path: root/traps.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/traps.h b/traps.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e8a444..0000000
--- a/traps.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// x86 trap and interrupt constants.
-// Processor-defined:
-#define T_DIVIDE 0 // divide error
-#define T_DEBUG 1 // debug exception
-#define T_NMI 2 // non-maskable interrupt
-#define T_BRKPT 3 // breakpoint
-#define T_OFLOW 4 // overflow
-#define T_BOUND 5 // bounds check
-#define T_ILLOP 6 // illegal opcode
-#define T_DEVICE 7 // device not available
-#define T_DBLFLT 8 // double fault
-// #define T_COPROC 9 // reserved (not used since 486)
-#define T_TSS 10 // invalid task switch segment
-#define T_SEGNP 11 // segment not present
-#define T_STACK 12 // stack exception
-#define T_GPFLT 13 // general protection fault
-#define T_PGFLT 14 // page fault
-// #define T_RES 15 // reserved
-#define T_FPERR 16 // floating point error
-#define T_ALIGN 17 // aligment check
-#define T_MCHK 18 // machine check
-#define T_SIMDERR 19 // SIMD floating point error
-#define T_DEFAULT 500 // catchall
-#define T_IRQ0 32 // IRQ 0 corresponds to int T_IRQ
-#define IRQ_TIMER 0
-#define IRQ_KBD 1
-#define IRQ_COM1 4
-#define IRQ_IDE 14
-#define IRQ_ERROR 19
-#define IRQ_SPURIOUS 31