#include "types.h" #include "stat.h" #include "param.h" #include "x86.h" #include "mmu.h" #include "proc.h" #include "defs.h" #include "spinlock.h" #include "buf.h" #include "fs.h" #include "fsvar.h" #include "dev.h" // Inode table. The inode table is an in-memory cache of the // on-disk inode structures. If an inode in the table has a non-zero // reference count, then some open files refer to it and it must stay // in memory. If an inode has a zero reference count, it is only in // memory as a cache in hopes of being used again (avoiding a disk read). // Any inode with reference count zero can be evicted from the table. // // In addition to having a reference count, inodes can be marked busy // (just like bufs), meaning that some code has logically locked the // inode, and others are not allowed to look at it. // This locking can last for a long // time (for example, if the inode is busy during a disk access), // so we don't use spin locks. Instead, if a process wants to use // a particular inode, it must sleep(ip) to wait for it to be not busy. // See iget below. struct inode inode[NINODE]; struct spinlock inode_table_lock; uint rootdev = 1; void iinit(void) { initlock(&inode_table_lock, "inode_table"); } // Allocate a disk block. static uint balloc(uint dev) { int b, bi, m, ninodes, size; struct buf *bp; struct superblock *sb; bp = bread(dev, 1); sb = (struct superblock*) bp->data; size = sb->size; ninodes = sb->ninodes; for(b = 0; b < size; b++) { if(b % BPB == 0) { brelse(bp); bp = bread(dev, BBLOCK(b, ninodes)); } bi = b % BPB; m = 0x1 << (bi % 8); if((bp->data[bi/8] & m) == 0) { // is block free? bp->data[bi/8] |= 0x1 << (bi % 8); bwrite(bp, BBLOCK(b, ninodes)); // mark it allocated on disk brelse(bp); return b; } } panic("balloc: out of blocks"); } // Free a disk block. static void bfree(int dev, uint b) { struct buf *bp; struct superblock *sb; int bi, m, ninodes; bp = bread(dev, 1); sb = (struct superblock*) bp->data; ninodes = sb->ninodes; brelse(bp); bp = bread(dev, b); memset(bp->data, 0, BSIZE); bwrite(bp, b); brelse(bp); bp = bread(dev, BBLOCK(b, ninodes)); bi = b % BPB; m = 0x1 << (bi % 8); bp->data[bi/8] &= ~m; bwrite(bp, BBLOCK(b, ninodes)); // mark it free on disk brelse(bp); } // Find the inode with number inum on device dev // and return an in-memory copy. Loads the inode // from disk into the in-core table if necessary. // The returned inode has busy set and has its ref count incremented. // Caller must iput the return value when done with it. struct inode* iget(uint dev, uint inum) { struct inode *ip, *nip; struct dinode *dip; struct buf *bp; acquire(&inode_table_lock); loop: nip = 0; for(ip = &inode[0]; ip < &inode[NINODE]; ip++){ if(ip->ref > 0 && ip->dev == dev && ip->inum == inum){ if(ip->busy){ sleep(ip, &inode_table_lock); // Since we droped inode_table_lock, ip might have been reused // for some other inode entirely. Must start the scan over, // and hopefully this time we will find the inode we want // and it will not be busy. goto loop; } ip->ref++; ip->busy = 1; release(&inode_table_lock); return ip; } if(nip == 0 && ip->ref == 0) nip = ip; } if(nip == 0) panic("iget: no inodes"); nip->dev = dev; nip->inum = inum; nip->ref = 1; nip->busy = 1; release(&inode_table_lock); bp = bread(dev, IBLOCK(inum)); dip = &((struct dinode*)(bp->data))[inum % IPB]; nip->type = dip->type; nip->major = dip->major; nip->minor = dip->minor; nip->nlink = dip->nlink; nip->size = dip->size; memmove(nip->addrs, dip->addrs, sizeof(nip->addrs)); brelse(bp); return nip; } // Copy inode in memory, which has changed, to disk. // Caller must have locked ip. void iupdate(struct inode *ip) { struct buf *bp; struct dinode *dip; bp = bread(ip->dev, IBLOCK(ip->inum)); dip = &((struct dinode*)(bp->data))[ip->inum % IPB]; dip->type = ip->type; dip->major = ip->major; dip->minor = ip->minor; dip->nlink = ip->nlink; dip->size = ip->size; memmove(dip->addrs, ip->addrs, sizeof(ip->addrs)); bwrite(bp, IBLOCK(ip->inum)); brelse(bp); } // Allocate a new inode with the given type // from the file system on device dev. struct inode* ialloc(uint dev, short type) { struct inode *ip; struct dinode *dip; struct superblock *sb; int ninodes; int inum; struct buf *bp; bp = bread(dev, 1); sb = (struct superblock*) bp->data; ninodes = sb->ninodes; brelse(bp); for(inum = 1; inum < ninodes; inum++) { // loop over inode blocks bp = bread(dev, IBLOCK(inum)); dip = &((struct dinode*)(bp->data))[inum % IPB]; if(dip->type == 0) { // a free inode memset(dip, 0, sizeof(*dip)); dip->type = type; bwrite(bp, IBLOCK(inum)); // mark it allocated on the disk brelse(bp); ip = iget(dev, inum); return ip; } brelse(bp); } panic("ialloc: no inodes"); } // Free the given inode from its file system. static void ifree(struct inode *ip) { ip->type = 0; iupdate(ip); } // Lock the given inode (wait for it to be not busy, // and then ip->busy). // Caller must already hold a reference to ip. // Otherwise, if all the references to ip go away, // it might be reused underfoot. void ilock(struct inode *ip) { if(ip->ref < 1) panic("ilock"); acquire(&inode_table_lock); while(ip->busy) sleep(ip, &inode_table_lock); ip->busy = 1; release(&inode_table_lock); } // Caller holds reference to ip and has locked it. // Caller no longer needs to examine / change it. // Unlock it, but keep the reference. void iunlock(struct inode *ip) { if(ip->busy != 1 || ip->ref < 1) panic("iunlock"); acquire(&inode_table_lock); ip->busy = 0; wakeup(ip); release(&inode_table_lock); } // Return the disk block address of the nth block in inode ip. uint bmap(struct inode *ip, uint bn) { uint *a, x; struct buf *inbp; if(bn >= MAXFILE) panic("bmap 1"); if(bn < NDIRECT) { x = ip->addrs[bn]; if(x == 0) panic("bmap 2"); } else { if(ip->addrs[INDIRECT] == 0) panic("bmap 3"); inbp = bread(ip->dev, ip->addrs[INDIRECT]); a = (uint*) inbp->data; x = a[bn - NDIRECT]; brelse(inbp); if(x == 0) panic("bmap 4"); } return x; } // Truncate the inode ip, discarding all its data blocks. void itrunc(struct inode *ip) { int i, j; struct buf *inbp; uint *a; for(i = 0; i < NADDRS; i++) { if(ip->addrs[i] != 0) { if(i == INDIRECT) { inbp = bread(ip->dev, ip->addrs[INDIRECT]); a = (uint*)inbp->data; for(j = 0; j < NINDIRECT; j++) { if(a[j] != 0) { bfree(ip->dev, a[j]); a[j] = 0; } } brelse(inbp); } bfree(ip->dev, ip->addrs[i]); ip->addrs[i] = 0; } } ip->size = 0; iupdate(ip); } // Caller holds reference to ip and has locked it, // possibly editing it. // Release lock and drop the reference. void iput(struct inode *ip) { if(ip->ref < 1 || ip->busy != 1) panic("iput"); if((ip->ref == 1) && (ip->nlink == 0)) { itrunc(ip); ifree(ip); } acquire(&inode_table_lock); ip->ref -= 1; ip->busy = 0; wakeup(ip); release(&inode_table_lock); } // Caller holds reference to ip but not lock. // Drop reference. void idecref(struct inode *ip) { ilock(ip); iput(ip); } // Increment reference count for ip. // Returns ip to enable ip = iincref(ip1) idiom. struct inode* iincref(struct inode *ip) { ilock(ip); ip->ref++; iunlock(ip); return ip; } // Copy stat information from inode. void stati(struct inode *ip, struct stat *st) { st->dev = ip->dev; st->ino = ip->inum; st->type = ip->type; st->nlink = ip->nlink; st->size = ip->size; } #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) // Read data from inode. int readi(struct inode *ip, char *dst, uint off, uint n) { uint target, n1; struct buf *bp; if(ip->type == T_DEV) { if(ip->major < 0 || ip->major >= NDEV || !devsw[ip->major].read) return -1; return devsw[ip->major].read(ip->minor, dst, n); } target = n; while(n > 0 && off < ip->size){ bp = bread(ip->dev, bmap(ip, off / BSIZE)); n1 = min(n, ip->size - off); n1 = min(n1, BSIZE - (off % BSIZE)); memmove(dst, bp->data + (off % BSIZE), n1); n -= n1; off += n1; dst += n1; brelse(bp); } return target - n; } // Allocate the nth block in inode ip if necessary. static int newblock(struct inode *ip, uint lbn) { struct buf *inbp; uint *inaddrs; uint b; if(lbn < NDIRECT) { if(ip->addrs[lbn] == 0) { b = balloc(ip->dev); if(b <= 0) return -1; ip->addrs[lbn] = b; } } else { if(ip->addrs[INDIRECT] == 0) { b = balloc(ip->dev); if(b <= 0) return -1; ip->addrs[INDIRECT] = b; } inbp = bread(ip->dev, ip->addrs[INDIRECT]); inaddrs = (uint*) inbp->data; if(inaddrs[lbn - NDIRECT] == 0) { b = balloc(ip->dev); if(b <= 0) return -1; inaddrs[lbn - NDIRECT] = b; bwrite(inbp, ip->addrs[INDIRECT]); } brelse(inbp); } return 0; } // Write data to inode. int writei(struct inode *ip, char *addr, uint off, uint n) { struct buf *bp; int r, m, lbn; if(ip->type == T_DEV) { if(ip->major < 0 || ip->major >= NDEV || !devsw[ip->major].write) return -1; return devsw[ip->major].write(ip->minor, addr, n); } for(r=0; r<n; ) { lbn = off / BSIZE; if(lbn >= MAXFILE) return r; if(newblock(ip, lbn) < 0) { cprintf("newblock failed\n"); return r; } m = min(BSIZE - off % BSIZE, n-r); bp = bread(ip->dev, bmap(ip, lbn)); memmove(bp->data + off % BSIZE, addr, m); bwrite(bp, bmap(ip, lbn)); brelse(bp); r += m; off += m; } if(r > 0 && off > ip->size) { if(ip->type == T_DIR) ip->size = ((off / BSIZE) + 1) * BSIZE; else ip->size = off; iupdate(ip); } return r; } // Skip over the next path element in path, // saving it in *name and its length in *len. // Return a pointer to the element after that // (after any trailing slashes). // Thus the caller can check whether *path=='\0' // to see whether the name just removed was // the last one. // If there is no name to remove, return 0. // // Examples: // skipelem("a/bb/c") = "bb/c", with *name = "a/bb/c", len=1 // skipelem("///a/bb") = "b", with *name="a/bb", len=1 // skipelem("") = skipelem("////") = 0 // static char* skipelem(char *path, char **name, int *len) { while(*path == '/') path++; if(*path == 0) return 0; *name = path; while(*path != '/' && *path != 0) path++; *len = path - *name; while(*path == '/') path++; return path; } // Look for a directory entry in a directory. // If not found, return -1. // If found: // set *poff to the byte offset of the directory entry // set *pinum to the inode number // return 0. static int lookup(struct inode *dp, char *name, int namelen, uint *poff, uint *pinum) { uint off; struct buf *bp; struct dirent *de; if(dp->type != T_DIR) return -1; for(off = 0; off < dp->size; off += BSIZE){ bp = bread(dp->dev, bmap(dp, off / BSIZE)); for(de = (struct dirent*) bp->data; de < (struct dirent*) (bp->data + BSIZE); de++){ if(de->inum == 0) continue; if(memcmp(name, de->name, namelen) == 0 && (namelen == DIRSIZ || de->name[namelen]== 0)){ // entry matches path element *poff = off + (uchar*)de - bp->data; *pinum = de->inum; brelse(bp); return 0; } } brelse(bp); } return -1; } // look up a path name, in one of three modes. // NAMEI_LOOKUP: return locked target inode. // NAMEI_CREATE: return locked parent inode. // return 0 if name does exist. // *ret_last points to last path component (i.e. new file name). // *ret_ip points to the the name that did exist, if it did. // *ret_ip and *ret_last may be zero even if return value is zero. // NAMEI_DELETE: return locked parent inode, offset of dirent in *ret_off. // return 0 if name doesn't exist. struct inode* namei(char *path, int mode, uint *ret_off, char **ret_last, struct inode **ret_ip) { struct inode *dp; char *name; int namelen; uint off, dev, inum; if(ret_off) *ret_off = 0xffffffff; if(ret_last) *ret_last = 0; if(ret_ip) *ret_ip = 0; if(*path == '/') dp = iget(rootdev, 1); else { dp = iincref(cp->cwd); ilock(dp); } while((path = skipelem(path, &name, &namelen)) != 0){ // Truncate names in path to DIRSIZ chars. if(namelen > DIRSIZ) namelen = DIRSIZ; if(dp->type != T_DIR) goto fail; if(lookup(dp, name, namelen, &off, &inum) < 0){ if(mode == NAMEI_CREATE && *path == '\0'){ *ret_last = name; return dp; } goto fail; } if(mode == NAMEI_DELETE && *path == '\0'){ // can't unlink . and .. if((namelen == 1 && memcmp(name, ".", 1) == 0) || (namelen == 2 && memcmp(name, "..", 2) == 0)){ goto fail; } *ret_off = off; return dp; } dev = dp->dev; iput(dp); dp = iget(dev, inum); if(dp->type == 0 || dp->nlink < 1) panic("namei"); } if(mode == NAMEI_LOOKUP) return dp; if(mode == NAMEI_CREATE && ret_ip){ *ret_ip = dp; return 0; } goto fail; fail: iput(dp); return 0; } // Write a new directory entry (name, ino) into the directory dp. // Caller must have locked dp. void wdir(struct inode *dp, char *name, uint ino) { uint off; struct dirent de; int i; for(off = 0; off < dp->size; off += sizeof(de)){ if(readi(dp, (char*) &de, off, sizeof(de)) != sizeof(de)) panic("wdir read"); if(de.inum == 0) break; } de.inum = ino; for(i = 0; i < DIRSIZ && name[i]; i++) de.name[i] = name[i]; for( ; i < DIRSIZ; i++) de.name[i] = '\0'; if(writei(dp, (char*) &de, off, sizeof(de)) != sizeof(de)) panic("wdir write"); } // Create the path and return its locked inode structure. // If cp already exists, return 0. struct inode* mknod(char *path, short type, short major, short minor) { struct inode *ip, *dp; char *last; if((dp = namei(path, NAMEI_CREATE, 0, &last, 0)) == 0) return 0; ip = mknod1(dp, last, type, major, minor); iput(dp); return ip; } // Create a new inode named name inside dp // and return its locked inode structure. // If name already exists, return 0. struct inode* mknod1(struct inode *dp, char *name, short type, short major, short minor) { struct inode *ip; ip = ialloc(dp->dev, type); if(ip == 0) return 0; ip->major = major; ip->minor = minor; ip->size = 0; ip->nlink = 1; iupdate(ip); // write new inode to disk wdir(dp, name, ip->inum); return ip; } // Unlink the inode named cp. int unlink(char *path) { struct inode *ip, *dp; struct dirent de; uint off, inum, dev; dp = namei(path, NAMEI_DELETE, &off, 0, 0); if(dp == 0) return -1; dev = dp->dev; if(readi(dp, (char*)&de, off, sizeof(de)) != sizeof(de) || de.inum == 0) panic("unlink no entry"); // Cannot remove "." or ".." - the 2 and 3 count the trailing NUL. if(memcmp(de.name, ".", 2) == 0 || memcmp(de.name, "..", 3) == 0){ iput(dp); return -1; } inum = de.inum; memset(&de, 0, sizeof(de)); if(writei(dp, (char*)&de, off, sizeof(de)) != sizeof(de)) panic("unlink dir write"); iupdate(dp); iput(dp); ip = iget(dev, inum); if(ip->nlink < 1) panic("unlink nlink < 1"); ip->nlink--; iupdate(ip); iput(ip); return 0; } // Create the path new as a link to the same inode as old. int link(char *name1, char *name2) { struct inode *ip, *dp; char *last; if((ip = namei(name1, NAMEI_LOOKUP, 0, 0, 0)) == 0) return -1; if(ip->type == T_DIR){ iput(ip); return -1; } iunlock(ip); if((dp = namei(name2, NAMEI_CREATE, 0, &last, 0)) == 0) { idecref(ip); return -1; } if(dp->dev != ip->dev){ idecref(ip); iput(dp); return -1; } ilock(ip); ip->nlink++; iupdate(ip); wdir(dp, last, ip->inum); iput(dp); iput(ip); return 0; }