path: root/kernel/riscv.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/riscv.h')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/riscv.h b/kernel/riscv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f83db6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/riscv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+// which hart (core) is this?
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, mhartid" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// Machine Status Register, mstatus
+#define MSTATUS_MPP_MASK (3L << 11) // previous mode.
+#define MSTATUS_MPP_M (3L << 11)
+#define MSTATUS_MPP_S (1L << 11)
+#define MSTATUS_MPP_U (0L << 11)
+#define MSTATUS_MIE (1L << 3) // machine-mode interrupt enable.
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, mstatus" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+static inline void
+w_mstatus(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw mstatus, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// machine exception program counter, holds the
+// instruction address to which a return from
+// exception will go.
+static inline void
+w_mepc(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw mepc, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// Supervisor Status Register, sstatus
+#define SSTATUS_SPP (1L << 8) // Previous mode, 1=Supervisor, 0=User
+#define SSTATUS_SPIE (1L << 5) // Supervisor Previous Interrupt Enable
+#define SSTATUS_UPIE (1L << 4) // User Previous Interrupt Enable
+#define SSTATUS_SIE (1L << 1) // Supervisor Interrupt Enable
+#define SSTATUS_UIE (1L << 0) // User Interrupt Enable
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, sstatus" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+static inline void
+w_sstatus(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw sstatus, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// Supervisor Interrupt Pending
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, sip" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+static inline void
+w_sip(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw sip, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// Supervisor Interrupt Enable
+#define SIE_SEIE (1L << 9) // external
+#define SIE_STIE (1L << 5) // timer
+#define SIE_SSIE (1L << 1) // software
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, sie" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+static inline void
+w_sie(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw sie, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// Machine-mode Interrupt Enable
+#define MIE_MEIE (1L << 11) // external
+#define MIE_MTIE (1L << 7) // timer
+#define MIE_MSIE (1L << 3) // software
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, mie" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+static inline void
+w_mie(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw mie, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// machine exception program counter, holds the
+// instruction address to which a return from
+// exception will go.
+static inline void
+w_sepc(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw sepc, %0" : : "r" (x));
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, sepc" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// Machine Exception Delegation
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, medeleg" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+static inline void
+w_medeleg(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw medeleg, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// Machine Interrupt Delegation
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, mideleg" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+static inline void
+w_mideleg(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw mideleg, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// Supervisor Trap-Vector Base Address
+// low two bits are mode.
+static inline void
+w_stvec(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw stvec, %0" : : "r" (x));
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, stvec" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// Machine-mode interrupt vector
+static inline void
+w_mtvec(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw mtvec, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// use riscv's sv39 page table scheme.
+#define SATP_SV39 (8L << 60)
+#define MAKE_SATP(pagetable) (SATP_SV39 | (((uint64)pagetable) >> 12))
+// supervisor address translation and protection;
+// holds the address of the page table.
+static inline void
+w_satp(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw satp, %0" : : "r" (x));
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, satp" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// Supervisor Scratch register, for early trap handler in trampoline.S.
+static inline void
+w_sscratch(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw sscratch, %0" : : "r" (x));
+static inline void
+w_mscratch(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw mscratch, %0" : : "r" (x));
+// Supervisor Trap Cause
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, scause" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// Supervisor Trap Value
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, stval" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// Machine-mode Counter-Enable
+static inline void
+w_mcounteren(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("csrw mcounteren, %0" : : "r" (x));
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, mcounteren" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// machine-mode cycle counter
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("csrr %0, time" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// enable device interrupts
+static inline void
+ w_sie(r_sie() | SIE_SEIE | SIE_STIE | SIE_SSIE);
+ w_sstatus(r_sstatus() | SSTATUS_SIE);
+// disable device interrupts
+static inline void
+ w_sstatus(r_sstatus() & ~SSTATUS_SIE);
+// are device interrupts enabled?
+static inline int
+ uint64 x = r_sstatus();
+ return (x & SSTATUS_SIE) != 0;
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("mv %0, sp" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// read and write tp, the thread pointer, which holds
+// this core's hartid (core number), the index into cpus[].
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("mv %0, tp" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+static inline void
+w_tp(uint64 x)
+ asm volatile("mv tp, %0" : : "r" (x));
+static inline uint64
+ uint64 x;
+ asm volatile("mv %0, ra" : "=r" (x) );
+ return x;
+// tell the machine to finish any previous writes to
+// PTEs, so that a subsequent use of a virtual
+// address or load of the SATP will see those writes.
+// perhaps this also flushes the TLB.
+static inline void
+ // the zero, zero means flush all TLB entries.
+ asm volatile("sfence.vma zero, zero");
+#define PGSIZE 4096 // bytes per page
+#define PGSHIFT 12 // bits of offset within a page
+#define PGROUNDUP(sz) (((sz)+PGSIZE-1) & ~(PGSIZE-1))
+#define PGROUNDDOWN(a) (((a)) & ~(PGSIZE-1))
+#define PTE_V (1L << 0) // valid
+#define PTE_R (1L << 1)
+#define PTE_W (1L << 2)
+#define PTE_X (1L << 3)
+#define PTE_U (1L << 4) // 1 -> user can access
+// shift a physical address to the right place for a PTE.
+#define PA2PTE(pa) ((((uint64)pa) >> 12) << 10)
+#define PTE2PA(pte) (((pte) >> 10) << 12)
+#define PTE_FLAGS(pte) ((pte) & (PTE_V|PTE_R|PTE_W|PTE_X|PTE_U))
+// extract the three 9-bit page table indices from a virtual address.
+#define PXMASK 0x1FF // 9 bits
+#define PXSHIFT(level) (PGSHIFT+(9*(level)))
+#define PX(level, va) ((((uint64) (va)) >> PXSHIFT(level)) & PXMASK)
+// one beyond the highest possible virtual address.
+// MAXVA is actually one bit less than the max allowed by
+// Sv39, to avoid having to sign-extend virtual addresses
+// that have the high bit set.
+#define MAXVA (1L << (9 + 9 + 9 + 12 - 1))
+typedef uint64 pte_t;
+typedef uint64 *pagetable_t; // 512 PTEs