path: root/main.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'main.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9924e64..0000000
--- a/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-#include "types.h"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "memlayout.h"
-#include "mmu.h"
-#include "proc.h"
-#include "x86.h"
-static void startothers(void);
-static void mpmain(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
-extern pde_t *kpgdir;
-extern char end[]; // first address after kernel loaded from ELF file
-// Bootstrap processor starts running C code here.
-// Allocate a real stack and switch to it, first
-// doing some setup required for memory allocator to work.
- kinit1(end, P2V(4*1024*1024)); // phys page allocator
- kvmalloc(); // kernel page table
- mpinit(); // detect other processors
- lapicinit(); // interrupt controller
- seginit(); // segment descriptors
- picinit(); // disable pic
- ioapicinit(); // another interrupt controller
- consoleinit(); // console hardware
- uartinit(); // serial port
- pinit(); // process table
- tvinit(); // trap vectors
- binit(); // buffer cache
- fileinit(); // file table
- ideinit(); // disk
- startothers(); // start other processors
- kinit2(P2V(4*1024*1024), P2V(PHYSTOP)); // must come after startothers()
- userinit(); // first user process
- mpmain(); // finish this processor's setup
-// Other CPUs jump here from entryother.S.
-static void
- switchkvm();
- seginit();
- lapicinit();
- mpmain();
-// Common CPU setup code.
-static void
- cprintf("cpu%d: starting %d\n", cpuid(), cpuid());
- idtinit(); // load idt register
- xchg(&(mycpu()->started), 1); // tell startothers() we're up
- scheduler(); // start running processes
-pde_t entrypgdir[]; // For entry.S
-// Start the non-boot (AP) processors.
-static void
- extern uchar _binary_entryother_start[], _binary_entryother_size[];
- uchar *code;
- struct cpu *c;
- char *stack;
- // Write entry code to unused memory at 0x7000.
- // The linker has placed the image of entryother.S in
- // _binary_entryother_start.
- code = P2V(0x7000);
- memmove(code, _binary_entryother_start, (uint)_binary_entryother_size);
- for(c = cpus; c < cpus+ncpu; c++){
- if(c == mycpu()) // We've started already.
- continue;
- // Tell entryother.S what stack to use, where to enter, and what
- // pgdir to use. We cannot use kpgdir yet, because the AP processor
- // is running in low memory, so we use entrypgdir for the APs too.
- stack = kalloc();
- *(void**)(code-4) = stack + KSTACKSIZE;
- *(void(**)(void))(code-8) = mpenter;
- *(int**)(code-12) = (void *) V2P(entrypgdir);
- lapicstartap(c->apicid, V2P(code));
- // wait for cpu to finish mpmain()
- while(c->started == 0)
- ;
- }
-// The boot page table used in entry.S and entryother.S.
-// Page directories (and page tables) must start on page boundaries,
-// hence the __aligned__ attribute.
-// PTE_PS in a page directory entry enables 4Mbyte pages.
-pde_t entrypgdir[NPDENTRIES] = {
- // Map VA's [0, 4MB) to PA's [0, 4MB)
- [0] = (0) | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_PS,
- // Map VA's [KERNBASE, KERNBASE+4MB) to PA's [0, 4MB)
-// Blank page.
-// Blank page.
-// Blank page.