path: root/trapasm.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'trapasm.S')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/trapasm.S b/trapasm.S
index da8aefc..b6dbb1a 100644
--- a/trapasm.S
+++ b/trapasm.S
@@ -1,32 +1,136 @@
+#include "param.h"
+#include "x86.h"
#include "mmu.h"
- # vectors.S sends all traps here.
+# vectors.S sends all traps here.
.globl alltraps
# Build trap frame.
- pushl %ds
- pushl %es
- pushl %fs
- pushl %gs
- pushal
- # Set up data segments.
- movw $(SEG_KDATA<<3), %ax
- movw %ax, %ds
- movw %ax, %es
+ push %r15
+ push %r14
+ push %r13
+ push %r12
+ push %r11
+ push %r10
+ push %r9
+ push %r8
+ push %rdi
+ push %rsi
+ push %rbp
+ push %rdx
+ push %rcx
+ push %rbx
+ push %rax
- # Call trap(tf), where tf=%esp
- pushl %esp
+ cmpw $KCSEG, 32(%rsp) # compare to saved cs
+ jz 1f
+ swapgs
+1:mov %rsp, %rdi # frame in arg1
call trap
- addl $4, %esp
- # Return falls through to trapret...
+# Return falls through to trapret...
.globl trapret
- popal
- popl %gs
- popl %fs
- popl %es
- popl %ds
- addl $0x8, %esp # trapno and errcode
- iret
+ cli
+ cmpw $KCSEG, 32(%rsp) # compare to saved cs
+ jz 1f
+ swapgs
+1:pop %rax
+ pop %rbx
+ pop %rcx
+ pop %rdx
+ pop %rbp
+ pop %rsi
+ pop %rdi
+ pop %r8
+ pop %r9
+ pop %r10
+ pop %r11
+ pop %r12
+ pop %r13
+ pop %r14
+ pop %r15
+ add $16, %rsp # discard trapnum and errorcode
+ iretq
+# syscall_entry jumps here after syscall instruction
+.globl sysentry
+sysentry: # Build trap frame.
+ // load kernel stack address
+ swapgs
+ movq %rax, %gs:0 // save %rax in syscallno of cpu entry
+ movq %rsp, %gs:8 // user sp
+ movq %gs:16, %rax // proc entry
+ movq %ss:0(%rax), %rax // load kstack from proc
+ addq $(KSTACKSIZE), %rax
+ movq %rax, %rsp
+ movq %gs:0, %rax // restore rax
+ // push usp
+ push $0
+ push %gs:8
+ // safe eflags and eip
+ push %r11
+ push $UCSEG
+ push %rcx
+ // push errno and trapno to make stack look like a trap
+ push $0
+ push $64
+ // push values on kernel stack
+ push %r15
+ push %r14
+ push %r13
+ push %r12
+ push %r11
+ push %r10
+ push %r9
+ push %r8
+ push %rdi
+ push %rsi
+ push %rbp
+ push %rdx
+ push %rcx
+ push %rbx
+ push %rax
+ mov %rsp, %rdi # frame in arg1
+ call trap
+# Return falls through to trapret...
+.globl sysexit
+ # to make sure we don't get any interrupts on the user stack while in
+ # supervisor mode. insufficient? (see vunerability reports for sysret)
+ cli
+ pop %rax
+ pop %rbx
+ pop %rcx
+ pop %rdx
+ pop %rbp
+ pop %rsi
+ pop %rdi
+ pop %r8
+ pop %r9
+ pop %r10
+ pop %r11
+ pop %r12
+ pop %r13
+ pop %r14
+ pop %r15
+ add $(5*8), %rsp # discard trapnum, errorcode, rip, cs and rflags
+ mov (%rsp),%rsp # switch to the user stack
+ swapgs
+ sysretq