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-<title>Lab: mmap</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="homework.css" type="text/css" />
-<h1>Lab: mmap</h1>
-<p>In this lab you will use </tt>mmap</tt> on Linux to demand-page a
-very large table and add memory-mapped files to xv6.
-<h2>Using mmap on Linux</h2>
-<p>This assignment will make you more familiar with how to manage virtual memory
-in user programs using the Unix system call interface. You can do this
-assignment on any operating system that supports the Unix API (a Linux Athena
-machine, your laptop with Linux or MacOS, etc.).
-<p>Download the <a href="mmap.c">mmap homework assignment</a> and look
-it over. The program maintains a very large table of square root
-values in virtual memory. However, the table is too large to fit in
-physical RAM. Instead, the square root values should be computed on
-demand in response to page faults that occur in the table's address
-range. Your job is to implement the demand faulting mechanism using a
-signal handler and UNIX memory mapping system calls. To stay within
-the physical RAM limit, we suggest using the simple strategy of
-unmapping the last page whenever a new page is faulted in.
-<p>To compile <tt>mmap.c</tt>, you need a C compiler, such as gcc. On Athena,
-you can type:
-$ add gnu
-Once you have gcc, you can compile mmap.c as follows:
-$ gcc mmap.c -lm -o mmap
-Which produces a <tt>mmap</tt> file, which you can run:
-$ ./mmap
-page_size is 4096
-Validating square root table contents...
-oops got SIGSEGV at 0x7f6bf7fd7f18
-<p>When the process accesses the square root table, the mapping does not exist
-and the kernel passes control to the signal handler code in
-<tt>handle_sigsegv()</tt>. Modify the code in <tt>handle_sigsegv()</tt> to map
-in a page at the faulting address, unmap a previous page to stay within the
-physical memory limit, and initialize the new page with the correct square root
-values. Use the function <tt>calculate_sqrts()</tt> to compute the values.
-The program includes test logic that verifies if the contents of the
-square root table are correct. When you have completed your task
-successfully, the process will print &ldquo;All tests passed!&rdquo;.
-<p>You may find that the man pages for mmap() and munmap() are helpful references.
-$ man mmap
-$ man munmap
-<h2>Implement memory-mapped files in xv6</h2>
-<p>In this assignment you will implement memory-mapped files in xv6.
- The test program <tt>mmaptest</tt> tells you what should work.
-<p>Here are some hints about how you might go about this assignment:
- <ul>
- <li>Start with adding the two systems calls to the kernel, as you
- done for other systems calls (e.g., <tt>sigalarm</tt>), but
- don't implement them yet; just return an
- error. run <tt>mmaptest</tt> to observe the error.
- <li>Keep track for each process what <tt>mmap</tt> has mapped.
- You will need to allocate a <tt>struct vma</tt> to record the
- address, length, permissions, etc. for each virtual memory area
- (VMA) that maps a file. Since the xv6 kernel doesn't have a
- memory allocator in the kernel, you can use the same approach has
- for <tt>struct file</tt>: have a global array of <tt>struct
- vma</tt>s and have for each process a fixed-sized array of VMAs
- (like the file descriptor array).
- <li>Implement <tt>mmap</tt>: allocate a VMA, add it to the process's
- table of VMAs, fill in the VMA, and find a hole in the process's
- address space where you will map the file. You can assume that no
- file will be bigger than 1GB. The VMA will contain a pointer to
- a <tt>struct file</tt> for the file being mapped; you will need to
- increase the file's reference count so that the structure doesn't
- disappear when the file is closed (hint:
- see <tt>filedup</tt>). You don't have worry about overlapping
- VMAs. Run <tt>mmaptest</tt>: the first <tt>mmap</tt> should
- succeed, but the first access to the mmaped- memory will fail,
- because you haven't updated the page fault handler.
- <li>Modify the page-fault handler from the lazy-allocation and COW
- labs to call a VMA function that handles page faults in VMAs.
- This function allocates a page, reads a 4KB from the mmap-ed
- file into the page, and maps the page into the address space of
- the process. To read the page, you can use <tt>readi</tt>,
- which allows you to specify an offset from where to read in the
- file (but you will have to lock/unlock the inode passed
- to <tt>readi</tt>). Don't forget to set the permissions correctly
- on the page. Run <tt>mmaptest</tt>; you should get to the
- first <tt>munmap</tt>.
- <li>Implement <tt>munmap</tt>: find the <tt>struct vma</tt> for
- the address and unmap the specified pages (hint:
- use <tt>uvmunmap</tt>). If <tt>munmap</tt> removes all pages
- from a VMA, you will have to free the VMA (don't forget to
- decrement the reference count of the VMA's <tt>struct
- file</tt>); otherwise, you may have to shrink the VMA. You can
- assume that <tt>munmap</tt> will not split a VMA into two VMAs;
- that is, we don't unmap a few pages in the middle of a VMA. If
- an unmapped page has been modified and the file is
- mapped <tt>MAP_SHARED</tt>, you will have to write the page back
- to the file. RISC-V has a dirty bit (<tt>D</tt>) in a PTE to
- record whether a page has ever been written too; add the
- declaration to kernel/riscv.h and use it. Modify <tt>exit</tt>
- to call <tt>munmap</tt> for the process's open VMAs.
- Run <tt>mmaptest</tt>; you should <tt>mmaptest</tt>, but
- probably not <tt>forktest</tt>.
- <li>Modify <tt>fork</tt> to copy VMAs from parent to child. Don't
- forget to increment reference count for a VMA's <tt>struct
- file</tt>. In the page fault handler of the child, it is OK to
- allocate a new page instead of sharing the page with the
- parent. The latter would be cooler, but it would require more
- implementation work. Run <tt>mmaptest</tt>; make sure you pass
- both <tt>mmaptest</tt> and <tt>forktest</tt>.
- </ul>
-<p>Run usertests to make sure you didn't break anything.
-<p>Optional challenges:
- <ul>
- <li>If two processes have the same file mmap-ed (as
- in <tt>forktest</tt>), share their physical pages. You will need
- reference counts on physical pages.
- <li>The solution above allocates a new physical page for each page
- read from the mmap-ed file, even though the data is also in kernel
- memory in the buffer cache. Modify your implementation to mmap
- that memory, instead of allocating a new page. This requires that
- file blocks be the same size as pages (set <tt>BSIZE</tt> to
- 4096). You will need to pin mmap-ed blocks into the buffer cache.
- You will need worry about reference counts.
- <li>Remove redundancy between your implementation for lazy
- allocation and your implementation of mmapp-ed files. (Hint:
- create an VMA for the lazy allocation area.)
- <li>Modify <tt>exec</tt> to use a VMA for different sections of
- the binary so that you get on-demand-paged executables. This will
- make starting programs faster, because <tt>exec</tt> will not have
- to read any data from the file system.
- <li>Implement on-demand paging: don't keep a process in memory,
- but let the kernel move some parts of processes to disk when
- physical memory is low. Then, page in the paged-out memory when
- the process references it. Port your linux program from the first
- assignment to xv6 and run it.
- </ul>