path: root/spinlock.c
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Final word on the locking fiasco?
Change pushcli / popcli so that they can never turn on interrupts unexpectedly. That is, if interrupts are on, then pushcli(); popcli(); turns them off and back on, but if they are off to begin with, then pushcli(); popcli(); is a no-op. I think our fundamental mistake was having a primitive (release and then popcli nee spllo) that could turn interrupts on at unexpected moments instead of being explicit about when we want to start allowing interrupts. With the new semantics, all the manual fiddling of ncli to force interrupts off in certain sections goes away. In return, we must explicitly mark the places where we want to enable interrupts unconditionally, by calling sti(). There is only one: inside the scheduler loop.
Diffstat (limited to 'spinlock.c')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/spinlock.c b/spinlock.c
index bf02292..a1aa37d 100644
--- a/spinlock.c
+++ b/spinlock.c
@@ -88,15 +88,19 @@ holding(struct spinlock *lock)
-// XXX!
-// Better names? Better functions?
+// Pushcli/popcli are like cli/sti except that they are matched:
+// it takes two popcli to undo two pushcli. Also, if interrupts
+// are off, then pushcli, popcli leaves them off.
+ int eflags;
+ eflags = read_eflags();
- cpus[cpu()].ncli++;
+ if(cpus[cpu()].ncli++ == 0)
+ cpus[cpu()].intena = eflags & FL_IF;
@@ -106,7 +110,7 @@ popcli(void)
panic("popcli - interruptible");
if(--cpus[cpu()].ncli < 0)
- if(cpus[cpu()].ncli == 0)
+ if(cpus[cpu()].ncli == 0 && cpus[cpu()].intena)