path: root/mmu.h
diff options
authorrtm <rtm>2006-07-20 09:07:53 +0000
committerrtm <rtm>2006-07-20 09:07:53 +0000
commit29270816285978e44b317c6e5c7bfa7a89ec24dd (patch)
treefae6e6346ca73f7d2721c059a9f1fce166c045c7 /mmu.h
parentbd228a81566befa6154807d327d8c873f6a76c79 (diff)
uint32_t -> uint &c
Diffstat (limited to 'mmu.h')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/mmu.h b/mmu.h
index 9dd3aa1..fd10ed6 100644
--- a/mmu.h
+++ b/mmu.h
@@ -124,43 +124,43 @@ struct segdesc {
// Task state segment format (as described by the Pentium architecture book)
struct taskstate {
- uint32_t link; // Old ts selector
- uintptr_t esp0; // Stack pointers and segment selectors
- uint16_t ss0; // after an increase in privilege level
- uint16_t padding1;
- uintptr_t esp1;
- uint16_t ss1;
- uint16_t padding2;
- uintptr_t esp2;
- uint16_t ss2;
- uint16_t padding3;
- physaddr_t cr3; // Page directory base
- uintptr_t eip; // Saved state from last task switch
- uint32_t eflags;
- uint32_t eax; // More saved state (registers)
- uint32_t ecx;
- uint32_t edx;
- uint32_t ebx;
- uintptr_t esp;
- uintptr_t ebp;
- uint32_t esi;
- uint32_t edi;
- uint16_t es; // Even more saved state (segment selectors)
- uint16_t padding4;
- uint16_t cs;
- uint16_t padding5;
- uint16_t ss;
- uint16_t padding6;
- uint16_t ds;
- uint16_t padding7;
- uint16_t fs;
- uint16_t padding8;
- uint16_t gs;
- uint16_t padding9;
- uint16_t ldt;
- uint16_t padding10;
- uint16_t t; // Trap on task switch
- uint16_t iomb; // I/O map base address
+ uint link; // Old ts selector
+ uint * esp0; // Stack pointers and segment selectors
+ ushort ss0; // after an increase in privilege level
+ ushort padding1;
+ uint * esp1;
+ ushort ss1;
+ ushort padding2;
+ uint * esp2;
+ ushort ss2;
+ ushort padding3;
+ void * cr3; // Page directory base
+ uint * eip; // Saved state from last task switch
+ uint eflags;
+ uint eax; // More saved state (registers)
+ uint ecx;
+ uint edx;
+ uint ebx;
+ uint * esp;
+ uint * ebp;
+ uint esi;
+ uint edi;
+ ushort es; // Even more saved state (segment selectors)
+ ushort padding4;
+ ushort cs;
+ ushort padding5;
+ ushort ss;
+ ushort padding6;
+ ushort ds;
+ ushort padding7;
+ ushort fs;
+ ushort padding8;
+ ushort gs;
+ ushort padding9;
+ ushort ldt;
+ ushort padding10;
+ ushort t; // Trap on task switch
+ ushort iomb; // I/O map base address
// Gate descriptors for interrupts and traps
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ struct gatedesc {
// this interrupt/trap gate explicitly using an int instruction.
#define SETGATE(gate, istrap, sel, off, d) \
{ \
- (gate).off_15_0 = (uint32_t) (off) & 0xffff; \
+ (gate).off_15_0 = (uint) (off) & 0xffff; \
(gate).ss = (sel); \
(gate).args = 0; \
(gate).rsv1 = 0; \
@@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ struct gatedesc {
(gate).s = 0; \
(gate).dpl = (d); \
(gate).p = 1; \
- (gate).off_31_16 = (uint32_t) (off) >> 16; \
+ (gate).off_31_16 = (uint) (off) >> 16; \
// Set up a call gate descriptor.
#define SETCALLGATE(gate, ss, off, d) \
{ \
- (gate).off_15_0 = (uint32_t) (off) & 0xffff; \
+ (gate).off_15_0 = (uint) (off) & 0xffff; \
(gate).ss = (ss); \
(gate).args = 0; \
(gate).rsv1 = 0; \
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ struct gatedesc {
(gate).s = 0; \
(gate).dpl = (d); \
(gate).p = 1; \
- (gate).off_31_16 = (uint32_t) (off) >> 16; \
+ (gate).off_31_16 = (uint) (off) >> 16; \
#endif /* !__ASSEMBLER__ */