path: root/web/l-threads.html
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authorrsc <rsc>2008-09-03 04:50:04 +0000
committerrsc <rsc>2008-09-03 04:50:04 +0000
commitf53494c28e362fb7752bbc83417b9ba47cff0bf5 (patch)
tree7a7474710c9553b0188796ba24ae3af992320153 /web/l-threads.html
parentee3f75f229742a376bedafe34d0ba04995a942be (diff)
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+<h1>Threads, processes, and context switching</h1>
+<p>Required reading: proc.c (focus on scheduler() and sched()),
+setjmp.S, and sys_fork (in sysproc.c)
+<p>Big picture: more programs than processors. How to share the
+limited number of processors among the programs?
+<p>Observation: most programs don't need the processor continuously,
+because they frequently have to wait for input (from user, disk,
+network, etc.)
+<p>Idea: when one program must wait, it releases the processor, and
+gives it to another program.
+<p>Mechanism: thread of computation, an active active computation. A
+thread is an abstraction that contains the minimal state that is
+necessary to stop an active and an resume it at some point later.
+What that state is depends on the processor. On x86, it is the
+processor registers (see setjmp.S).
+<p>Address spaces and threads: address spaces and threads are in
+principle independent concepts. One can switch from one thread to
+another thread in the same address space, or one can switch from one
+thread to another thread in another address space. Example: in xv6,
+one switches address spaces by switching segmentation registers (see
+setupsegs). Does xv6 ever switch from one thread to another in the
+same address space? (Answer: yes, v6 switches, for example, from the
+scheduler, proc[0], to the kernel part of init, proc[1].) In the JOS
+kernel we switch from the kernel thread to a user thread, but we don't
+switch kernel space necessarily.
+<p>Process: one address space plus one or more threads of computation.
+In xv6 all <i>user</i> programs contain one thread of computation and
+one address space, and the concepts of address space and threads of
+computation are not separated but bundled together in the concept of a
+process. When switching from the kernel program (which has multiple
+threads) to a user program, xv6 switches threads (switching from a
+kernel stack to a user stack) and address spaces (the hardware uses
+the kernel segment registers and the user segment registers).
+<p>xv6 supports the following operations on processes:
+<li>fork; create a new process, which is a copy of the parent.
+<li>exec; execute a program
+<li>exit: terminte process
+<li>wait: wait for a process to terminate
+<li>kill: kill process
+<li>sbrk: grow the address space of a process.
+This interfaces doesn't separate threads and address spaces. For
+example, with this interface one cannot create additional threads in
+the same threads. Modern Unixes provides additional primitives
+(called pthreads, POSIX threads) to create additional threads in a
+process and coordinate their activities.
+<p>Scheduling. The thread manager needs a method for deciding which
+thread to run if multiple threads are runnable. The xv6 policy is to
+run the processes round robin. Why round robin? What other methods
+can you imagine?
+<p>Preemptive scheduling. To force a thread to release the processor
+periodically (in case the thread never calls sleep), a thread manager
+can use preemptive scheduling. The thread manager uses the clock chip
+to generate periodically a hardware interrupt, which will cause
+control to transfer to the thread manager, which then can decide to
+run another thread (e.g., see trap.c).
+<h2>xv6 code examples</h2>
+<p>Thread switching is implemented in xv6 using setjmp and longjmp,
+which take a jumpbuf as an argument. setjmp saves its context in a
+jumpbuf for later use by longjmp. longjmp restores the context saved
+by the last setjmp. It then causes execution to continue as if the
+call of setjmp has just returned 1.
+<li>setjmp saves: ebx, exc, edx, esi, edi, esp, ebp, and eip.
+<li>longjmp restores them, and puts 1 in eax!
+<p> Example of thread switching: proc[0] switches to scheduler:
+<li>1359: proc[0] calls iget, which calls sleep, which calls sched.
+<li>2261: The stack before the call to setjmp in sched is:
+CPU 0:
+eax: 0x10a144 1089860
+ecx: 0x6c65746e 1818588270
+edx: 0x0 0
+ebx: 0x10a0e0 1089760
+esp: 0x210ea8 2166440
+ebp: 0x210ebc 2166460
+esi: 0x107f20 1081120
+edi: 0x107740 1079104
+eip: 0x1023c9
+eflags 0x12
+cs: 0x8
+ss: 0x10
+ds: 0x10
+es: 0x10
+fs: 0x10
+gs: 0x10
+ 00210ea8 [00210ea8] 10111e
+ 00210eac [00210eac] 210ebc
+ 00210eb0 [00210eb0] 10239e
+ 00210eb4 [00210eb4] 0001
+ 00210eb8 [00210eb8] 10a0e0
+ 00210ebc [00210ebc] 210edc
+ 00210ec0 [00210ec0] 1024ce
+ 00210ec4 [00210ec4] 1010101
+ 00210ec8 [00210ec8] 1010101
+ 00210ecc [00210ecc] 1010101
+ 00210ed0 [00210ed0] 107740
+ 00210ed4 [00210ed4] 0001
+ 00210ed8 [00210ed8] 10cd74
+ 00210edc [00210edc] 210f1c
+ 00210ee0 [00210ee0] 100bbc
+ 00210ee4 [00210ee4] 107740
+<li>2517: stack at beginning of setjmp:
+CPU 0:
+eax: 0x10a144 1089860
+ecx: 0x6c65746e 1818588270
+edx: 0x0 0
+ebx: 0x10a0e0 1089760
+esp: 0x210ea0 2166432
+ebp: 0x210ebc 2166460
+esi: 0x107f20 1081120
+edi: 0x107740 1079104
+eip: 0x102848
+eflags 0x12
+cs: 0x8
+ss: 0x10
+ds: 0x10
+es: 0x10
+fs: 0x10
+gs: 0x10
+ 00210ea0 [00210ea0] 1023cf <--- return address (sched)
+ 00210ea4 [00210ea4] 10a144
+ 00210ea8 [00210ea8] 10111e
+ 00210eac [00210eac] 210ebc
+ 00210eb0 [00210eb0] 10239e
+ 00210eb4 [00210eb4] 0001
+ 00210eb8 [00210eb8] 10a0e0
+ 00210ebc [00210ebc] 210edc
+ 00210ec0 [00210ec0] 1024ce
+ 00210ec4 [00210ec4] 1010101
+ 00210ec8 [00210ec8] 1010101
+ 00210ecc [00210ecc] 1010101
+ 00210ed0 [00210ed0] 107740
+ 00210ed4 [00210ed4] 0001
+ 00210ed8 [00210ed8] 10cd74
+ 00210edc [00210edc] 210f1c
+<li>2519: What is saved in jmpbuf of proc[0]?
+<li>2529: return 0!
+<li>2534: What is in jmpbuf of cpu 0? The stack is as follows:
+CPU 0:
+eax: 0x0 0
+ecx: 0x6c65746e 1818588270
+edx: 0x108aa4 1084068
+ebx: 0x10a0e0 1089760
+esp: 0x210ea0 2166432
+ebp: 0x210ebc 2166460
+esi: 0x107f20 1081120
+edi: 0x107740 1079104
+eip: 0x10286e
+eflags 0x46
+cs: 0x8
+ss: 0x10
+ds: 0x10
+es: 0x10
+fs: 0x10
+gs: 0x10
+ 00210ea0 [00210ea0] 1023fe
+ 00210ea4 [00210ea4] 108aa4
+ 00210ea8 [00210ea8] 10111e
+ 00210eac [00210eac] 210ebc
+ 00210eb0 [00210eb0] 10239e
+ 00210eb4 [00210eb4] 0001
+ 00210eb8 [00210eb8] 10a0e0
+ 00210ebc [00210ebc] 210edc
+ 00210ec0 [00210ec0] 1024ce
+ 00210ec4 [00210ec4] 1010101
+ 00210ec8 [00210ec8] 1010101
+ 00210ecc [00210ecc] 1010101
+ 00210ed0 [00210ed0] 107740
+ 00210ed4 [00210ed4] 0001
+ 00210ed8 [00210ed8] 10cd74
+ 00210edc [00210edc] 210f1c
+<li>2547: return 1! stack looks as follows:
+CPU 0:
+eax: 0x1 1
+ecx: 0x108aa0 1084064
+edx: 0x108aa4 1084068
+ebx: 0x10074 65652
+esp: 0x108d40 1084736
+ebp: 0x108d5c 1084764
+esi: 0x10074 65652
+edi: 0xffde 65502
+eip: 0x102892
+eflags 0x6
+cs: 0x8
+ss: 0x10
+ds: 0x10
+es: 0x10
+fs: 0x10
+gs: 0x10
+ 00108d40 [00108d40] 10231c
+ 00108d44 [00108d44] 10a144
+ 00108d48 [00108d48] 0010
+ 00108d4c [00108d4c] 0021
+ 00108d50 [00108d50] 0000
+ 00108d54 [00108d54] 0000
+ 00108d58 [00108d58] 10a0e0
+ 00108d5c [00108d5c] 0000
+ 00108d60 [00108d60] 0001
+ 00108d64 [00108d64] 0000
+ 00108d68 [00108d68] 0000
+ 00108d6c [00108d6c] 0000
+ 00108d70 [00108d70] 0000
+ 00108d74 [00108d74] 0000
+ 00108d78 [00108d78] 0000
+ 00108d7c [00108d7c] 0000
+<li>2548: where will longjmp return? (answer: 10231c, in scheduler)
+<li>2233:Scheduler on each processor selects in a round-robin fashion the
+ first runnable process. Which process will that be? (If we are
+ running with one processor.) (Ans: proc[0].)
+<li>2229: what will be saved in cpu's jmpbuf?
+<li>What is in proc[0]'s jmpbuf?
+<li>2548: return 1. Stack looks as follows:
+CPU 0:
+eax: 0x1 1
+ecx: 0x6c65746e 1818588270
+edx: 0x0 0
+ebx: 0x10a0e0 1089760
+esp: 0x210ea0 2166432
+ebp: 0x210ebc 2166460
+esi: 0x107f20 1081120
+edi: 0x107740 1079104
+eip: 0x102892
+eflags 0x2
+cs: 0x8
+ss: 0x10
+ds: 0x10
+es: 0x10
+fs: 0x10
+gs: 0x10
+ 00210ea0 [00210ea0] 1023cf <--- return to sleep
+ 00210ea4 [00210ea4] 108aa4
+ 00210ea8 [00210ea8] 10111e
+ 00210eac [00210eac] 210ebc
+ 00210eb0 [00210eb0] 10239e
+ 00210eb4 [00210eb4] 0001
+ 00210eb8 [00210eb8] 10a0e0
+ 00210ebc [00210ebc] 210edc
+ 00210ec0 [00210ec0] 1024ce
+ 00210ec4 [00210ec4] 1010101
+ 00210ec8 [00210ec8] 1010101
+ 00210ecc [00210ecc] 1010101
+ 00210ed0 [00210ed0] 107740
+ 00210ed4 [00210ed4] 0001
+ 00210ed8 [00210ed8] 10cd74
+ 00210edc [00210edc] 210f1c
+<p>Why switch from proc[0] to the processor stack, and then to
+ proc[0]'s stack? Why not instead run the scheduler on the kernel
+ stack of the last process that run on that cpu?
+<li>If the scheduler wanted to use the process stack, then it couldn't
+ have any stack variables live across process scheduling, since
+ they'd be different depending on which process just stopped running.
+<li>Suppose process p goes to sleep on CPU1, so CPU1 is idling in
+ scheduler() on p's stack. Someone wakes up p. CPU2 decides to run
+ p. Now p is running on its stack, and CPU1 is also running on the
+ same stack. They will likely scribble on each others' local
+ variables, return pointers, etc.
+<li>The same thing happens if CPU1 tries to reuse the process's page
+tables to avoid a TLB flush. If the process gets killed and cleaned
+up by the other CPU, now the page tables are wrong. I think some OSes
+actually do this (with appropriate ref counting).
+<p>How is preemptive scheduling implemented in xv6? Answer see trap.c
+ line 2905 through 2917, and the implementation of yield() on sheet
+ 22.
+<p>How long is a timeslice for a user process? (possibly very short;
+ very important lock is held across context switch!)