#include <types.h> #include <x86.h> #include "defs.h" /* * copy console output to parallel port, which you can tell * .bochsrc to copy to the stdout: * parport1: enabled=1, file="/dev/stdout" */ static void lpt_putc(int c) { int i; for (i = 0; !(inb(0x378+1) & 0x80) && i < 12800; i++) ; outb(0x378+0, c); outb(0x378+2, 0x08|0x04|0x01); outb(0x378+2, 0x08); } void cons_putc(int c) { int crtport = 0x3d4; // io port of CGA unsigned short *crt = (unsigned short *) 0xB8000; // base of CGA memory int ind; lpt_putc(c); // cursor position, 16 bits, col + 80*row outb(crtport, 14); ind = inb(crtport + 1) << 8; outb(crtport, 15); ind |= inb(crtport + 1); c &= 0xff; if(c == '\n'){ ind -= (ind % 80); ind += 80; } else { c |= 0x0700; // black on white crt[ind] = c; ind += 1; } if((ind / 80) >= 24){ // scroll up memcpy(crt, crt + 80, sizeof(crt[0]) * (23 * 80)); ind -= 80; memset(crt + ind, 0, sizeof(crt[0]) * ((24 * 80) - ind)); } outb(crtport, 14); outb(crtport + 1, ind >> 8); outb(crtport, 15); outb(crtport + 1, ind); } void printint(int xx, int base, int sgn) { char buf[16]; char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; int i = 0, neg = 0; unsigned int x; if(sgn && xx < 0){ neg = 1; x = 0 - xx; } else { x = xx; } do { buf[i++] = digits[x % base]; } while((x /= base) != 0); if(neg) buf[i++] = '-'; while(i > 0){ i -= 1; cons_putc(buf[i]); } } /* * print to the console. only understands %d and %x. */ void cprintf(char *fmt, ...) { int i, state = 0, c; unsigned int *ap = (unsigned int *) &fmt + 1; for(i = 0; fmt[i]; i++){ c = fmt[i] & 0xff; if(state == 0){ if(c == '%'){ state = '%'; } else { cons_putc(c); } } else if(state == '%'){ if(c == 'd'){ printint(*ap, 10, 1); ap++; } else if(c == 'x'){ printint(*ap, 16, 0); ap++; } else if(c == '%'){ cons_putc(c); } state = 0; } } } void panic(char *s) { cprintf(s, 0); cprintf("\n", 0); while(1) ; }