diff options
7 files changed, 323 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 81241f4..936bc40 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
OBJS = main.o console.o string.o kalloc.o proc.o trapasm.o trap.o vectors.o \
- syscall.o ide.o picirq.o
+ syscall.o ide.o picirq.o mp.o
CC = i386-jos-elf-gcc
LD = i386-jos-elf-ld
diff --git a/defs.h b/defs.h
index 199ea87..4e1e8a5 100644
--- a/defs.h
+++ b/defs.h
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ void tinit(void);
// string.c
void * memcpy(void *dst, void *src, unsigned n);
void * memset(void *dst, int c, unsigned n);
+int memcmp(const void *v1, const void *v2, unsigned n);
// syscall.c
void syscall(void);
@@ -28,3 +29,7 @@ void syscall(void);
// picirq.c
void irq_setmask_8259A(uint16_t mask);
void pic_init(void);
+// mp.c
+void mpinit(void);
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index 2f3b00e..07b3862 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ main()
+ mpinit(); // multiprocessor
kinit(); // physical memory allocator
tinit(); // traps and interrupts
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ main()
write_eflags(read_eflags() | FL_IF);
-#if 1
+#if 0
ide_read(0, buf, 1);
cprintf("sec0.0 %x\n", buf[0] & 0xff);
diff --git a/memlayout.h b/memlayout.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a33f347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/memlayout.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#define EXTPHYSMEM 0x100000
+#define KADDR(a) ((void *) a)
diff --git a/mp.c b/mp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d47e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#include "types.h"
+#include "mp.h"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "memlayout.h"
+static struct _MP_* _mp_; /* The MP floating point structure */
+static int ncpu;
+static struct _MP_*
+mp_scan(uint8_t *addr, int len)
+ uint8_t *e, *p, sum;
+ int i;
+ cprintf("scanning: 0x%x\n", (uint32_t)addr);
+ e = addr+len;
+ for(p = addr; p < e; p += sizeof(struct _MP_)){
+ if(memcmp(p, "_MP_", 4))
+ continue;
+ sum = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < sizeof(struct _MP_); i++)
+ sum += p[i];
+ if(sum == 0)
+ return (struct _MP_ *)p;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static struct _MP_*
+ uint8_t *bda;
+ uint32_t p;
+ struct _MP_ *mp;
+ /*
+ * Search for the MP Floating Pointer Structure, which according to the
+ * spec is in one of the following three locations:
+ * 1) in the first KB of the EBDA;
+ * 2) in the last KB of system base memory;
+ * 3) in the BIOS ROM between 0xE0000 and 0xFFFFF.
+ */
+ bda = KADDR(0x400);
+ if((p = (bda[0x0F]<<8)|bda[0x0E])){
+ if((mp = mp_scan(KADDR(p), 1024)))
+ return mp;
+ }
+ else{
+ p = ((bda[0x14]<<8)|bda[0x13])*1024;
+ if((mp = mp_scan(KADDR(p-1024), 1024)))
+ return mp;
+ }
+ return mp_scan(KADDR(0xF0000), 0x10000);
+static int
+ struct PCMP *pcmp;
+ uint8_t *p, sum;
+ uint32_t length;
+ /*
+ * Search for an MP configuration table. For now,
+ * don't accept the default configurations (physaddr == 0).
+ * Check for correct signature, calculate the checksum and,
+ * if correct, check the version.
+ * To do: check extended table checksum.
+ */
+ if((_mp_ = mp_search()) == 0 || _mp_->physaddr == 0)
+ return 1;
+ pcmp = KADDR(_mp_->physaddr);
+ if(memcmp(pcmp, "PCMP", 4))
+ return 2;
+ length = pcmp->length;
+ sum = 0;
+ for(p = (uint8_t*)pcmp; length; length--)
+ sum += *p++;
+ if(sum || (pcmp->version != 1 && pcmp->version != 4))
+ return 3;
+ cprintf("MP spec rev #: %x\n", _mp_->specrev);
+ return 0;
+ int r;
+ uint8_t *p, *e;
+ struct PCMP *pcmp;
+ ncpu = 0;
+ if ((r = mp_detect()) != 0) return;
+ cprintf ("This computer is multiprocessor!\n");
+ /*
+ * Run through the table saving information needed for starting
+ * application processors and initialising any I/O APICs. The table
+ * is guaranteed to be in order such that only one pass is necessary.
+ */
+ pcmp = KADDR(_mp_->physaddr);
+ p = ((uint8_t*)pcmp)+sizeof(struct PCMP);
+ e = ((uint8_t*)pcmp)+pcmp->length;
+ while(p < e) {
+ switch(*p){
+ case PcmpPROCESSOR:
+ cprintf("a processor\n");
+ ncpu++;
+ p += sizeof(struct PCMPprocessor);
+ continue;
+ case PcmpBUS:
+ cprintf("a bus\n");
+ p += sizeof(struct PCMPbus);
+ continue;
+ case PcmpIOAPIC:
+ cprintf("an IO APIC\n");
+ p += sizeof(struct PCMPioapic);
+ continue;
+ case PcmpIOINTR:
+ cprintf("an IO interrupt assignment\n");
+ p += sizeof(struct PCMPintr);
+ continue;
+ default:
+ cprintf("mpinit: unknown PCMP type 0x%x (e-p 0x%x)\n", *p, e-p);
+ while(p < e){
+ cprintf("%uX ", *p);
+ p++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cprintf("ncpu: %d\n", ncpu);
diff --git a/mp.h b/mp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df46574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * MultiProcessor Specification Version 1.[14].
+ */
+struct _MP_ { /* floating pointer */
+ uint8_t signature[4]; /* "_MP_" */
+ physaddr_t physaddr; /* physical address of MP configuration table */
+ uint8_t length; /* 1 */
+ uint8_t specrev; /* [14] */
+ uint8_t checksum; /* all bytes must add up to 0 */
+ uint8_t type; /* MP system configuration type */
+ uint8_t imcrp;
+ uint8_t reserved[3];
+struct PCMP { /* configuration table header */
+ uint8_t signature[4]; /* "PCMP" */
+ uint16_t length; /* total table length */
+ uint8_t version; /* [14] */
+ uint8_t checksum; /* all bytes must add up to 0 */
+ uint8_t product[20]; /* product id */
+ uintptr_t oemtable; /* OEM table pointer */
+ uint16_t oemlength; /* OEM table length */
+ uint16_t entry; /* entry count */
+ uintptr_t lapicbase; /* address of local APIC */
+ uint16_t xlength; /* extended table length */
+ uint8_t xchecksum; /* extended table checksum */
+ uint8_t reserved;
+struct PCMPprocessor { /* processor table entry */
+ uint8_t type; /* entry type (0) */
+ uint8_t apicno; /* local APIC id */
+ uint8_t version; /* local APIC verison */
+ uint8_t flags; /* CPU flags */
+ uint8_t signature[4]; /* CPU signature */
+ uint32_t feature; /* feature flags from CPUID instruction */
+ uint8_t reserved[8];
+struct PCMPbus { /* bus table entry */
+ uint8_t type; /* entry type (1) */
+ uint8_t busno; /* bus id */
+ char string[6]; /* bus type string */
+struct PCMPioapic { /* I/O APIC table entry */
+ uint8_t type; /* entry type (2) */
+ uint8_t apicno; /* I/O APIC id */
+ uint8_t version; /* I/O APIC version */
+ uint8_t flags; /* I/O APIC flags */
+ uintptr_t addr; /* I/O APIC address */
+struct PCMPintr { /* interrupt table entry */
+ uint8_t type; /* entry type ([34]) */
+ uint8_t intr; /* interrupt type */
+ uint16_t flags; /* interrupt flag */
+ uint8_t busno; /* source bus id */
+ uint8_t irq; /* source bus irq */
+ uint8_t apicno; /* destination APIC id */
+ uint8_t intin; /* destination APIC [L]INTIN# */
+struct PCMPsasm { /* system address space mapping entry */
+ uint8_t type; /* entry type (128) */
+ uint8_t length; /* of this entry (20) */
+ uint8_t busno; /* bus id */
+ uint8_t addrtype;
+ uintptr_t addrbase[2];
+ uint32_t addrlength[2];
+struct PCMPhierarchy { /* bus hierarchy descriptor entry */
+ uint8_t type; /* entry type (129) */
+ uint8_t length; /* of this entry (8) */
+ uint8_t busno; /* bus id */
+ uint8_t info; /* bus info */
+ uint8_t parent; /* parent bus */
+ uint8_t reserved[3];
+struct PCMPcbasm { /* compatibility bus address space modifier entry */
+ uint8_t type; /* entry type (130) */
+ uint8_t length; /* of this entry (8) */
+ uint8_t busno; /* bus id */
+ uint8_t modifier; /* address modifier */
+ uint32_t range; /* predefined range list */
+enum { /* table entry types */
+ PcmpPROCESSOR = 0x00, /* one entry per processor */
+ PcmpBUS = 0x01, /* one entry per bus */
+ PcmpIOAPIC = 0x02, /* one entry per I/O APIC */
+ PcmpIOINTR = 0x03, /* one entry per bus interrupt source */
+ PcmpLINTR = 0x04, /* one entry per system interrupt source */
+ PcmpSASM = 0x80,
+ PcmpHIERARCHY = 0x81,
+ PcmpCBASM = 0x82,
+ /* PCMPprocessor and PCMPioapic flags */
+ PcmpEN = 0x01, /* enabled */
+ PcmpBP = 0x02, /* bootstrap processor */
+ /* PCMPiointr and PCMPlintr flags */
+ PcmpPOMASK = 0x03, /* polarity conforms to specifications of bus */
+ PcmpHIGH = 0x01, /* active high */
+ PcmpLOW = 0x03, /* active low */
+ PcmpELMASK = 0x0C, /* trigger mode of APIC input signals */
+ PcmpEDGE = 0x04, /* edge-triggered */
+ PcmpLEVEL = 0x0C, /* level-triggered */
+ /* PCMPiointr and PCMPlintr interrupt type */
+ PcmpINT = 0x00, /* vectored interrupt from APIC Rdt */
+ PcmpNMI = 0x01, /* non-maskable interrupt */
+ PcmpSMI = 0x02, /* system management interrupt */
+ PcmpExtINT = 0x03, /* vectored interrupt from external PIC */
+ /* PCMPsasm addrtype */
+ PcmpIOADDR = 0x00, /* I/O address */
+ PcmpMADDR = 0x01, /* memory address */
+ PcmpPADDR = 0x02, /* prefetch address */
+ /* PCMPhierarchy info */
+ PcmpSD = 0x01, /* subtractive decode bus */
+ /* PCMPcbasm modifier */
+ PcmpPR = 0x01, /* predefined range list */
+ * Common bits for
+ * I/O APIC Redirection Table Entry;
+ * Local APIC Local Interrupt Vector Table;
+ * Local APIC Inter-Processor Interrupt;
+ * Local APIC Timer Vector Table.
+ */
+enum {
+ ApicFIXED = 0x00000000, /* [10:8] Delivery Mode */
+ ApicLOWEST = 0x00000100, /* Lowest priority */
+ ApicSMI = 0x00000200, /* System Management Interrupt */
+ ApicRR = 0x00000300, /* Remote Read */
+ ApicNMI = 0x00000400,
+ ApicINIT = 0x00000500, /* INIT/RESET */
+ ApicSTARTUP = 0x00000600, /* Startup IPI */
+ ApicExtINT = 0x00000700,
+ ApicPHYSICAL = 0x00000000, /* [11] Destination Mode (RW) */
+ ApicLOGICAL = 0x00000800,
+ ApicDELIVS = 0x00001000, /* [12] Delivery Status (RO) */
+ ApicHIGH = 0x00000000, /* [13] Interrupt Input Pin Polarity (RW) */
+ ApicLOW = 0x00002000,
+ ApicRemoteIRR = 0x00004000, /* [14] Remote IRR (RO) */
+ ApicEDGE = 0x00000000, /* [15] Trigger Mode (RW) */
+ ApicLEVEL = 0x00008000,
+ ApicIMASK = 0x00010000, /* [16] Interrupt Mask */
diff --git a/string.c b/string.c
index f27b025..40019d5 100644
--- a/string.c
+++ b/string.c
@@ -23,3 +23,18 @@ memset(void *dst, int c, unsigned n)
return dst;
+memcmp(const void *v1, const void *v2, unsigned n)
+ const uint8_t *s1 = (const uint8_t *) v1;
+ const uint8_t *s2 = (const uint8_t *) v2;
+ while (n-- > 0) {
+ if (*s1 != *s2)
+ return (int) *s1 - (int) *s2;
+ s1++, s2++;
+ }
+ return 0;