HEADER] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BORDER] = nk_rgba(0, 0, 0, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON] = nk_rgba(185, 185, 185, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = nk_rgba(170, 170, 170, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(160, 160, 160, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE] = nk_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = nk_rgba(120, 120, 120, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SELECT] = nk_rgba(190, 190, 190, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER] = nk_rgba(190, 190, 190, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(80, 80, 80, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(70, 70, 70, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(60, 60, 60, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_EDIT] = nk_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(0, 0, 0, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_COMBO] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART] = nk_rgba(160, 160, 160, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR] = nk_rgba(45, 45, 45, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT] = nk_rgba( 255, 0, 0, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = nk_rgba(180, 180, 180, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(140, 140, 140, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(160, 160, 160, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = nk_rgba(180, 180, 180, 255);
- nk_style_from_table(ctx, table);
- } else if (theme == THEME_RED) {
- table[NK_COLOR_TEXT] = nk_rgba(190, 190, 190, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW] = nk_rgba(30, 33, 40, 215);
- table[NK_COLOR_HEADER] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 220);
- table[NK_COLOR_BORDER] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = nk_rgba(190, 50, 70, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(195, 55, 75, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = nk_rgba(45, 60, 60, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SELECT] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(186, 50, 74, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(191, 55, 79, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_EDIT] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 225);
- table[NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(190, 190, 190, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_COMBO] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR] = nk_rgba(170, 40, 60, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT] = nk_rgba( 255, 0, 0, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = nk_rgba(30, 33, 40, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(64, 84, 95, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(70, 90, 100, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(75, 95, 105, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 220);
- nk_style_from_table(ctx, table);
- } else if (theme == THEME_BLUE) {
- table[NK_COLOR_TEXT] = nk_rgba(20, 20, 20, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW] = nk_rgba(202, 212, 214, 215);
- table[NK_COLOR_HEADER] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 220);
- table[NK_COLOR_BORDER] = nk_rgba(140, 159, 173, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = nk_rgba(142, 187, 229, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(147, 192, 234, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE] = nk_rgba(177, 210, 210, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = nk_rgba(182, 215, 215, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SELECT] = nk_rgba(177, 210, 210, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER] = nk_rgba(177, 210, 210, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 245);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(142, 188, 229, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(147, 193, 234, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_EDIT] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 225);
- table[NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(20, 20, 20, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_COMBO] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT] = nk_rgba( 255, 0, 0, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = nk_rgba(190, 200, 200, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(64, 84, 95, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(70, 90, 100, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(75, 95, 105, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = nk_rgba(156, 193, 220, 255);
- nk_style_from_table(ctx, table);
- } else if (theme == THEME_DARK) {
- table[NK_COLOR_TEXT] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW] = nk_rgba(57, 67, 71, 215);
- table[NK_COLOR_HEADER] = nk_rgba(51, 51, 56, 220);
- table[NK_COLOR_BORDER] = nk_rgba(46, 46, 46, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = nk_rgba(58, 93, 121, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(63, 98, 126, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = nk_rgba(45, 53, 56, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SELECT] = nk_rgba(57, 67, 61, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 245);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(53, 88, 116, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(58, 93, 121, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_EDIT] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 225);
- table[NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_COMBO] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT] = nk_rgba(255, 0, 0, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(53, 88, 116, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(58, 93, 121, 255);
- table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
- nk_style_from_table(ctx, table);
- } else {
- nk_style_default(ctx);
- }
+static void set_style(struct nk_context *ctx, enum theme theme) {
+ struct nk_color table[NK_COLOR_COUNT];
+ if (theme == THEME_WHITE) {
+ table[NK_COLOR_TEXT] = nk_rgba(70, 70, 70, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_HEADER] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BORDER] = nk_rgba(0, 0, 0, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON] = nk_rgba(185, 185, 185, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = nk_rgba(170, 170, 170, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(160, 160, 160, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE] = nk_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = nk_rgba(120, 120, 120, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SELECT] = nk_rgba(190, 190, 190, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER] = nk_rgba(190, 190, 190, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(80, 80, 80, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(70, 70, 70, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(60, 60, 60, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_EDIT] = nk_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(0, 0, 0, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_COMBO] = nk_rgba(175, 175, 175, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART] = nk_rgba(160, 160, 160, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR] = nk_rgba(45, 45, 45, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT] = nk_rgba(255, 0, 0, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = nk_rgba(180, 180, 180, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(140, 140, 140, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(150, 150, 150, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(160, 160, 160, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = nk_rgba(180, 180, 180, 255);
+ nk_style_from_table(ctx, table);
+ } else if (theme == THEME_RED) {
+ table[NK_COLOR_TEXT] = nk_rgba(190, 190, 190, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW] = nk_rgba(30, 33, 40, 215);
+ table[NK_COLOR_HEADER] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 220);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BORDER] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = nk_rgba(190, 50, 70, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(195, 55, 75, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = nk_rgba(45, 60, 60, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SELECT] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(186, 50, 74, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(191, 55, 79, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_EDIT] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 225);
+ table[NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(190, 190, 190, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_COMBO] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART] = nk_rgba(51, 55, 67, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR] = nk_rgba(170, 40, 60, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT] = nk_rgba(255, 0, 0, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = nk_rgba(30, 33, 40, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(64, 84, 95, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(70, 90, 100, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(75, 95, 105, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = nk_rgba(181, 45, 69, 220);
+ nk_style_from_table(ctx, table);
+ } else if (theme == THEME_BLUE) {
+ table[NK_COLOR_TEXT] = nk_rgba(20, 20, 20, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW] = nk_rgba(202, 212, 214, 215);
+ table[NK_COLOR_HEADER] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 220);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BORDER] = nk_rgba(140, 159, 173, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = nk_rgba(142, 187, 229, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(147, 192, 234, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE] = nk_rgba(177, 210, 210, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = nk_rgba(182, 215, 215, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SELECT] = nk_rgba(177, 210, 210, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER] = nk_rgba(177, 210, 210, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 245);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(142, 188, 229, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(147, 193, 234, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_EDIT] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 225);
+ table[NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(20, 20, 20, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_COMBO] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR] = nk_rgba(137, 182, 224, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT] = nk_rgba(255, 0, 0, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = nk_rgba(190, 200, 200, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(64, 84, 95, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(70, 90, 100, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(75, 95, 105, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = nk_rgba(156, 193, 220, 255);
+ nk_style_from_table(ctx, table);
+ } else if (theme == THEME_DARK) {
+ table[NK_COLOR_TEXT] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW] = nk_rgba(57, 67, 71, 215);
+ table[NK_COLOR_HEADER] = nk_rgba(51, 51, 56, 220);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BORDER] = nk_rgba(46, 46, 46, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = nk_rgba(58, 93, 121, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(63, 98, 126, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = nk_rgba(45, 53, 56, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SELECT] = nk_rgba(57, 67, 61, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 245);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(53, 88, 116, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(58, 93, 121, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_EDIT] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 225);
+ table[NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_COMBO] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT] = nk_rgba(255, 0, 0, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_HOVER] = nk_rgba(53, 88, 116, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = nk_rgba(58, 93, 121, 255);
+ table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = nk_rgba(48, 83, 111, 255);
+ nk_style_from_table(ctx, table);
+ } else {
+ nk_style_default(ctx);
+ }
diff --git a/src/ui.c b/src/ui.c
index 8065237..1448312 100644
--- a/src/ui.c
+++ b/src/ui.c
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include "nfd.h"
#include "nuklear.h"
#include "process_url.h"
-#include "nfd.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "utils/size_info.h"
#include "utils/time_info.h"
+#include "utils/utils.h"
static nk_size pct;
static bool show_app_about;
@@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ void load_ui(struct ui_struct *ui) {
sprintf(status_string, "%s/%s, %hhu%%", cur_ts, total_ts,
(unsigned char)pct);
- free_and_nullify(cur_ts);
- free_and_nullify(total_ts);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(total_ts);
if (ui->stat->is_done) {
diff --git a/src/utils/types.c b/src/utils/types.c
index e414f92..b9aab7b 100644
--- a/src/utils/types.c
+++ b/src/utils/types.c
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ generic_array_t create_array(size_t elem_size, size_t n) {
void free_array(generic_array_t *array) {
- free_and_nullify(array->data);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(array->data);
array->n = 0;
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void free_str_array(str_array_t *array) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < array->n; i++) {
- free_and_nullify(array->str);
+ FREE_AND_NULLIFY(array->str);
array->n = 0;
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ data_t dequeue(queue_t *queue) {
node_t *temp = queue->front;
data_t data = temp->data;
queue->front = temp->next;
- free_and_nullify(temp);
if (queue->front == NULL) {
queue->rear = NULL;
diff --git a/src/utils/utils.c b/src/utils/utils.c
index ae60eee..7b94ff3 100644
--- a/src/utils/utils.c
+++ b/src/utils/utils.c
@@ -169,10 +169,3 @@ int repchr(char *str, char t, char r) {
return c;
-void free_and_nullify(void *p) {
- if (p) {
- free(p);
- p = NULL;
- }
diff --git a/src/utils/utils.h b/src/utils/utils.h
index 5a26cf2..3b44f3f 100644
--- a/src/utils/utils.h
+++ b/src/utils/utils.h
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include "types.h"
+#define FREE_AND_NULLIFY(x) do{if(x)free(x); x = NULL;}while(0)
int regex_match(const char *, str_array_t, str_array_t *);
int substitute_str(const char *subject, const char *pattern,
@@ -13,7 +15,4 @@ const char *mimeType2ext(const char *mimeType);
int repchr(char *str, char t, char r);
-/* NOTICE: pass a pointer-to-pointer to free the original pointer. */
-void free_and_nullify(void *p);