path: root/web/l-interrupt.html
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authorAustin Clements <[email protected]>2011-09-07 11:49:14 -0400
committerAustin Clements <[email protected]>2011-09-07 11:49:14 -0400
commit01a6c054d548d9fff8bbdfac4d3f3de4ae8677a1 (patch)
tree4320eb3d09f31f4a628b80d45482a72ee7c3956b /web/l-interrupt.html
parent64a03bd7aa5c03a626a2da4730a45fcceea75322 (diff)
Remove web directory; all cruft or moved to 6.828 repo
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/web/l-interrupt.html b/web/l-interrupt.html
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index 363af5e..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-<head><title>Lecture 6: Interrupts &amp; Exceptions</title></head>
-<h1>Interrupts &amp; Exceptions</h1>
-Required reading: xv6 <code>trapasm.S</code>, <code>trap.c</code>, <code>syscall.c</code>, <code>usys.S</code>.
-You will need to consult
-<a href="../readings/ia32/IA32-3.pdf">IA32 System
-Programming Guide</a> chapter 5 (skip 5.7.1, 5.8.2, 5.12.2).
-Big picture: kernel is trusted third-party that runs the machine.
-Only the kernel can execute privileged instructions (e.g.,
-changing MMU state).
-The processor enforces this protection through the ring bits
-in the code segment.
-If a user application needs to carry out a privileged operation
-or other kernel-only service,
-it must ask the kernel nicely.
-How can a user program change to the kernel address space?
-How can the kernel transfer to a user address space?
-What happens when a device attached to the computer
-needs attention?
-These are the topics for today's lecture.
-There are three kinds of events that must be handled
-by the kernel, not user programs:
-(1) a system call invoked by a user program,
-(2) an illegal instruction or other kind of bad processor state (memory fault, etc.).
-(3) an interrupt from a hardware device.
-Although these three events are different, they all use the same
-mechanism to transfer control to the kernel.
-This mechanism consists of three steps that execute as one atomic unit.
-(a) change the processor to kernel mode;
-(b) save the old processor somewhere (usually the kernel stack);
-and (c) change the processor state to the values set up as
-the &ldquo;official kernel entry values.&rdquo;
-The exact implementation of this mechanism differs
-from processor to processor, but the idea is the same.
-We'll work through examples of these today in lecture.
-You'll see all three in great detail in the labs as well.
-A note on terminology: sometimes we'll
-use interrupt (or trap) to mean both interrupts and exceptions.
-Setting up traps on the x86
-See handout Table 5-1, Figure 5-1, Figure 5-2.
-xv6 Sheet 07: <code>struct gatedesc</code> and <code>SETGATE</code>.
-xv6 Sheet 28: <code>tvinit</code> and <code>idtinit</code>.
-Note setting of gate for <code>T_SYSCALL</code>
-xv6 Sheet 29: <code></code> (also see generated <code>vectors.S</code>).
-System calls
-xv6 Sheet 16: <code>init.c</code> calls <code>open("console")</code>.
-How is that implemented?
-xv6 <code>usys.S</code> (not in book).
-(No saving of registers. Why?)
-Breakpoint <code>0x1b:"open"</code>,
-step past <code>int</code> instruction into kernel.
-See handout Figure 9-4 [sic].
-xv6 Sheet 28: in <code>vectors.S</code> briefly, then in <code>alltraps</code>.
-Step through to <code>call trap</code>, examine registers and stack.
-How will the kernel find the argument to <code>open</code>?
-xv6 Sheet 29: <code>trap</code>, on to <code>syscall</code>.
-xv6 Sheet 31: <code>syscall</code> looks at <code>eax</code>,
-calls <code>sys_open</code>.
-xv6 Sheet 52: <code>sys_open</code> uses <code>argstr</code> and <code>argint</code>
-to get its arguments. How do they work?
-xv6 Sheet 30: <code>fetchint</code>, <code>fetcharg</code>, <code>argint</code>,
-<code>argptr</code>, <code>argstr</code>.
-What happens if a user program divides by zero
-or accesses unmapped memory?
-Exception. Same path as system call until <code>trap</code>.
-What happens if kernel divides by zero or accesses unmapped memory?
-Like system calls, except:
-devices generate them at any time,
-there are no arguments in CPU registers,
-nothing to return to,
-usually can't ignore them.
-How do they get generated?
-Device essentially phones up the
-interrupt controller and asks to talk to the CPU.
-Interrupt controller then buzzes the CPU and
-tells it, &ldquo;keyboard on line 1.&rdquo;
-Interrupt controller is essentially the CPU's
-<strike>secretary</strike> administrative assistant,
-managing the phone lines on the CPU's behalf.
-Have to set up interrupt controller.
-(Briefly) xv6 Sheet 63: <code>pic_init</code> sets up the interrupt controller,
-<code>irq_enable</code> tells the interrupt controller to let the given
-interrupt through.
-(Briefly) xv6 Sheet 68: <code>pit8253_init</code> sets up the clock chip,
-telling it to interrupt on <code>IRQ_TIMER</code> 100 times/second.
-<code>console_init</code> sets up the keyboard, enabling <code>IRQ_KBD</code>.
-In Bochs, set breakpoint at 0x8:"vector0"
-and continue, loading kernel.
-Step through clock interrupt, look at
-stack, registers.
-Was the processor executing in kernel or user mode
-at the time of the clock interrupt?
-Why? (Have any user-space instructions executed at all?)
-Can the kernel get an interrupt at any time?
-Why or why not? <code>cli</code> and <code>sti</code>,