From f53494c28e362fb7752bbc83417b9ba47cff0bf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rsc Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 04:50:04 +0000 Subject: DO NOT MAIL: xv6 web pages --- web/xv6-intro.html | 163 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 163 insertions(+) create mode 100644 web/xv6-intro.html (limited to 'web/xv6-intro.html') diff --git a/web/xv6-intro.html b/web/xv6-intro.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3669866 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/xv6-intro.html @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +Homework: intro to xv6 + + + + + +

Homework: intro to xv6

+ +

This lecture is the introduction to xv6, our re-implementation of + Unix v6. Read the source code in the assigned files. You won't have + to understand the details yet; we will focus on how the first + user-level process comes into existence after the computer is turned + on. +

+ +Hand-In Procedure +

+You are to turn in this homework during lecture. Please +write up your answers to the exercises below and hand them in to a +6.828 staff member at the beginning of lecture. +

+ +

Assignment: +
+Fetch and un-tar the xv6 source: + +

+sh-3.00$ wget 
+sh-3.00$ tar xzvf xv6-rev1.tar.gz
+ +Build xv6: +
+$ cd xv6
+$ make
+gcc -O -nostdinc -I. -c bootmain.c
+gcc -nostdinc -I. -c bootasm.S
+ld -N -e start -Ttext 0x7C00 -o bootblock.o bootasm.o bootmain.o
+objdump -S bootblock.o > bootblock.asm
+objcopy -S -O binary bootblock.o bootblock
+ +Find the address of the main function by +looking in kernel.asm: +
+% grep main kernel.asm
+00102454 <mpmain>:
+001024d0 <main>:
+  10250d:       79 f1                   jns    102500 <main+0x30>
+  1025f3:       76 6f                   jbe    102664 <main+0x194>
+  102611:       74 2f                   je     102642 <main+0x172>
+In this case, the address is 001024d0. +

+ +Run the kernel inside Bochs, setting a breakpoint +at the beginning of main (i.e., the address +you just found). +

+$ make bochs
+if [ ! -e .bochsrc ]; then ln -s dot-bochsrc .bochsrc; fi
+bochs -q
+                       Bochs x86 Emulator 2.2.6
+                    (6.828 distribution release 1)
+00000000000i[     ] reading configuration from .bochsrc
+00000000000i[     ] installing x module as the Bochs GUI
+00000000000i[     ] Warning: no rc file specified.
+00000000000i[     ] using log file bochsout.txt
+Next at t=0
+(0) [0xfffffff0] f000:fff0 (unk. ctxt): jmp far f000:e05b         ; ea5be000f0
+(1) [0xfffffff0] f000:fff0 (unk. ctxt): jmp far f000:e05b         ; ea5be000f0
+ +Look at the registers and the stack contents: + +
+<bochs> info reg
+<bochs> print-stack
+ +Which part of the stack printout is actually the stack? +(Hint: not all of it.) Identify all the non-zero values +on the stack.

+ +Turn in: the output of print-stack with +the valid part of the stack marked. Write a short (3-5 word) +comment next to each non-zero value explaining what it is. +

+ +Now look at kernel.asm for the instructions in main that read: +

+  10251e:       8b 15 00 78 10 00       mov    0x107800,%edx
+  102524:       8d 04 92                lea    (%edx,%edx,4),%eax
+  102527:       8d 04 42                lea    (%edx,%eax,2),%eax
+  10252a:       c1 e0 04                shl    $0x4,%eax
+  10252d:       01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax
+  10252f:       8d 04 85 1c ad 10 00    lea    0x10ad1c(,%eax,4),%eax
+  102536:       89 c4                   mov    %eax,%esp
+(The addresses and constants might be different on your system, +and the compiler might use imul instead of the lea,lea,shl,add,lea sequence. +Look for the move into %esp). +

+ +Which lines in main.c do these instructions correspond to? +

+ +Set a breakpoint at the first of those instructions +and let the program run until the breakpoint: +

+<bochs> vb 0x8:0x10251e
+<bochs> s
+<bochs> c
+(0) Breakpoint 2, 0x0010251e (0x0008:0x0010251e)
+Next at t=1157430
+(0) [0x0010251e] 0008:0x0010251e (unk. ctxt): mov edx, dword ptr ds:0x107800 ; 8b1500781000
+(1) [0xfffffff0] f000:fff0 (unk. ctxt): jmp far f000:e05b         ; ea5be000f0
+(The first s command is necessary +to single-step past the breakpoint at main, otherwise c +will not make any progress.) +

+ +Inspect the registers and stack again +(info reg and print-stack). +Then step past those seven instructions +(s 7) +and inspect them again. +Convince yourself that the stack has changed correctly. +

+ +Turn in: answers to the following questions. +Look at the assembly for the call to +lapic_init that occurs after the +the stack switch. Where does the +bcpu argument come from? +What would have happened if main +stored bcpu +on the stack before those four assembly instructions? +Would the code still work? Why or why not? +

+ + + -- cgit v1.2.3