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authorrsc <rsc>2008-09-03 04:50:04 +0000
committerrsc <rsc>2008-09-03 04:50:04 +0000
commitf53494c28e362fb7752bbc83417b9ba47cff0bf5 (patch)
tree7a7474710c9553b0188796ba24ae3af992320153 /web/l3.html
parentee3f75f229742a376bedafe34d0ba04995a942be (diff)
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+<h1>Operating system organizaton</h1>
+<p>Required reading: Exokernel paper.
+<h2>Intro: virtualizing</h2>
+<p>One way to think about an operating system interface is that it
+extends the hardware instructions with a set of "instructions" that
+are implemented in software. These instructions are invoked using a
+system call instruction (int on the x86). In this view, a task of the
+operating system is to provide each application with a <i>virtual</i>
+version of the interface; that is, it provides each application with a
+virtual computer.
+<p>One of the challenges in an operating system is multiplexing the
+physical resources between the potentially many virtual computers.
+What makes the multiplexing typically complicated is an additional
+constraint: isolate the virtual computers well from each other. That
+<li> stores shouldn't be able to overwrite other apps's data
+<li> jmp shouldn't be able to enter another application
+<li> one virtual computer cannot hog the processor
+<p>In this lecture, we will explore at a high-level how to build
+virtual computer that meet these goals. In the rest of the term we
+work out the details.
+<h2>Virtual processors</h2>
+<p>To give each application its own set of virtual processor, we need
+to virtualize the physical processors. One way to do is to multiplex
+the physical processor over time: the operating system runs one
+application for a while, then runs another application for while, etc.
+We can implement this solution as follows: when an application has run
+for its share of the processor, unload the state of the phyical
+processor, save that state to be able to resume the application later,
+load in the state for the next application, and resume it.
+<p>What needs to be saved and restored? That depends on the
+processor, but for the x86:
+<li>The other processor registers (eax, etc.)
+<p>To enforce that a virtual processor doesn't keep a processor, the
+operating system can arrange for a periodic interrupt, and switch the
+processor in the interrupt routine.
+<p>To separate the memories of the applications, we may also need to save
+and restore the registers that define the (virtual) memory of the
+application (e.g., segment and MMU registers on the x86), which is
+explained next.
+<h2>Separating memories</h2>
+<p>Approach to separating memories:
+<li>Force programs to be written in high-level, type-safe language
+<li>Enforce separation using hardware support
+The approaches can be combined.
+<p>Lets assume unlimited physical memory for a little while. We can
+enforce separation then as follows:
+<li>Put device (memory management unit) between processor and memory,
+ which checks each memory access against a set of domain registers.
+ (The domain registers are like segment registers on the x86, except
+ there is no computation to compute an address.)
+<li>The domain register specifies a range of addresses that the
+ processor is allow to access.
+<li>When switching applications, switch domain registers.
+Why does this work? load/stores/jmps cannot touch/enter other
+application's domains.
+<p>To allow for controled sharing and separation with an application,
+extend domain registers with protectioin bits: read (R), write (W),
+execute-only (X).
+<p>How to protect the domain registers? Extend the protection bits
+with a kernel-only one. When in kernel-mode, processor can change
+domain registers. As we will see in lecture 4, x86 stores the U/K
+information in CPL (current privilege level) in CS segment
+<p>To change from user to kernel, extend the hardware with special
+instructions for entering a "supervisor" or "system" call, and
+returning from it. On x86, int and reti. The int instruction takes as
+argument the system call number. We can then think of the kernel
+interface as the set of "instructions" that augment the instructions
+implemented in hardware.
+<h2>Memory management</h2>
+<p>We assumed unlimited physical memory and big addresses. In
+practice, operating system must support creating, shrinking, and
+growing of domains, while still allowing the addresses of an
+application to be contiguous (for programming convenience). What if
+we want to grow the domain of application 1 but the memory right below
+and above it is in use by application 2?
+<p>How? Virtual addresses and spaces. Virtualize addresses and let
+the kernel control the mapping from virtual to physical.
+<p> Address spaces provide each application with the ideas that it has
+a complete memory for itself. All the addresses it issues are its
+addresses (e.g., each application has an address 0).
+<li> How do you give each application its own address space?
+ <li> MMU translates <i>virtual</i> address to <i>physical</i>
+ addresses using a translation table
+ <li> Implementation approaches for translation table:
+<li> for each virtual address store physical address, too costly.
+<li> translate a set of contiguous virtual addresses at a time using
+segments (segment #, base address, length)
+<li> translate a fixed-size set of address (page) at a time using a
+page map (page # -> block #) (draw hardware page table picture).
+Datastructures for page map: array, n-level tree, superpages, etc.
+<br>Some processor have both 2+3: x86! (see lecture 4)
+<li> What if two applications want to share real memory? Map the pages
+into multiple address spaces and have protection bits per page.
+<li> How do you give an application access to a memory-mapped-IO
+device? Map the physical address for the device into the applications
+address space.
+<li> How do you get off the ground?
+ <li> when computer starts, MMU is disabled.
+ <li> computer starts in kernel mode, with no
+ translation (i.e., virtual address 0 is physical address 0, and
+ so on)
+ <li> kernel program sets up MMU to translate kernel address to physical
+ address. often kernel virtual address translates to physical adress 0.
+ <li> enable MMU
+<br><p>Lab 2 explores this topic in detail.
+<h2>Operating system organizations</h2>
+<p>A central theme in operating system design is how to organize the
+operating system. It is helpful to define a couple of terms:
+<li>Kernel: the program that runs in kernel mode, in a kernel
+address space.
+<li>Library: code against which application link (e.g., libc).
+<li>Application: code that runs in a user-level address space.
+<li>Operating system: kernel plus all user-level system code (e.g.,
+servers, libraries, etc.)
+<p>Example: trace a call to printf made by an application.
+<p>There are roughly 4 operating system designs:
+<li>Monolithic design. The OS interface is the kernel interface (i.e.,
+the complete operating systems runs in kernel mode). This has limited
+flexibility (other than downloadable kernel modules) and doesn't fault
+isolate individual OS modules (e.g., the file system and process
+module are both in the kernel address space). xv6 has this
+<li>Microkernl design. The kernel interface provides a minimal set of
+abstractions (e.g., virtual memory, IPC, and threads), and the rest of
+the operating system is implemented by user applications (often called
+<li>Virtual machine design. The kernel implements a virtual machine
+monitor. The monitor multiplexes multiple virtual machines, which
+each provide as the kernel programming interface the machine platform
+(the instruction set, devices, etc.). Each virtual machine runs its
+own, perhaps simple, operating system.
+<li>Exokernel design. Only used in this class and discussed below.
+<p>Although monolithic operating systems are the dominant operating
+system architecture for desktop and server machines, it is worthwhile
+to consider alternative architectures, even it is just to understand
+operating systems better. This lecture looks at exokernels, because
+that is what you will building in the lab. xv6 is organized as a
+monolithic system, and we will study in the next lectures. Later in
+the term we will read papers about microkernel and virtual machine
+operating systems.
+<p>The exokernel architecture takes an end-to-end approach to
+operating system design. In this design, the kernel just securely
+multiplexes physical resources; any programmer can decide what the
+operating system interface and its implementation are for his
+application. One would expect a couple of popular APIs (e.g., UNIX)
+that most applications will link against, but a programmer is always
+free to replace that API, partially or completely. (Draw picture of
+<p>Compare UNIX interface (<a href="v6.c">v6</a> or <a
+href="os10.h">OSX</a>) with the JOS exokernel-like interface:
+ SYS_cputs = 0,
+ SYS_cgetc,
+ SYS_getenvid,
+ SYS_env_destroy,
+ SYS_page_alloc,
+ SYS_page_map,
+ SYS_page_unmap,
+ SYS_exofork,
+ SYS_env_set_status,
+ SYS_env_set_trapframe,
+ SYS_env_set_pgfault_upcall,
+ SYS_yield,
+ SYS_ipc_try_send,
+ SYS_ipc_recv,
+<p>To illustrate the differences between these interfaces in more
+detail consider implementing the following:
+<li>User-level thread package that deals well with blocking system
+calls, page faults, etc.
+<li>High-performance web server performing optimizations across module
+boundaries (e.g., file system and network stack).
+<p>How well can each kernel interface implement the above examples?
+(Start with UNIX interface and see where you run into problems.) (The
+JOS kernel interface is not flexible enough: for example,
+<i>ipc_receive</i> is blocking.)
+<h2>Exokernel paper discussion</h2>
+<p>The central challenge in an exokernel design it to provide
+extensibility, but provide fault isolation. This challenge breaks
+down into three problems:
+<li>tracking owner ship of resources;
+<li>ensuring fault isolation between applications;
+<li>revoking access to resources.
+<li>How is physical memory multiplexed? Kernel tracks for each
+physical page who has it.
+<li>How is the processor multiplexed? Time slices.
+<li>How is the network multiplexed? Packet filters.
+<li>What is the plan for revoking resources?
+<li>Expose information so that application can do the right thing.
+<li>Ask applications politely to release resources of a given type.
+<li>Ask applications with force to release resources
+<li>What is an environment? The processor environment: it stores
+sufficient information to deliver events to applications: exception
+context, interrupt context, protected entry context, and addressing
+context. This structure is processor specific.
+<li>How does on implement a minimal protected control transfer on the
+x86? Lab 4's approach to IPC has some short comings: what are they?
+(It is essentially a polling-based solution, and the one you implement
+is unfair.) What is a better way? Set up a specific handler to be
+called when an environment wants to call this environment. How does
+this impact scheduling of environments? (i.e., give up time slice or
+<li>How does one dispatch exceptions (e.g., page fault) to user space
+on the x86? Give each environment a separate exception stack in user
+space, and propagate exceptions on that stack. See page-fault handling
+in lab 4.
+<li>How does on implement processes in user space? The thread part of
+a process is easy. The difficult part it to perform the copy of the
+address space efficiently; one would like to share memory between
+parent and child. This property can be achieved using copy-on-write.
+The child should, however, have its own exception stack. Again,
+see lab 4. <i>sfork</i> is a trivial extension of user-level <i>fork</i>.
+<li>What are the examples of extensibility in this paper? (RPC system
+in which server saves and restores registers, different page table,
+and stride scheduler.)