path: root/console.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'console.c')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/console.c b/console.c
index d119a29..4e2b7a8 100644
--- a/console.c
+++ b/console.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "param.h"
#include "mmu.h"
#include "proc.h"
+#include "kbd.h"
struct spinlock console_lock;
int panicked = 0;
@@ -49,7 +50,6 @@ cons_putc(int c)
ind |= inb(crtport + 1);
c &= 0xff;
if(c == '\n'){
ind -= (ind % 80);
ind += 80;
@@ -101,48 +101,53 @@ printint(int xx, int base, int sgn)
cprintf(char *fmt, ...)
- int i, state = 0, c, locking = 0;
- uint *ap = (uint*)(void*)&fmt + 1;
+ int i, c, state, locking;
+ uint *argp;
+ char *s;
- if(use_console_lock){
- locking = 1;
+ locking = use_console_lock;
+ if(locking)
- }
+ argp = (uint*)(void*)&fmt + 1;
+ state = 0;
for(i = 0; fmt[i]; i++){
c = fmt[i] & 0xff;
- if(state == 0){
- if(c == '%'){
+ switch(state){
+ case 0:
+ if(c == '%')
state = '%';
- } else {
- cons_putc(c);
- }
- } else if(state == '%'){
- if(c == 'd'){
- printint(*ap, 10, 1);
- ap++;
- } else if(c == 'x' || c == 'p'){
- printint(*ap, 16, 0);
- ap++;
- } else if(c == 's'){
- char *s = (char*)*ap;
- ap++;
- if(s == 0){
- cons_putc('0');
- }else{
- while(*s != 0){
- cons_putc(*s);
- s++;
- }
- }
- } else if(c == '%'){
+ else
- } else {
- // Unknown % sequence. Print it to draw attention.
+ break;
+ case '%':
+ switch(c){
+ case 'd':
+ printint(*argp++, 10, 1);
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ case 'p':
+ printint(*argp++, 16, 0);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ s = (char*)*argp++;
+ if(s == 0)
+ s = "(null)";
+ for(; *s; s++)
+ cons_putc(*s);
+ break;
+ case '%':
+ cons_putc('%');
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Print unknown % sequence to draw attention.
+ break;
state = 0;
+ break;
@@ -175,157 +180,31 @@ console_write(int minor, char *buf, int n)
int i;
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
cons_putc(buf[i] & 0xff);
- }
return n;
-#define KBSTATP 0x64 // kbd controller status port(I)
-#define KBS_DIB 0x01 // kbd data in buffer
-#define KBDATAP 0x60 // kbd data port(I)
-#define NO 0
-#define SHIFT (1<<0)
-#define CTL (1<<1)
-#define ALT (1<<2)
-#define CAPSLOCK (1<<3)
-#define NUMLOCK (1<<4)
-#define SCROLLLOCK (1<<5)
-#define E0ESC (1<<6)
-// Special keycodes
-#define KEY_HOME 0xE0
-#define KEY_END 0xE1
-#define KEY_UP 0xE2
-#define KEY_DN 0xE3
-#define KEY_LF 0xE4
-#define KEY_RT 0xE5
-#define KEY_PGUP 0xE6
-#define KEY_PGDN 0xE7
-#define KEY_INS 0xE8
-#define KEY_DEL 0xE9
-static uchar shiftcode[256] =
- [0x1D] CTL,
- [0x2A] SHIFT,
- [0x36] SHIFT,
- [0x38] ALT,
- [0x9D] CTL,
- [0xB8] ALT
-static uchar togglecode[256] =
- [0x3A] CAPSLOCK,
- [0x45] NUMLOCK,
-static uchar normalmap[256] =
- NO, 0x1B, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', // 0x00
- '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', '\b', '\t',
- 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', // 0x10
- 'o', 'p', '[', ']', '\n', NO, 'a', 's',
- 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', ';', // 0x20
- '\'', '`', NO, '\\', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v',
- 'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', '/', NO, '*', // 0x30
- NO, ' ', NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO,
- NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, '7', // 0x40
- '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
- '2', '3', '0', '.', NO, NO, NO, NO, // 0x50
- [0x97] KEY_HOME,
- [0x9C] '\n', // KP_Enter
- [0xB5] '/', // KP_Div
- [0xC8] KEY_UP,
- [0xC9] KEY_PGUP,
- [0xCB] KEY_LF,
- [0xCD] KEY_RT,
- [0xCF] KEY_END,
- [0xD0] KEY_DN,
- [0xD1] KEY_PGDN,
- [0xD2] KEY_INS,
- [0xD3] KEY_DEL
-static uchar shiftmap[256] =
- NO, 033, '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', // 0x00
- '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '\b', '\t',
- 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', // 0x10
- 'O', 'P', '{', '}', '\n', NO, 'A', 'S',
- 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ':', // 0x20
- '"', '~', NO, '|', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V',
- 'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', NO, '*', // 0x30
- NO, ' ', NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO,
- NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, '7', // 0x40
- '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1',
- '2', '3', '0', '.', NO, NO, NO, NO, // 0x50
- [0x97] KEY_HOME,
- [0x9C] '\n', // KP_Enter
- [0xB5] '/', // KP_Div
- [0xC8] KEY_UP,
- [0xC9] KEY_PGUP,
- [0xCB] KEY_LF,
- [0xCD] KEY_RT,
- [0xCF] KEY_END,
- [0xD0] KEY_DN,
- [0xD1] KEY_PGDN,
- [0xD2] KEY_INS,
- [0xD3] KEY_DEL
-#define C(x) (x - '@')
-static uchar ctlmap[256] =
- NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO,
- NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO,
- C('Q'), C('W'), C('E'), C('R'), C('T'), C('Y'), C('U'), C('I'),
- C('O'), C('P'), NO, NO, '\r', NO, C('A'), C('S'),
- C('D'), C('F'), C('G'), C('H'), C('J'), C('K'), C('L'), NO,
- NO, NO, NO, C('\\'), C('Z'), C('X'), C('C'), C('V'),
- C('B'), C('N'), C('M'), NO, NO, C('/'), NO, NO,
- [0x97] KEY_HOME,
- [0xB5] C('/'), // KP_Div
- [0xC8] KEY_UP,
- [0xC9] KEY_PGUP,
- [0xCB] KEY_LF,
- [0xCD] KEY_RT,
- [0xCF] KEY_END,
- [0xD0] KEY_DN,
- [0xD1] KEY_PGDN,
- [0xD2] KEY_INS,
- [0xD3] KEY_DEL
-static uchar *charcode[4] = {
- normalmap,
- shiftmap,
- ctlmap,
- ctlmap
#define KBD_BUF 64
-uchar kbd_buf[KBD_BUF];
-int kbd_r;
-int kbd_w;
-struct spinlock kbd_lock;
-static uint shift;
+struct {
+ uchar buf[KBD_BUF];
+ int r;
+ int w;
+ struct spinlock lock;
+} kbd;
+ static uint shift;
+ static uchar *charcode[4] = {
+ normalmap,
+ shiftmap,
+ ctlmap,
+ ctlmap
+ };
uint st, data, c;
@@ -387,6 +266,7 @@ out:
console_read(int minor, char *dst, int n)
@@ -394,31 +274,31 @@ console_read(int minor, char *dst, int n)
int c;
target = n;
- acquire(&kbd_lock);
+ acquire(&kbd.lock);
while(n > 0){
- while(kbd_r == kbd_w){
+ while(kbd.r == kbd.w){
- release(&kbd_lock);
+ release(&kbd.lock);
return -1;
- sleep(&kbd_r, &kbd_lock);
+ sleep(&kbd.r, &kbd.lock);
- c = kbd_buf[kbd_r++];
+ c = kbd.buf[kbd.r++];
if(c == C('D')){ // EOF
if(n < target){
// Save ^D for next time, to make sure
// caller gets a 0-byte result.
- kbd_r--;
+ kbd.r--;
*dst++ = c;
- if(kbd_r >= KBD_BUF)
- kbd_r = 0;
+ if(kbd.r >= KBD_BUF)
+ kbd.r = 0;
- release(&kbd_lock);
+ release(&kbd.lock);
return target - n;
@@ -427,13 +307,13 @@ void
initlock(&console_lock, "console");
- initlock(&kbd_lock, "kbd");
+ initlock(&kbd.lock, "kbd");
devsw[CONSOLE].write = console_write;
devsw[CONSOLE].read = console_read;
+ use_console_lock = 1;
ioapic_enable(IRQ_KBD, 0);
- use_console_lock = 1;